The Death Knell

Chapter 4256 Change of Thoughts

"Okay! Please ask Emperor Weishan to be a witness. You are not allowed to go back on your word!"

When she heard Deathstroke's answer, Satana immediately became happy. She laughed so hard that she immediately cast a spell to draft a contract and invited witnesses.

Emperor Weishan didn't bother to come at all. Only the pattern of the triangular holy emblem appeared in mid-air and flashed, which was just a formality.

Seeing that the contract came into effect, Satana immediately came out with a shy posture like an innocent girl, pouted her lips and closed her eyes, her face turned red and she twisted a few times.

But at the same time, she was still hooking her fingers, telling the man to hurry up, she couldn't wait any longer!

Her little mouth is so pretty and so red, and her beauty is even more tempting...

But Su Ming is a fun-loving person, and teasing Satana is quite fun, but the Supreme Mage will not be manipulated by the devil.

After all, she is a demon, and she is also a lord of hell. Her way of manipulating men is seduction. If she has such a beginning, she will have more excessive demands in the future, using the price of "welfare" to make people non-stop. She wants to trade until someone completely becomes her slave.

So Deathstroke's solution is simple.


Black sludge poured out of the gaps in the black and yellow armor, converging into a thick tentacle, with a strangled face exposed at the top. Its crescent-shaped eyes narrowed together, and after secretly laughing, it looked towards the person on the throne. Satana rushed over.

It didn't bite, but stretched out its big tongue as wide as the foot pad at the door of the house, sucked it and licked it up.

The female devil was still waiting with her eyes closed, but was licked by the big tongue from her navel to her forehead.

It was over in a blink of an eye. The makeup on her face was smeared, her false eyelashes fell off, and her whole body became sticky, as if she had been ravaged by hundreds of strong men. The translucent fishy mucus scared her. I had to scream.


She stood up, shook the slime off her body, looked at Deathstroke sadly, and wanted an explanation.

Of course Su Ming could explain, because the contract had already taken effect, proving that his solution was approved by Emperor Weishan and that he had fulfilled his contractual obligations.

"I am a symbiote host. The symbiote and I are one. I can call strangulation, and strangulation can also be called death knell." Su Ming touched the little bean sprout that retracted back to his shoulder, and the symbiote made a comfortable squeaking sound. The sound of the death knell was heard between the sharp teeth, and he continued: "The contract says that I want to kiss you, and use my tongue, and strangulation did it. Now it's your turn to fulfill your promise."


Doom chuckled under his iron mask. The young demon actually wanted to take advantage when negotiating terms with the Supreme Mage? Why doesn't she want Satan's throne to fall directly under her butt?

It's all just a daydream.

If he can't even deal with a hell lord, how can the Supreme Mage protect the earth and humanity?

Death, who was hugging Deathstroke's arm, smiled and said nothing. She knew that this man would be like this. When he could deceive people, he would never miss it, even if it was just for fun.

"Ugh! You're bullying me! I won't do it!"

Satana sat back and kicked her legs on the throne to show off. This was the first time she had been cheated on a contract and she was unwilling to accept the reality.

"Admit it, my dear, our contract witness is not as patient as me, and it won't work if you act coquettishly." Deathstroke leaned on the operating table, slowly lit up a cigarette and smoked it, and even gave Deathstroke one. Let her try it too.

The triangular holy emblem reappeared, and the colorful light of Emperor Weishan began to spread like water waves, as if Hogs would jump out in the next second.

There was no other way. Satana sighed and had no choice but to admit defeat. She stepped down from the throne, hugged Deathstroke's arm again, and rested her head on his shoulder:

"You are really the best man I have ever seen. Well, who said you won again? I said it's not okay... My idea is, maybe the person you are looking for is not good at all. Not in hell?"

"Oh? This is a new idea." Su Ming touched his chin, thoughtfully.

On the other hand, Doom denied it, and his voice became fierce: "When Doom was young, he saw her being tortured in hell. She was asking Doom to save her, and the fire of hell was burning her body. Doom saw the soles of his feet!”

"Don't get excited, doctor, let me finish." The demon rubbed his head against Deathstroke a few times, then analyzed with a smile: "Let me ask you a question first, do you think Deathstroke is powerful enough as the Supreme Mage?"

"There is no doubt about it, Demon. Although he can't use any magic, he can easily kill any spell caster. That's enough." Doom answered without hesitation at all, and even included himself in the answer. Yes, this is a very high praise.

"Yeah, I think so too. In addition, I can tell you that almost all the lords of hell, including Mephisto, think so too. He doesn't dare to make Deathstroke angry."

Satana reached out and touched Deathstroke's chest again, as if she was very addicted to the process of taking advantage. She then asked:

"Doctor, do you think you are strong?"

"Of course, you don't have to doubt Doom's ability. The strongest spellcaster in the main dimension, even your despicable father, can only run away when faced with Doom." Doum crossed his arms and raised his chin proudly. He considers himself the most powerful spellcaster on earth, and he is not humble at all.

Wanda's chaos magic is very strong, and the young witch still has a token of the ancient one in her hand, which is simply beyond the common sense of the magic world.

In terms of spellcasting ability alone, he is indeed not as good as Wanda, but in terms of combat effectiveness, the young man is definitely not as good as himself. In mage combat, experience and brains are the key factors, not to mention that he has technological means.

At this point, Satana spread her hands, and with her chest beating, she came to the conclusion:

"Very good, you both agree with me. You are both very strong. So you have come to hell many times to find that soul, and you have also approached many hell lords. Do they really dare to lie to you? On the contrary, I think , your mother has been resurrected a long time ago, and she is not in hell at all now."

Both Deathstroke and Doom have always believed that someone lied about the whole thing, so they brought Death here this time, hoping to rely on her face to make people tell the truth.

Satana's view is completely opposite. She believes that the demon lords all told the truth, and that Mother Doom's soul is not in anyone's hands, but has regained her freedom and ran away.

There is no doubt that Doom is a powerful spellcaster, so his mother must be too. This is a blood inheritance.

Even if a spellcaster only has his soul left, he can collect enough spellcasting materials in hell to communicate with the dimensional demon without being monitored, so as to obtain a way to escape.

"No way...Dum..."

Their analysis is very reasonable. After ruling out all the impossibilities, now this is indeed a possibility. The doctor couldn't even finish what he said. He was concerned and confused. He just said:

"Dum has been monitoring all parts of the earth, and there is no mother figure..."

The female devil stood up on tiptoes and secretly kissed Deathstroke, snickered and let go of her hand, indicating that the others could leave to find someone, and made the key conclusion:

"Who stipulates that a mage must live on earth? Couldn't she have gone to an alien planet?"


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