The Death Knell

Chapter 4255 Weird conditions

Su Ming was too lazy to deal with these hungry demons who gathered around and wanted to have sex. He was much more self-controlled than Wade in this regard, at least he would not let his lust drive him to do things.

"Tell them to get out of here, or I'll kill them all."

He smiled and gave the order to Satana. These female demons have obviously been carefully trained. It can be seen from their various heavy-flavored games. That is not what ordinary demons can think of. If they die, Satana's loss will be small. No.

"Did you hear that? Bichis, disperse quickly. How can you be disrespectful to the Supreme Mage?"

Satana quickly waved them away, because she knew that Deathstroke always kept his word. No matter how extreme physical pleasure the demons could bring to humans, Deathstroke obviously didn't like it.

It's normal, he doesn't even look at a beautiful woman like himself, even if he rubs her breasts on his arms, the skin will peel off.

Alas, Modu is obviously still a regular customer of his girls, and Kama Taj’s senior brother goes to the Eternal Blood Brothel in the main dimension almost every week to have fun, but why is there such a big gap between master and apprentice? Woolen cloth.......

The female demons were not very afraid, they just dispersed laughing and joking. There was also a brave young lady who turned around and winked at Su Ming with hundreds of compound eyes. If she didn't have the head of a fly, just looking at her figure, she would be pretty good. It's supermodel level.

Rolling his eyes, Su Ming patted Death's hand holding his arm, and the three of them followed Satana to her secret room.

Generally, educated people like to have a study room where they can display their collection of books or some of their hobbies, such as animal heads obtained from hunting or medieval armors.

Deathstroke himself also has a study room. There are no books in it, but he displays the trophies he brings back every time. There are alien heads, alien weapons, alien spacecraft parts, alien technological drawings, etc. .

And Satana is a madam and a queen of letters, so she doesn't have a study, only a secret room.

There are some brightly colored torture instruments placed here, such as X-shaped brackets, a large number of whips of various sizes, large and small spheres with unknown uses, and some things that appear to be medical devices.

In short, this is her comfort zone. There are red candles everywhere, which makes it very festive.

After closing the door and isolating the noise outside, Satana let go of Deathstroke's arm to find drinks to entertain the guests, and then said:

"Actually, the bloody battle in hell has nothing to do with the main dimension. No matter who becomes Satan, the circulation path of the soul will not change, and they will still have to work for death. So, master, what is your purpose here? Especially With a rare Doctor Doom, he doesn’t seem like someone who wants to have fun.”

This is a fact. Doom never looks for fun. The future destiny of the country is very important to him. He is always looking for a way forward for the future of Latvinia.

To put it bluntly, he is a workaholic. Outsiders would even regard him as a complete robot because he never rests.

Not to mention dealing with hell. His mother's past experience made him hate all hell lords.

The elegant female devil twisted so hard when she walked that it seemed like her butt was about to fly out. She deliberately bent over with her back to the death knell, showing off her curves, then dug around behind the Throne of Thorns and pulled out a bottle of wine as if by magic. .

She poured herself a glass and drank it, showing that there was nothing wrong with the wine, before pouring wine first for Death, then the two men.

Her range of magic seems to have expanded a lot. She used to only be able to use fire magic, but now she can manipulate obsidian to get things, and there is a bit of Hela in it.

"Ah, you can see it. Indeed, the main purpose of our trip is to help the doctor find his relatives." When the glass of death knell was dry, he was not worried about what kind of medicine Satanna would give. She would not be so stupid: "Cynthia... Von Doom, her soul fell into the hands of Mephisto more than forty years ago, and was later passed back and forth by dozens of great demons, and was finally lost in hell."

Deathstroke had helped Doom find his mother several times before. He first gave him a fake android as a comfort, but it was soon discovered.

Later, I searched carefully and found another crazy one. I raised it for a few days and thought it was fine before sending it away. However, it turned out that it was a devil in disguise, and it was also fake. A few days later, Doom discovered it again.

Things in hell are true and false, and false and false are true. Even if Deathstroke himself is involved, there is no guarantee that it is 100% correct.

Doom didn't say it, but in fact he was not at ease about Deathstroke. Didn't he follow him down this time?

In hell, it is normal to lie and be cheated.

Su Ming briefly told the story about Mother Doom, omitting most of the details, and then waited for the devil's answer.

The red candle left teardrops, and the light in the room swayed a few times. Satana gracefully sat back on her throne, and slowly raised her legs seductively, showing off the curves of her legs.

Her red lips moved, her little tongue gently swept the corner of her mouth, and she winked at the death knell charmingly:

"Then you have found the wrong person. You also know that I am half human and half demon. I am not even forty years old yet. How could I know what happened in hell before?"

"I don't expect you to know. I just came here to ask who didn't participate in the bloody battle, so that I can find people to ask for information. This time we have Lady Death with us, and those guys should be able to tell the truth."

Deathstroke found an operating table and sat down on it. It was said to be an operating table, but more like a massage table made of obsidian. There were several large round holes on the bed board, and the intestines of an unknown creature were connected underneath to serve as pipes. I don’t know what they were. What is this for.

"That's right, then you might have to give them something hard."

The female demon began to imitate the cat, slowly licking the back of her white hands, looking directly at the death knell, as if she was hinting at something, but she was talking about serious things:

"This war has lasted for more than half a century. All the hell lords you can think of have ended. You can only go to the battlefield to find them. By the way, I suggest you go to my father first, torture him, and torture him. Let’s see what information he can tell you, hehehehe!”

Satanina and her father were enemies, and Satanish was lucky to have such a filial daughter.

But it's normal. As the lord of hell, it's a simple matter to brainwash or seduce human women to fall in love with him, but Satanish insists on forcing the overlord to make Satan's mother pregnant and bring people to hell. He tortured her continuously, first driving her crazy for fun, and then killed their mother in front of the two children in an attempt to teach them what cruelty is.

How can the two siblings raised in this way be normal people and have ghosts? Even a famous 'loving father' like Sannomiya would never play raven like this.

"Even if I kill him, his hell dimension is the third largest in area. If you give it to you, you can't grasp it now. Putting it there is like making a wedding dress for others." Deathstroke rejected Satana's suggestion because This is all out of her selfishness and not helpful at all.

When Deathstroke said this, Satana's shoulders slumped and her mouth turned to one side, looking very disappointed.

But she knew Deathstroke was right, it wasn't the right time yet.

So she quickly cheered up and said another paragraph. She touched her smooth belly and said with a smile: "I have another guess. If you kiss me, I will tell you that you have to stick out your tongue." Only breeding will do."

Deathstroke removed his mask and smiled slightly:

"That's it? Isn't this simple? It's a deal."


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