The Death Knell

Chapter 4204 Behind the scenes deal

While the Trinity was indulging in leisure and entertainment somewhere and waiting for the outcome of the matter, five strange figures were also having a meeting in the distant sky.

To be precise, there were only four people involved in the discussion, and the biggest one among them kept shouting about hunger and could not provide any effective opinions at all.

"I believe Deathstroke can do it. Anyway, my eldest baby is also with him. There is no enemy that the two brothers cannot defeat." The smallest woman in black robe was hiding in the darkness, with only A shadow covered his face, but when he spoke, there was the sound of bones rubbing together.

"We are talking about the First Firmament, not an ordinary enemy. It is very difficult to get rid of him completely without involving us." The man who seemed to be made of starlight said this, he seemed worried.

"But if we want to completely get rid of the fate of the first life, we don't have many choices, brother." The woman with golden and black skin said this. She hid behind a moon-shaped light: "The death knell has changed everything. God Twilight changed the story beyond the arrangements of the gods and prevented our disappearance. This series of experiments have proved that he is the only optional person."

"I know, so we can only choose him who has changed the past and the future, to change the past, and even act for him... But after all, we all owe him a favor, so this kind of calculation is not good." Starlight Man squatted down and rubbed his chin vigorously: "Besides, I'm worried that even if it happens, those three guys will betray us, and then Deathstroke will come and kill me!"

Thinking of being tickled by the death knell, he only remembered the pain like a thousand insects eating his heart, and the devilish laughter echoing in his ears.

Therefore, he shuddered unconsciously under the brilliant white light.

"Haha, it's none of my business anyway. No matter who is in charge of the universe, the circulation pattern of the soul cannot be changed." The little woman smiled, and waved her hands indifferently: "If you just get together to be suspicious, then little sister I’m afraid I’ll have to excuse myself first, I still have a lot of business at home, and not everyone is as free as you.”

Speaking of leisure, the boy with the biggest square head in the distance seemed to be stimulated. He started smashing the ground crazily and shouted:

"I'm hungry!!!"

"Wait a minute, sister, I'm going with you. Can you tell me something about humans?" A thin figure with blue translucent skin and a torn cloak spoke. He had no interest in the meeting. On the contrary, he I think there is something interesting about human beings.

The two of them disappeared while chatting and laughing, leaving behind a big fool who could only cry out that he was hungry, and the two brothers and sisters with whom they had the closest relationship.

"Death Knell said that he could help you become the Tribunal of Life, but you used this condition to make a second deal with Emperor Weishan behind him. Don't forget that your children are still in Death Knell's hands." The red-eyed woman sighed. Taking a breath, she looked up at the white sky: "If Deathstroke goes crazy, will order to completely eliminate the First Firmament, will they go so far as to do it?"

"What I can feel, you can also feel, my sister, you answer me." Starlight Man stood up, he removed the isolation on the far bank, and let Brother Big Fool enter his body Foraging for the stars, he remained silent for a while before saying, "I understand what you mean. We all know that it is worth it."

"Maybe." The woman was not sure.

"There is no possibility, just certainty. We are also the sky, and the Life Tribunal is a dummy created by Toaa out of thin air. It is our monitor. Even if we need an heir now, he cannot let me sit in that position."

The man shook his head and denied the woman's words. In fact, he had always seen it clearly.

However, it was clear that he could not take over the Life Tribunal. Even Deathstroke, who had always been confident, did not dare to keep his promise.

But here's the problem. Emperor Weishan should also know that they can't become the Tribunal of Life. Toaa will only choose orphans who are carefree, helpless, and have no blood or tears, such as the artificial human warlock Adam. Guy.

So, why did Emperor Weishan agree to this deal, join forces in a show, and send out his most powerful Supreme Mage?

They are trying to eliminate the First Sky and get rid of the endless nightmares of eternity. What are their interests? can not see it.......

"Haha." The woman suddenly laughed. She seemed to have thought of something funny. When her brother's eyes turned to her, she explained: "I suddenly thought that the earth is obviously in our bodies, but from the earth We don’t know what the strong men who came out were thinking, which is really interesting.”

"Haha, it's true, but you got the causal relationship wrong. If they didn't have such a thoughtful mind, they wouldn't be able to stand out, right?"

The man said nothing more and just waited in silence.


"Doom doesn't understand you, Slade." Doctor Doom was having a small meeting with Deathstroke. Not far away, the Dark God was playing boring games with the young people, while three adults flew over In the distance, people were whispering: "What do you mean, the Dark God is not the original Dark God, and the Color God is not the original Color God? Is today the Tongue Twister Festival?"

Su Ming's mind is a little confused now. In order to prevent his intelligence errors from causing the whole plan to fail, he needs to ask smart people to help him.

Doctor Doom and Wanda can both provide advice. As for Franklin, he is smart enough, but it is best not to let him know too much and make him think wildly, otherwise it will be a bigger trouble.

"There is no such holiday, at least not in the United States, but if you want it, I can change it for you." Wanda seemed to understand. As a user of chaos magic, she could understand some things that were fabricated out of thin air. things that may have an impact on people’s lives.

To give a simple example, a road is originally extremely smooth and very busy with traffic.

At this time, chaos magic was used to create a solid cement pier on the road, and a car crashed into it, causing the car to be destroyed and people to die.

Originally, this person did not deserve to die, but because Chaos Magic modified reality, it changed that person's story.

But what Deathstroke said seems to be more closely related to the timeline. Logically speaking, he, the Supreme Mage, is the authority.

"Well, I just asked you to say something casually to verify whether you have been changed. It seems not." Su Ming lit a cigarette. He shook his head and looked at the black giant in the white desert: "Because Now I have a chilling feeling of being plotted against, so I have to double-check that my teammates are okay.”

"If our expressions and eyes were different just now, would you kill us?" Doom nodded in approval, and laughed from behind the iron mask: "Haha, this is very death knell and very dark. Now we confirm that you have not changed, It’s still you, you can rest assured.”

Wanda didn't say anything, just shrugged, saying that she understood. It would be good for Deathstroke to get over his self-doubt now. Human beings, everyone will be shaken sometimes.

In the past, the Supreme Mage was less like a human and more like a god. She was even a little happy that Deathstroke was like this today, because not everyone could see this side of Deathstroke.

Deathstroke patted the doctor on the shoulder and rubbed Wanda's head. He took out a soda drink and shared it with the two of them, and said:

"As long as you can understand this, Victor, tell me, have you ever had memory disorders in the past? And how did you solve it?"


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