The Death Knell

Chapter 4253 Flower of Hell

After sending the two children away and letting them play computer programming games, Doom raised his hands and slowly clenched his fists under the not-so-bright light, as if he had grasped his fate.

His emotional voice came from behind the mask:

"It is said that babies have memories after a few years of making noise, but this does not apply to Doom. Yes, Victor von Doom had memories before he was born. His efforts to make Doom surrender never succeeded. Doom remembers every moment of his tragic life, every parting, every sacrifice, every revenge carried out by Doom himself, ah..."

"Hmm, I understand how important your mother is to you. Last time we checked, Mephisto said it had sold her soul to someone else. We looked for Satanish again, and it said it had resold it again. "

Souls are valuable in hell, especially the souls of powerful spellcasters. Doom's mother Cynthia von Doom, although she is a gypsy witch, is also the leader of the tribe. Deathstroke said that the last time was fruitless. Search process:

"We have been through all the hells, but we have not found your mother's soul, but today is different, we have another way."

"Dum's listening."

His mother disappeared because she sold her soul to the devil in exchange for power. Although Doom is very powerful, finding someone is different from killing someone. It doesn't take a big fist.

"Because today we have death here."

Without showing off, he directly stated the solution. Deathstroke smiled and looked at the second sister beside him. She was still holding her little umbrella underground and smiled:

"Think about it, Victor, the soul passing through hell is actually passing through the hands once. The demons feed on the sins in the soul, just like the white wine dipped in the chopsticks. After sipping it until it loses its taste, they will still eat it after all. Send the chopsticks to death and let the cycle continue..."

Of course, Doom's mother was a different story.

Some souls contain a lot of sins, and the devil simply doesn't say anything about it, and instead keeps the soul as a 'check' for large settlements.

For example, Mephisto has always wanted to get the Gonzales Contract from Ghost Rider, which is a list of souls, including a hundred extremely sinful souls, which is considered a large deposit certificate in hell.

Does Lao Mo lack those evil powers? In fact, there is no shortage, but if you get that thing, you can use it to trade with others.

Doom's mother's soul was in a similar situation, being used as trading currency.

A group of demon lords had lost the check before, switching hands back and forth. It was like money dropped on the street, hard to find.

Su Ming helped Doum look for it several times, but the best time was when he found a fake. It was a devil in disguise. The fool wanted to trick Doum, but he was betrayed within two days. He was beaten to ashes.

Originally, it was difficult for Deathstroke to pick up money on the street. After all, no one would miss something valuable if he saw it. There was not much else in hell, and the two-legged demon was running around everywhere.

But today the situation is different.

Dr. Doom is also smart. Su Ming didn’t even have to explain what he said. He understood that the hell lords would dare to deceive anyone, even Emperor Weishan if they were brave enough. Anyway, their hell dimension was self-contained, and their Existence is related to the cycle of souls in the universe, and generally people who have some idea can't compete with them.

But there was one person they couldn't fool or ignore.

That is death.

As long as the hell lords participate in the soul cycle, they are equivalent to working for death, which is related to their life and death.

The deaths around Deathstroke now are not the deaths of Marvel executives, long as people don't tell them, who knows?

Death is death. It doesn't matter that the appearance after becoming human is different.

Did Su Ming lie to the devil? No, because to be honest, this is death.

Do you have any opinions about death? She is here to travel, and it makes sense to take her to the many hells in Marvel to see where human souls go after death.

Using death's tiger skin as a banner, wouldn't Deathstroke and Doom have entered hell and be able to walk sideways? At least it would ensure that the hell lords were telling the truth.

As long as they tell the truth, in fact, demons are a race that is easy to deal with, so it's a fair deal.

"Dum understands, let's go now." Victor was very anxious. He raised his hand and opened the portal. The fiery red light and the pungent smell of sulfur suddenly appeared on the floor, and the billowing heat wave made the originally cool basement air... A twist occurred.

Seeing the old man so excited, Su Ming just smiled. The suit on his body instantly turned back into black and yellow armor, and his voice became like a devil behind the mask:

"Don't worry, I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. Victor, let's go to the Thorn Hell first and find my friend Satana to inquire about the bloody battle."


Satana and her brother Daemon rule this small dimension together. They are probably the weakest of the Hell Lords, since this is a piece of Hell cut off from their father's.

She didn't have this territory back then. It was Su Ming who asked Mysterio and Hela to help her, and that's what made it what it is today.

It used to be very barren, with not even a single hair on it. But now it is much better. At least there are black thorns growing out of the red rocks, and there are some little devils working for the siblings, so it looks a bit better.

There are no tortured souls here. It seems that the family is not very wealthy.

However, Satana does not entirely rely on souls for food. She also runs a brothel in the main dimension. Her acting style is more like a succubus, using human desires and essence as energy sources.

Of course, her dressing style is immediately recognizable as Bichi. There are many female superheroes in Marvel, but the V-shaped neckline is slit below the belly button, and the entire back is exposed to the tailbone. She is the only one.

If someone who didn't know saw her, they might think that her uniform had forgotten to install the front and rear zippers during the manufacturing process.

But to be honest, she is indeed beautiful, has a good figure, exudes feminine charm in every move she makes, is more coquettish than a fox when using her charm powers, is also good at using fire magic, has a good brain, and is flexible and flexible.

As for her brother Hellstorm, he is a pure and simple man. He likes to swim in magma and uses a trident as a weapon. Just think of him as a half-demon version of Neptune.

Well, besides playing with fire and teleporting, his ability is to talk to demons.

Satana's castle is a large pile of thorns, and the thick vines are bunched together like a lying hedgehog.

The essence of these vines is the embodiment of obsidian and hell energy. They are not plants in the traditional sense, but they are covered with red flowers and look extremely beautiful.

At a place that could be seen as the entrance, Deathstroke and Doom were stopped by the little devil guarding them. They were quite polite and asked why the Supreme Mage came to visit, which showed that the siblings had trained them well.

Although Su Ming could just ignore the little trash and rush in, after all, it would be out of style and appear to be less polite than the little devil, which would be bad.

So he politely told the little devils why he was here, that he wanted to visit their lord Satana and discuss important matters.

The little devil nodded, then took out a horn horn from under the rag around his waist, turned his head and shouted into the thorn bushes:

"Two human gentlemen! Open the city gate!"

There seems to be something wrong, but Satana used to run a brothel, and with her ability to run the army as she is now, it's okay.


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