The Death Knell

Chapter 4254 Mama-san’s hellish life

"It can't see you?"

Entering the siege of thorns, Deathstroke asked Death, who was holding his arm next to him. She was clearly here, but the little devil who was guarding the door just now seemed not to see her at all.

The female guest was forgotten when she didn't listen to the call.

"The prerequisite for being able to see me is that he has knowledge of death. This little devil seems to have just been born, and he doesn't know what death means."

Death replied with a smile. She reached out to touch the red flower on the black thorn, but upon contact, the flower withered instantly and turned into a puddle of black ash and fell to the ground.

She shook her head, not expecting that there would be such a fragile life in hell.

"Does that mean that if you don't know what death means, you don't have to die?" Su Ming walked under the passage made of thorns, and the firelight in the distant sky leaked through the gaps, forming mottled shadows on the three of them.

But death still laughs: "There is no escape from death. This is the rule. A creature can have no concept of death at all, but the only difference is that when death comes to him, he cannot see me approaching."

"Then it seems that it is better to be an insider. At least you can enjoy hospice care."

Su Ming told a joke again, but Death's smile did not widen. She kept smiling quietly.

Doom remained silent. He was full of thoughts and hurried, and even almost bumped into Satana who went out to greet her after hearing the news.

"Hey, isn't this the Supreme Mage? Why did you come to my country today? Do you miss me?"

Satana avoided Doom who was burying his head in walking, glanced at him curiously, then smiled like a flower and leaned towards the death knell.

As soon as I opened my mouth, my mouth was filled with the smell of travel dust. I didn't know if it was an occupational disease caused by being a madam for many years.

It wasn't until the charming woman lay in Deathstroke's arms and left a red lip mark on his breastplate that she noticed the woman in black skirt holding Deathstroke's arm. She was stunned for a moment, and then her face changed. This was what she felt. The latter smelled of death.

What is the breath of death?

It sounds quite abstract. It is a special feeling of loneliness mixed with coldness and some dusty smell.

When death appears around them, people with strong inspiration may unconsciously recall a picture in their minds. It is a little goldfish falling in the vast desert. It is constantly struggling and bouncing, and its gills are moving rapidly. Opening and closing, everything finally returns to a peaceful process.

"Haha, you can't stand it anymore?" Deathstroke held down Satana's head and pulled the woman away from his arms: "When you see Ms. Death, don't you want to say something?"

But who knew that Satana's thoughts were not in this regard at all. She secretly extended a thumb and whispered to the death knell:

"I remember that Deadpool is your cousin, right? You introduced him to his marriage partner, Xia Kaila, and then when he got married, you legitimately snatched his previous woman away. So clever, so dark... "

Satana doesn't rely much on soul trade. Her base is in the main dimension, so she is not afraid of death.

And she is very smart, knowing that if Deathstroke is present, the person who has the final say must be Deathstroke, and even death will only be a foil.

Didn't you see the Death Bird hugging Deathstroke's arm like a human? After all, she is just a woman. Men and women are the same, inseparable from emotion and sensuality, and Satana knows this best.

"Stop talking nonsense, things are different from what you think." Su Ming put his arm around the demon's shoulders and pulled her towards the castle: "I came here to inquire about the bloody battle. Who is the hell lord free now? ?”

The female devil's castle is not really a fortress, but more like a villa and mansion because there are too many windows. A serious castle would not be so gorgeous, nor would it be so weakly defended.

You can see the ambiguous pink lights in the distance, and hear the loud music coming from the villa, as well as laughter and the sound of someone going crazy with alcohol.

"You said it was a bloody battle, so how could there be anyone left?"

Satana hugged Deathstroke's other arm and looked at Death curiously as she walked. She seemed to think that the latter was laughing all the time, which was so strange, but she still answered the question:

"Those who want the title of Satan are busy conquering here and there. The only real idlers are my brother and I, and then the Mysterious Guest."

My own power in hell is too weak and it is impossible to participate in the bloody battle. It would be good if I could keep my own territory.

Mysterio is the Supreme Mage of the second dimension and does not need the title of Satan at all. In addition, the location of Hell's Border is so critical that no demon dares to occupy it.

There is no problem for the neutral faction to control the border of hell, but if there are other hell lords, they will only be attacked by a group.

"By the way, speaking of your brother, where is Damon? Why didn't you see him come out to greet us? Do you look down on me?" Deathstroke made fun of him. In fact, he never relied on his identity as the Supreme Mage to show off, so naturally he didn't like it either. What a welcome ceremony.

"How could it be, you are so good and bad, we have always respected you." The devil patted Deathstroke's arm with his white hands, and said in a coquettish tone: "Damon is not in hell, he went to the main dimension to preach. Yes, he wants to take the path of faith and become a devil."

Satana did not hide anything, and openly told a secret, that is, her brother wanted to become the Dimension Demon God.

Demon lords can indeed become dimensional demons. After all, they are the masters of their respective hells. Their existence forms are very similar to dimensional demons, and they can also trade power with humans.

For example, the ‘big enemy’ is a demon-type dimensional demon.

But lack of energy is the only problem. At this time, you can rely on faith to make up for it, which is a relatively simple method.

This kind of thing is inherently secretive. Once someone messes up, the success may be ruined. What's more, Deathstroke is the Supreme Mage. Telling him that there are demons preaching in the main dimension is simply asking for death.

But Satana believed that her relationship with Mysterio was close enough to allow Deathstroke to be open to her brother. In this case, it became a process of obtaining permission after reporting.

She made the right bet. Deathstroke, who was born in DC, had an attitude towards the devil doing business in the main dimension - it didn't matter.

Next door, demons as powerful as Lucifer were still playing in the main dimension, and no trouble was seen.

On the contrary, Lucifer's order is also order. Compared with the chaotic Gotham, Los Angeles is not very suitable for human life.

"Ah, the idea is good, but playing with religion in the 21st century?" Su Ming twitched the corner of his mouth, obviously not very optimistic: "People now use their time to go to church to play with their mobile phones. Dimon is sure he can grab it. Be a Christian?"

"There is always a market for cults. Damon claims that as long as you believe in him, you will go to hell and enjoy the service of a hundred beauties after death. And this is true. You see, I am ready for all the beauties."

Satana opened the door of the villa, and the sweet smell of powder and cigarettes and alcohol hit her face. She raised a lot of female demons in her base camp and created a brothel style.

But because there were no guests, these female demons were free to play with each other. The scene was very unsightly, and probably only Deadpool would like it.

Because it tastes too strong.

Perhaps in front of humans in the main dimension, these demons will turn into charming beauties, but in hell, they exist in the form of their true bodies, and those are definitely things that only appear in nightmares.


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