The Death Knell

Chapter 4234 Identity Crisis

The calculation conclusion showed that the scene that appeared in his eyes should be some kind of memory stored in a hidden format, because the Celestial Group did not have the skills to influence the mind, and the other party did not seem to be good at electronic intrusion.

Then the only explanation is that this memory comes from the depths of one's own storage.

But why has it never been activated before?

"Do you remember it?"

The voice in his mind asked again. Although it was his own voice, the volume was very weak, like a candle in the wind.

"No, that doesn't make sense, I have hundreds of ways to prove this isn't me."

"But there's only one way I can prove he's us, and that's this memory, it's inside you, and you can't argue with that."

"..." CCU was silent, he couldn't understand why.

But the other self in his mind was not in a hurry, and instead played a second memory. It was a scene in which he was riding a bicycle like a human being, and then because he saw the transcendent gods descending on the earth, he crashed and died in a trash can in a panic. .

It's disgusting, but it also makes sense.

Regardless of the physical collision, the consequences, and the other Earth in the sky, they are all consistent with the CCU's records.

"this is me?"

He asked his other self, but the other self did not speak, but offered a third memory.

It was a woman with a CCU face. When the Beyonder Gods invaded, she was injecting herself in an abandoned factory. As a result, she overdosed on the drug while watching the fun, and then died suddenly of foaming at the mouth in excitement.

No matter what kind of questions he had, he didn't answer them in his mind. He just took out his memories piece by piece and showed them to the CCU with facts.

Each 'self' died in various ways, and without exception, they were all related to the Transcendent God Clan, which made the CCU suspicious.

Maybe I am not transcending the gods, but just other transcendents. Do you want me to think that I am?


"Human, what do you mean by asking me to stop temporarily?"

When the Celestial Destroyer saw that the CCU had stopped moving, he originally planned to take advantage of the victory and pursue him, but the Deadpool on his head hung upside down in front of his eyes like Spider-Man with his own intestines, preventing the pursuit.

"I don't know what it means, but Deathstroke always has a plan, and it seems to be working well now." Deadpool was hanging there upside down, like a pocket watch in front of people: "So you must not imitate MCU's Star-Lord , a guy with mental abilities hypnotized and controlled the enemy, and then he used a small combo to wake up the purple sweet potato, which really hit his teammates hard."

The Celestial Destroyer lowered his fist. He backed away slowly, calming down his murderous intention, but he obviously accepted Deadpool's statement and just asked:

"Who is Star-Lord?"

"Oh, another Peter, a moron who loves to sing and dance."

Deadpool took off his blond wig and white dress and crawled on the god's face:

"He's a worthless snack, and he's not as handsome as me, so he's not worth mentioning. But I can tell you secretly that he also has a deformed sense of aesthetics. He likes green-skinned female aliens. Oh my god. Oh, I can't stand sleeping with a bucket of mustard anyway."

After saying that, Deadpool also covered his mouth, looking like a sissy who was 'surprised by a shemale', and the eyepieces on his mask kept blinking.

"I can't understand many of the things you're talking about." The Destroyer of Heaven and Earth looked into the distance warily. At this time, the silver giant was flashing brightly and dimly. He said, "Father designed us using human beings as a template, but We seem to have a really hard time understanding the human mind...."

"Hey, what's so difficult to understand?" Deadpool climbed up his intestines again, returned to the top of the god's head, and retracted his intestines like a fishing line: "All human actions are for eating, drinking, and diarrhea. , for the satisfaction.”

"Satisfaction?" God didn't quite understand.

"It's hard to explain this clearly to a big guy like you, because I actually don't know what it feels like to be satisfied, but there are many things I'm dissatisfied about. For example, a burrito shop I used to buy from has recently started losing fans. They also mixed up medicinal powder and corn flour once, and the cake was really unpalatable, but they even cut open my stomach afterwards to see how many bowls of powder I had eaten, so I had no choice but to kill them all."

Deadpool spread his hands and sat cross-legged on a high place, looking at the team members in the distance and his invisible cousin. He happily chatted nonsense with the Celestial Destroyer.


Getting directly into the CCU's head and playing him a video is also one of the benefits of the ghost form. After all, who is a serious soul who doesn't know how to pass through walls?

Just before coming in, Su Ming had imagined several internal situations.

Scenario 1: The CCU, like Galactus, is a special alien race with flesh and blood in its head.

This possibility is unlikely, but it cannot be said that it is not possible.

The second situation is that the CCU is a robot. The situation in the body is the same as that of the Celestial God Group. It is a metal machine and has special energy that can randomly transport people to unknown time points or unknown spaces.

This is not very likely, because previous battles have proven that the Transcendent Gods have no time ability.

The last situation is the current situation. The CCU is a pure energy body, like a human-shaped and movable cosmic cube, with only a piece of blue light in it.

This blue light is its program, its memory, and it can also be said to be his soul.

If Su Ming hadn't found a new way to enter the battle as a ghost, he might not have been able to get in here, let alone the subsequent brainwashing plan.

He projected the 'memory' into the blue light piece by piece, allowing these inexplicable death scenes to continue to play out in his memory, and each deceased person looked like a CCU.

To this day, Su Ming still doesn't know what the human shape that CCU has transformed into means, but this does not prevent him from using it.

Because this face is a symbol, a symbol that refers to the existence of CCU, and no other meaning is needed.

To be honest, some of the ways of death in these movies are repeated. For example, there are several people who were hit by cars. The only difference lies in whether they hit something or what parts are missing from their bodies.

But CCU seemed to be so absorbed in what he was watching that he even forgot that he was on the battlefield. Instead, he was aroused by the scenes in his memory that aroused his anger.

"Now you know you are us?"

Deathstroke asked a question. Let’s test the fire first. The power gap between CCU and other Transcendent Gods is very big. He can be said to be the god among the Transcendents. However, it is this strength gap that causes him to have a sense of distance from other Transcendent Gods. Su Ming’s purpose , is to use this sense of distance to create an identity crisis.

"I have understood that the others are all human beings. I was once a human being, and I killed them. This is the way to transcendence."

No one knows what the operation logic of ccu is, but he came to the conclusion like a genius.

"Uh, yes!"

Su Ming originally just wanted to make him doubt himself and cause identity disorder and anxiety, but he didn't expect that he would think more.

No matter what he thinks, as long as it is inconsistent with the truth, he must first confirm that it is correct.


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