The Death Knell

Chapter 4233: A fish in disguise

To say how much the CCU was pushed back is just a human experience. There is no specific concept of space in the void in reality. Everything here is primitive and chaotic.

Do you have a concept of space? Yes, but it's not as detailed as distance, length, etc. It just exists.

CCU didn't speak, and Deathstroke naturally didn't speak either. He just lay next to the giant's ear, looking inside to try to find something.

But the Celestial Destroyer would not give the enemy a chance to think, and the huge fist came towards him with a thick color of void.

At this time, Deathstroke said again: "Dodge to the right."

This time CCU obeyed. His head moved to the right, just in time to avoid the attack. He even had a chance to fire back a golden beam of light.

Being able to avoid it was something Su Ming expected.

Both robots are at the all-powerful universe level. Although the Celestial Destroyer is stronger, its current state has limited strengths. In addition, neither the Celestial Gods nor the Transcendent Gods are good at fighting skills, and their attack mode is too simple.

Speaking of which, humans can be considered a technological race, so how come their hand-to-hand combat skills seem to be just special skills...

"Who are you?"

CCU temporarily repelled the celestial destroyer, but he couldn't help it after all, and asked the mysterious voice that suddenly appeared.

"I am you, the you you once were, the you who was purged, the you from all the worlds."

Since someone asked a question, Deathstroke mercifully answered immediately. He also adjusted his voice to be exactly the same as the other person's, and simply lay down in his huge ears and crossed his legs.

"It's illogical. I am beyond everything. I am the only and infinite."

Obviously, the CCU could not accept this setting in a short period of time. He stared at the Celestial Destroyer not far away with vigilance. The two sides started a new round of energy exchange, and at the same time, he was still snarling.

But it was also at this time that Deadpool appeared, wearing the same white dress as Marilyn Monroe, and appearing above the Celestial Destroyer in a seductive pose.

Most of the Celestials are bald, but the current image of Celestial Destroyer is not that. With the recovery of energy, he has a tall crown like Galactus, and Deadpool is now the dazzling jewel on this crown.

My cousin is right. When he appears on the stage, he always attracts all the attention. Even though his figure looks so small against the background of the two giant statues, his action of blowing air under his skirt is really dazzling.

In order to pay tribute to the classic and make the skirt float, he also went to great lengths to cut off his own head and use it as a hair dryer.

But don't mention it, the white dress is stained with red mottled blood, which is quite beautiful.

Even the CCU's attention was attracted by Deadpool. At this time, the bitch had already held his own head and started dancing. It was the kind of cancan dance on Broadway, with legs raised and doing splits, but he just held down the skirt The key position gives people a weird illusion of "wanting to be seen but not really seen".

Realizing that he was being 'watched', he even blew kisses all around charmingly, like a real super diva.

It's not that CCU really wants to see what's under Deadpool's skirt, but he can't find the answer in his own program. He can't understand why there is a human on the head of the god? How can humans survive in the void? So why do humans dance with their own heads?

It all seemed pointless and illogical.

And then my own voice came to my ears again: "Think about it, we transcend everything, does it include ourselves? If it does, then the past self is not the self today, which leads to the question, when When you stand here, where is your past self? Behind you?"

CCU may not be unique, but when it approaches infinity, which one is the strongest?

There is no possibility of being equally strong, because they surpass the gods, and there is always comparison before they can transcend.

It is known that there is a critical point in the realm of transcendence, and CCU cannot completely escape the realm of transcendence, and it is impossible for him to transcend infinitely.

Then, this limit should be himself at this time.

From this, a paradox is born. Where are those selves that CCU has transcended to ensure that he is the only one on the timeline?

Su Ming believed that he would not be able to find an answer to this question, because no matter who it was, as long as he cited every point in time he had experienced, it could be countless people.

And even in the previous life, no one dared to pat their chests and say that there is evidence to prove that parallel worlds do not exist, and there must be no other self in the vast universe.

People have feelings, and under the influence of agnosticism, the amount of information they possess can never keep up with the demand.

Now, the human being looking up at the stars has become a CCU, and Su Ming wants to guide him to think wildly.

Does it make sense to think about this? No, no matter whether you are the only one existing in the multiverse, whether there is a future version of you trying to kill today's you, whether there is an alien who looks exactly like you hiding in the dark... ..

These problems do not affect people's normal eating and resting.

But for the absolutely materialistic Transcendent Protoss, questions must be answered. Before finding the answer, he will only dig into this corner under the influence of adrenaline.

Then, under the guidance of Deathstroke's words, Deadpool's disturbing mind, and the external blows of the Celestial Destroyer, he headed toward madness and death...

Just the previous question had already made CCU almost freeze. Although he still had that dead face and no expression changes, Su Ming, who was sitting in his ears and eyes, had a feeling that he could sense this person who transcended the gods. God is thinking crazy.

He also consumes energy when thinking. After all, it is a supercomputer, and its body should be a cosmic cube.

So without wasting any more time, Deathstroke looked at Deadpool wiggling his butt above Celestial Destroyer in the distance, sped up the plan, and said again:

"You have forgotten us and yourself, but I can help you remember. See, these are us and you."

After saying these words in a pretentious manner, Deathstroke got into the Beyonder's head and began to use the Force to project images to the sea of ​​blue-white energy in CCU's mind. He also thoughtfully constructed a 3D scene to make him more immersive. Its environment.

What is the first record? It was a scene where a man with a CCU face was blown away by the shock wave of the mapmaker who descended from the sky, crashed into a public toilet on the beach, and drowned in a cesspool.

The man tried hard to survive, swimming butterfly and backstroke in the dark brown pool, but everyone else was fleeing, and no one came to save him. Moreover, the feces was too sticky, and he finally died from exhaustion. And sank.

Seeing his face sinking into the pit with a desperate expression, CCU seemed to be caught in a deep logical conflict.

Is that person yourself? Are the people under the cesspool in a quantum indefinite state where they are not dead yet? Why a cesspool?


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