The Death Knell

Chapter 4203 The ghost behind it

When the colored gods paused, you could clearly feel that they were calculating, while the black gods gave the impression that they were thinking.

This is very strange. They are obviously robots printed from the same mold, but they feel completely different.

The white sand is vast and boundless, and the quilt-like clouds in the sky are squirming gently, as if they are eavesdropping.

Deathstroke is waiting for the Colossus' answer. In essence, they also have a program designed to maintain the existence of the universe. It is just in order to fight against the First Firmament and the Colorful Gods that they embark on the path of resistance at all costs.

"I don't know the specific situation of human beings, but if you want to resist oppression and exploitation, just agree with us. We can cooperate to defeat the Transcendent Gods together, and then free all the colored dogs together."

The Black God gave the ideal answer, and Su Ming achieved his goal without even giving any direct promise.

The god in front of him also got a wrong inference, that is, humans and colorful dogs have nothing to do with each other.

Originally, human beings could be regarded as the works of the colorful gods and would not be welcomed by the dark gods. However, given that Deathstroke took Squirrel and Xiaofu to the distant past not long ago, and reached the time when the first sky created the gods, this caused A series of chain reactions.

But wait...

It was also at this time that the smile on Deathstroke's face froze for a moment before it spread, because he suddenly recalled another timeline that he had forgotten.

Today's story seems to have distorted things.

In this memory, in terms of the comic plot in Su Ming's memory, although the dark gods awakened their consciousness, it was clearly the colored gods who launched the rebellion first, because they wanted to let things develop and time pass.

The law of development of things is that everything has its end. This is the result of calculation, and even the sky is inevitable. This was regarded as treason by the first sky, so he ordered the dark gods to destroy the colorful gods, which triggered the The first 'Battle in Heaven'.

But the story changed right here. I wonder if Deathstroke’s meeting with First Firmament at that time brought forward the rebellion of the Dark Gods? Or is it delaying the rebellion of the Colorful Gods?

It must be that look, the look that the sky looked at him, so he created the colorful gods first, did it cause the whole subsequent story to change...

Now the colorists have become supporters of the sky, while the black-and-white faction has become a rebel.

Only the result remained unchanged, it was the First Firmament that exploded.

Maybe this is the case with timeline self-correction. If the result remains unchanged, maybe the process is not important?

But this confused Su Ming. He found that the memories he brought from his previous life seemed to have changed. Was what he originally remembered wrong?

Thanks to what the Dark God said just now, like a flash of lightning, he recalled the true nature of the matter.

But why is this happening?

So what exactly is the Dark God? Were they originally supposed to be colorful gods?

"Very good, then let's get started. The Transcendent God Clan has a powerful all-powerful universe-level individual called CCU. I need you to help me defeat him." Su Ming only felt that his mind was a little confused. He needed some time to clear his thoughts, so Choose to talk about business directly and hide your emotions deep in your heart.

The black god nodded slightly, looked at the people on his shoulder with his grille-like white eyepiece, and asked in a dull voice:

"How can I help you?"

"Call your strongest individual - the final host. Only his brute force can suppress the CCU and get a good start for our cause." Su Ming was still thinking about the timeline that caused the story to be confused. When asked, he seemed Somewhat absent-minded, but the thinking is clear.

The black god was stunned for a moment. He put down the steps he had just raised, and there was doubt in his tone:

"I probably understand what you mean, but there is a problem here... Our leader is OAA, and the final host is very strong, but he is a colored dog and is our enemy."

This was probably the first time Su Ming felt shocked since he traveled through time. The words spoken by the Dark God caused the Supreme Mage to fall into silence for a short time.

If the Dark God and the Color God have been swapped long ago, then what are all the previous stories about the Gods, the various intersections between him and them, and the stories that have happened...?


"Do you think he will find out?"

At the same time, in a building filled with pure white marble, a woman was enjoying a back massage. Every time the winged creature exerted force, the lying woman would grunt and speak intermittently.

The environment here is a bit like a bathhouse, but it is also like an indoor swimming pool. The heat is lingering in the air. The woman lying on the massage bed is washing her beautiful hands in the pool water while asking her companions not far away.

Her companion was a big, fat bug. He was smoking on a lounge chair not far away. He opened his toothless mouth and spat out a piece of starlight. He was even amused by the woman's question and choked. Straight cough:

"He is not stupid, how could he not discover it? On the contrary, he is the smartest among the Supreme Mage, so I think he has already thought of our layout when he makes trouble."

The big green insect shook his head, looked at the woman playing in the water, and his tone became very helpless.

But the latter didn't take it seriously. She squirmed a few times on the massage table, stretched out her white arms to reach for the nuts in a small bowl nearby, stuffed them into her mouth, chewed them slowly and said:

"When he looks for eternity and infinity, and asks to see the sky, he should have anticipated the consequences of changing the past. Don't humans often say that when you stare into the abyss, the abyss is also staring at you. So as long as he realizes that he is the creator When the culprit of the entire deformed timeline is revealed, just don't doubt yourself to the point of committing suicide. I don't want to change the Supreme Mage. It would be troublesome every time I change someone."

"He will not commit suicide. His desire to survive is extremely strong. Besides, there is no abnormal timeline, because this is the only timeline now."

The caterpillar patted its fat belly with a dozen short hands, played a melody, and said:

"It's just that I'm worried about whether he can think of the difference between observing the omnipotent universe from 616 Earth and observing the omnipotent universe from 40K Earth. Sometimes people's thoughts can change the world."

He said he was worried, but the big caterpillar was so happy that he smoked cigarettes and drank wine, and there was no sign of worry at all.

The woman turned over and waved her hand to signal the priest to leave. She pulled off her long feather skirt and jumped into the water to swim:

"Haha, it depends on him, and this arrangement is more beneficial to him. Anyway, if he is angry, you can tell him that it was all my son who did it. We have no knowledge at all, and let him beat my son casually to relieve his anger. Just comfort him, because the matter is over and there is no need to say anything more.”

"That has to be something he is willing to believe. He is from DC. It's just instinct to doubt everything." Qingworm's cartoon-like eyebrows furrowed, and he looked sympathetically at the person across the swimming pool who was chatting with the Winged Priests. Bald man: "Besides, I'm afraid you'll push your stupid son to take the blame. Deathstroke really has a way of beating him to death..."

The woman swam under the water in the pool and happily spit out a bunch of bubbles in the direction of the caterpillars, seemingly not hearing anything.

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