The Death Knell

Chapter 4201 The Honest God

Just when Su Ming lamented that he was destined to darkness, the Black Gods seemed to have survived the psychological shock brought by Wade.

Since the god doesn't have a real digestive system, he can't actually spit out anything.

But just after his resurrection, facing such an impactful new era, it was normal for him to be in a daze.

There are white luminous grilles on the dark face, which are his eyes. Different from the colorful gods, the patterns on its body appear brighter, perhaps due to the effect of contrasting colors.

The black and white combination is good. It is as conspicuous as a fluorescent tube in the dark night. The white color is so pure that it looks blue to the human eye.

"Hello, hey, this way."

Su Ming took the initiative to talk to the god, and waved his hand a few times. White gravel was falling from the cracks in the shell of the god. When the wind blew, it spread in the air, like gauze.

The god lowered his hands holding his head, and his cylindrical head rotated along with his upper body, looking at the people flying aside.

He thought for a moment when he saw the death knell, and seemed to recognize the armor, and then his voice rang out:

"Hello, it turns out to be Human Death Knell. I saw you in the first reincarnation. Did you save me?"

Although Deadpool did something not long ago that caused all the other dark gods to explode, Deathstroke was not guilty at all and patted his chest:

"Yes, I saved you. Unfortunately, your compatriots are all dead. It was the Colored Gods who did it. I can only help you kill them. By the way, you said you had seen me, but I didn't at that time Saw you near the First Firmament?”

The black god paused for a moment, then stood up, bringing more sand to the sky and earth. He did feel the breath of the colorful god nearby, but he was very unfamiliar with the surrounding environment.

Therefore, he believed the death knell's statement. While feeling lonely and at a loss, he also answered the question politely:

"When you and these two arrived, we also existed in the future at that point in time. It's just that we were black and blended into the dark void. We had no actual form. You just didn't notice. After all, everyone likes us. Brightly colored toys, haha.”

He actually laughs......

This made Su Ming re-evaluate it in his mind, and he also laughed. He pointed to his uniform:

"You can't say that. You like black and white, and I like black and yellow, so we are actually very similar."

The colossus-like black god was hundreds of kilometers high, but he squatted down again to facilitate communication. This made Su Ming know for the first time that the knees of the god group could also bend.

The expression of the god could not be seen, only the compound eye structure on the face like a glowing radiator could be seen, but the thunderous voice sounded again:

"Perhaps it was my father who saw your color and decided not to color it for us, but that was a long, long time ago. For us, time is a puzzle of cause and effect."

"Yes, cause and effect are on the timeline, just like duckweed on the water. No one can tell which is the cause and which is the effect." Su Ming felt that he was very happy talking with the black god, and he tentatively approached Some tried to sit on the shoulders of the black god.

The other party is not repulsive and seems to have a very gentle temperament, or he may also have a good impression of Deathstroke.

This may be the joy brought by seeing old acquaintances and being resurrected from the dead. The Dark God Group can feel the joy. At least, it is a good thing to be able to communicate.

"Yes, human, that's what I mean." The Dark God spoke very colloquially, and his English was fluent: "But, where are we now?"

"The conceptual level of the omnipotent universe beyond domain connection." There is nothing to hide in this. After all, if we want to cooperate, some things still need to be made clear.

The black god's upper body turned again, as if he was observing the surroundings. Then he looked over his shoulder and asked:

"What is the realm of transcendence?"

"You are a primitive celestial being. Logically speaking, you should have the omnipotent universe level, but now it seems that you don't even have the multiverse level ability. This is already very strange. And you can live in the seventh sky, there should be no reason not to Do you know that there is a hometown beyond the gods?"

Su Ming did not answer directly, but asked two questions. This was also a test of attitude.

The other party just asks and I just answer. This situation is more like an assessment, such as looking for a job.

But back and forth is equal communication. Su Ming does not ask for real answers, but an attitude.

The Dark God may not have thought of this level, but his answer was very straightforward, and it was even more likely to be the truth. He said:

"In order to avoid being chased by the lackeys, we have to actively lower our energy level and hide in a single universe. The method is to split. For example, I don't understand the level classification you mentioned, but I once split myself into He created 100,000 small individuals and hid in many small universes. That was during the third reincarnation."

This is true because in the Age of the First Firmament and the Second Firmament, eternity and infinity were not yet separated, and the concept of the multiverse did not exist at that time.

After the cosmic egg explodes, there will be just one universe. There is no basis for different timelines to create different stories and different parallel worlds. Naturally, there is no need to talk about grading.

Even if there are so-called classifications later, they are just some frameworks set by humans to facilitate understanding of the universe.

Not accurate, but intuitive and useful.

The god continued to tell his story, his expression still unclear, but his voice fluctuated:

"Later, in endless hiding and escaping, I split myself again and again, making myself no longer conspicuous, at least not easily tracked by the colorful lackeys..."

"So in the end you died due to lack of energy, and those other dark gods surrounding you were actually you?"

Su Ming understood. Because the conditions of the dark gods were not as good as those of the colorful gods, they wanted to enter the single universe, so they used a stupid method, which was to split themselves infinitely.

The original almighty universe-level energy, if divided into tens of thousands of parts, will naturally fall down the level and enter the super-large universe. By analogy, as long as you keep dividing yourself, you can always approach infinitesimal size and even enter a single universe.

Since it can be disassembled, it can be combined, and it also has the same effect as Dracula's bat clone technique.

"Yes, those are all me, but not entirely."

The Dark God looked at the white sand, but could only see some ice and rock debris. The corpses of many Gods, no matter which faction they belonged to, sank into the desert, like water droplets melting into the sea:

"There were too many splits, resulting in too little energy remaining in the clones. I hid a long time ago, and with my remaining clones, I created a planet and a race I like, leaving them with I was inspired by technology, and I originally thought that one day I could be revived through the Xiant people's research on dark matter energy, but I didn't expect that they ended up being killed by colorful dogs."

When he said this, he also made an electronic sound, as if he was sighing, maybe feeling guilty.

Okay, actually people are killed by the death knell, but if Krishna imagines it as the colorful gods doing it, it's...better.

Deathstroke stood up angrily on the black plain-like shoulders, waved his fist and began to curse: "Yes, the colorful gods are not human at all. They only execute ruthless procedures. I have long disliked them."


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