The Death Knell

Chapter 4252 Good people and good deeds

It was a good meal, and I also ate death once.

Because Asan's food was the standard, Death was so shocked when she ate the boiled mutton that she kept pushing it into her mouth. As a result, she, who had no eating experience before, collapsed and suffered massive gastrointestinal bleeding.

But it doesn't matter, life and death are commonplace for death. She immediately resurrected at the table, reassembled a human body, and continued to eat haese.

Death tasted human delicacies and felt one of the greatest joys of human life. It was very satisfying.

Zheng Xian gained something because he witnessed Death's ability with his own eyes, and he also found out some concept-level intelligence given by Deathstroke at the table, so he was also very satisfied.

Su Ming had a meal for nothing, and a group of people accompanied him to drink and relax lively. It can't be said that it was a loss, right? Naturally, he is also satisfied.

Money, sometimes, can buy happiness and achieve a win-win situation.

After eating this meal for more than three hours, Wan Zhongxia was really able to drink. Su Ming suspected that he had concentrated all the people's drinking ability on himself. This was really an incredible ability.

Su Ming likes people like this. The fighting power at the wine table is also fighting power.

Obviously the five brothers of Wan Zhong Xia are the most powerful in combat, but Soldier No. 1 is the most favored because the latter wears a national flag uniform and carries a red five-star shield.

In order to persuade Lao Zheng to pay attention to the talent of Wan Zhongxia, Deathstroke told them the story of Xiao He chasing Han Xin under the moon, and took out an ancient painting from his pocket to give to Brother Tao Yu.

This painting is antique and the paper is yellowed. It depicts someone running wildly under a big moon. This is Han Xin. Behind him, a scholar-looking man is chasing after him on a bicycle. This is Xiao He, the future prime minister.

Whether there is anything wrong with the painting is another matter. Just ask whether there is something wrong with the allusion. Can it help people learn the truth?

Anyway, everyone was very happy. When they finally left, Death still wanted to eat all the delicacies of the Celestial Dynasty.

"Then I'm afraid you won't be able to leave Sichuan in three years." Su Ming asked her to hold his arms, and the two of them found a deserted place so that the adjutant could initiate the teleportation: "There are too many delicious things, and you have too little time as a human being. .”

"Well, that's my responsibility. If it weren't for death, the world would be in chaos." Death sighed, but still smiled.

"I know this. Let's not talk about that. Adjutant, send us to Latvinia, and I will find Doom." Su Ming was thoughtful, but still issued the order without any delay.


Latvinia is located in Eastern Europe, but the country is mountainous and lacks water, so it is not really a geomantic treasure.

However, under the leadership of Doom, the construction was very good. At least the capital that can be seen now is considered to be full of high-rise buildings and very prosperous.

Doom's castle is located on a hill, and there are special regulations that no buildings are allowed to be built around it, which makes it look a bit medieval.

Su Ming teleported over with Death, and heard a 'squeaking' sound nearby.

I turned around and saw that it was Squirrel Girl swimming.

Dr. Doom is very generous and has the brain circuit of a dictator. He brought people back and built a large swimming pool for Doreen in the castle. It was 200 meters long and wide and more than five meters deep. It was filled with various kinds of swimming pools. Plant nuts.

This fish pond is all contracted to Squirrel Girl.

Not only domestically produced pistachios and apricot kernels, but also walnuts, chestnuts, peanuts, acorns and other things that squirrels love to eat, it was made like a common ocean ball pit in a children's playground, allowing Doreen to go in and enjoy it. .

How could Squirrel Girl resist this temptation? She was swimming in the sea of ​​nuts while keeping nibbling on them. It can be said that she was very happy.

"Is it fun?"

Deathstroke squatted next to the swimming pool, reached out and picked up a walnut, squeezed it open, gave Death half of it, and tasted a little for himself.

It's tasteless and raw. As expected, things like walnuts have to be peeled and fried with sugar before they taste good. If you hold them raw and eat them raw, you'll feel astringent in your mouth after eating too much. So you can just stuff the remaining half into your mouth with your backhand. Inside.


The squirrel poked her head out of the sea of ​​nuts, her cheeks bulging. She stuffed so many things into her mouth that she couldn't speak. She could only smile and nod. It seemed that she had completely understood what Doom had lied to her about before. forget.

Judging from the way her eyes were narrowed, she probably meant it for fun.

"Okay, then you keep eating, I'm going to the basement to find Doom. Dracula is home, right?"

The Grand Duke is a person of high status, and the vampire has a lot of free time every day. Today he went out to broaden his horizons and have something to talk about. Why don't he go back to his house to hold a dance party tonight?

Call all the descendants you like, talk about today's adventure, compose a song based on today's adventure, rehearse an opera, and write hundreds of poems. You won't be bored for a long time in the future.

Moreover, the vampires also wanted to join the great voyage plan, and he had to go back to arrange this business.

"Hmm!" The squirrel nodded, indicating that this was indeed the case.

After learning the situation, Su Ming hugged Death and left, bypassing the indoor swimming pool and going directly underground. Doom's throne room was usually empty, but his technology center was underground.

Doreen had no memory, and she didn't delve into anything that happened to her.

Seeing Deathstroke leave, she scratched her head and tail, and continued to play with nuts happily, which was quite happy.

Doom's castle was still the same as before. It was clearly equipped with high technology and there were torches inside the castle. His butler wanted to come over to receive him, but Deathstroke waved his hand and told him to rest. He knew the way anyway, so there was no need to be so polite.

Going down the spiral stone steps under the tower, dozens of meters deep underground, there are only footsteps in the darkness, which makes it feel like a vampire castle.

But as soon as the door of the science and technology center opened, there was a giant monitor wall and a central server group in the hall behind the door. A lot of high-tech equipment was exposed in front of us, and this sense of mystery disappeared immediately.

Doom was playing with two children, one was his son, Franklin von Doom, and the other was not his son, but he was still Franklin von Doom.

Thinking of this, Su Ming couldn't help but laugh, because he thought of nonsense literature, such as there were two trees in front of his house.

The laughter attracted Doctor Doom's attention, and he turned to look over. The surveillance equipment had already let him know who the guest was, so it was not surprising at all.


"Well, Victor, do you have time now? I'll take you to your mother."

Su Ming was not polite and directly stated the purpose of his trip. He touched the heads of the two boys, took out a lot of candies for them to eat, and let the sensible children play by themselves.

Although the two children look the same, their eyes are completely different. The 40k Franklin has clear eyes, loves to laugh and is playful. At first glance, he looks like a young master from a wealthy family.

As for Xiao Fu, who came from the cancerous universe, his whole person was dark. Although he had no expression, his aura made people feel bitter and resentful.

After hearing Deathstroke's speech, Doom's eyes instantly brightened. Finding his mother was indeed his greatest wish.

It seems that I have provided so much help to Deathstroke, and I finally got my reward today. This is a good thing. I have to go. It’s not that I haven’t looked for it before, but I either found a fake or lost the clue. Maybe today New means?

If I can bring my mother back from hell, then my family can truly be reunited.


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