The Death Knell

Chapter 4202: The plane hit the building

Hearing that humans were also scolding the colorful doglegs, the black god seemed to be in a better mood. He took the initiative to reach out his hand and invited the squirrel girl, Franklin and the little guy who were eating melon seeds on the ground to his palm, and then took them He also put it on his shoulders.

He stood up and looked into the distance:

"You're right, but I don't hate colored dogs, I just feel sorry for them. They don't understand the value of feelings, nor do they understand what freedom is. They are just dolls that carry out their father's orders, just like we were once... ..."

"In other words, you think they were just following orders, so you don't blame them?"

Su Ming heard that the Dark Gods group were all mentally ill, but he didn't expect there to be individuals with Mary's disease?

"That's the truth, so I just want to kill them all, but it's not about hatred, it's about my love for them, and I'm willing to do whatever it takes to help them escape their miserable fate."

Speaking of affectionate words, the black god stretched out his arm, indicating that Doom and Wanda could also land and sit on his shoulders, which was a sign of intimacy.

Although he acted heart-warmingly, his words took a sharp turn, which actually confirmed Deathstroke's intelligence.

The Dark God is indeed sick. He is a typical love murderer.

Generally speaking, people who have this kind of behavior are often accompanied by cannibalism, which is the kind of behavior where if you love someone, you have to imprison the other person, kill the other person and eat them, so that the other person can become one with yourself.

For this patient, becoming one is the ultimate love.

This black god is probably in a similar situation. If the black god can be disassembled and assembled like a Lego toy, can he also fuse the corpses of the colorful gods that are turned off to enhance himself?

Is this an alternative method of devouring mechanical creatures?

"Okay, well said! I understand your passionate feelings!" Regardless of whether he was mentally ill, Su Ming looked moved: "The Colorful God mercilessly slaughtered his former brothers and sisters, but you repaid evil with kindness, What a nice guy.”

I was moved, maybe a little bit, but it was mainly due to the familiarity. Su Ming liked dealing with mental illness.

"Good or bad is just a relative concept. Our Celestial Team does not use this judgment system, because the universe has never only had two poles." The Black Celestial God carried the Deathstroke Team. He turned around and started walking, as if he was walking slowly. Walking slowly is probably like doing recovery training: "So, can you help me answer my previous question?"

He is talking about things beyond the realm.

Su Ming thought for a while, then raised his hand and began to use the light ring to form an image. He first conjured up a small building and began to explain.

"Suppose, this building is the structure of our universe."

As he spoke, he made a cross-section of the building, arranged some furniture inside, and some images of creatures. He also labeled the words single universe, multiverse, super universe, omnipotent universe, etc. from the first floor upwards.

Feeling that it was not appropriate, he changed the building into an inverted pyramid shape with a larger upper part and a smaller lower part, and then magnified it a hundred times for the black god to see.

The Colossus' head moved back and forth, probably as a nod, indicating that he understood.

Su Ming continued to operate, using another hand to reveal an airplane, and also made a cross-sectional view, and said:

"This was a plane, a common aircraft for humans. Then it took the passengers inside and crashed into this building."

While talking and demonstrating, the plane hit the fourth floor of the inverted pyramid, which is the Almighty Universe level. However, compared with the building, the plane looked very small, like the remaining flower stalks on an apple.

"Yes, I understand." The Dark God nodded.

"People on higher floors in this building have more energy, so they have the power of life and death over people on lower floors. Therefore, the passengers on the plane have become high-level people because of accidental collisions. They use the plane to It contains a special energy that brutally exploits the residents on the three floors below. We humans are like this and are used as test subjects by them."

Su Ming explained and began to demonstrate again, that is, the passengers in the air crash took the weapons in the plane and began to bully the residents on the third floor.

Stealing their things and killing their people, and enjoying themselves.

The virtual projection is so lifelike that even subtle expressions can be seen clearly.

Sure enough, when he said this, the Black God had completely understood it, because the example given by Deathstroke was intuitive enough. He said: "What are the colored dogs doing? They are supposed to protect the building."

"They've been biding their time."

With that said, Su Ming conjured up another plane with the words Tianjin Group written on it. This new plane circled around the building. Occasionally, a person would appear from the plane and lie on the window of each floor to look inside. Then flew back to the plane.

"So, where are the other residents on the fourth floor?" Dark God asked again.

"They are protecting themselves and don't care about things on the lower floors." As he said that, Su Ming divided several rooms on the fourth floor and labeled them 'Absolute Gods', 'Constructors', 'Five-dimensional People', 'Creation' God', 'court' and other words.

Then a small door was opened, showing the projection of the absolute Gods inside. While the Beyonders were doing whatever they wanted to the residents on the lower floors, they were dancing to the gods in their rooms.

The constructors were planting flowers, the fifth-dimensional people were playing game consoles, and the God of Creation and the Tribunal did something. It was only after they surpassed the Gods and returned to the plane embedded upstairs with their trophies that they would go out and go downstairs. Clean up some messes, help people collect corpses, etc.

"So, where are you humans?" The Dark God made another electronic sound.

"There are many of us in the corner of the first floor, but not everyone is like us and can climb to the fourth floor to find help." Su Ming separated a small room at the bottom of the already small inverted pyramid. Inside are images of human beings engaged in infrastructure construction, meant to build their own homes.

"I have completely understood that you want to resist the oppression of outsiders and gain freedom and respect. This is the same as us." The Dark God hesitated a little here, and he looked at the small couplets on his shoulders. Personal: "I would like to help you, but unfortunately, we are now facing a crisis in our own country."

As he spoke, he also used energy to slightly modify the projection, and drew a room next to the humans on the first floor, writing the name of the Dark God.

Then he made the projection move, and the colored dogs always poured out of his plane and went to the first floor to try to kill the dark gods, while the dark gods could only run around in the corridors and hide everywhere.

Su Ming nodded. Of course he knew the situation of the Dark God Group, but he was still a little surprised that they could put themselves so low and even be neighbors with humans.

Sure enough, dark people are more honest.

"I know the difficulties you are facing, so we can cooperate. What if I say, I have a way to get you back to the fourth floor? Are you willing to help us deal with the Transcendent Gods?"

After hearing this, the black god stopped in his tracks, straightened up, and seemed to be thinking.


I watched an episode of Netflix's "The Sandman" last night. Except for the inexplicable replacement of a certain supporting character with a black man, the rest of it was surprisingly good. The spiked door and the dream kingdom were exactly what Tuanzi imagined, and the special effects were awesome. Full. Especially the story is cryptic and the Sandman is full of riddles. It feels right. I feel like DC is about to produce another good drama after "Peacemaker".


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