The Death Knell

Chapter 4286 Exclusion of Dafa

Since Vulcan helped to visit Mount Olympus, Zeus was not at home.

Then Su Ming will first test another possibility, which is what Bobo said, maybe the fake Zeus in Gotham has come out.

His strength in the past is not worth mentioning, but what if someone got some of Luthor's new inventions during the Year of the Villain? Doesn’t the strength increase?

And there is another possibility that the originally weak person has found a mysterious backer and improved his strength through some means. This may be possible, such as the previous psychological pirate.

Therefore, Su Ming planned to investigate this old Gotham man named Zeus to see where he was now, and at least eliminate one possibility.

Logically speaking, when you go to Gotham to find someone, you should first communicate with Bat. However, Bat has been busy playing games with the Joker recently, so he doesn't bother himself. He goes directly to the police station to find Commissioner Gordon, which has the same effect.

The veteran policeman’s understanding of the city is no worse than that of a bat.

It was not convenient for Deathstroke to enter the building and knock on the door of the director's office, but it was easy to get Gordon out.

Today is another heavy rain in Gotham. The sour-smelling rain fell from the sky and crackled into small mud puddles on the rooftop. The neon-lit city seemed to be shrouded in gauze, and the wind rolled the rain curtain like waves.

Explosions and gunshots will be heard in the distance from time to time, but this is also the normal state of Gotham. Only in this way can the city be dynamic, and it is also Batman's favorite state.

This is his city. If outsiders don't understand, it's best not to mess around with Gotham. Normal people shouldn't play in the cesspool, and it won't end well.

But there is good news. At least the bat light is still on. The light beam outlines a standard small animal shape on the clouds. The light and dark are a bit blurry, but the clouds are low today, so the bat logo looks decent.

So Su Ming reached out and turned off the bat light.

Within thirty seconds, the door to the rooftop stairwell opened, and Gordon appeared holding an umbrella. He came to check if there was anything wrong with the light fixtures.

For this old man, Batman's dark order is the only thing Gotham can rely on at night. Once this light is lit, it will not go out. It is impossible for him to be indifferent to the sudden disappearance of the bat pattern.

So he fell into Deathstroke's little trick and was automatically brought to him.

Seeing the death knell, Director Gordon's heart must have skipped a beat. He originally wanted to check the searchlight, but who would have thought that there was a ghostly figure in the rain standing next to the searchlight. Naturally, he was startled when he saw this image in the middle of the night.

But after confirming that it was the young death knell, he breathed a sigh of relief and covered his chest:

"God, it turned out to be you, the death knell of another world. You almost scared me to death."

"If you are so timid, how about retiring? When Barbara gets married in a few years, you can still help her take care of the children." Su Ming talked about what every father fears, using words to disturb Gordon's emotions. Thinking, threw a cigarette to him.

When Gordon heard that Barbara was going to marry someone else, even though Gordon knew that such a day would happen sooner or later, he couldn't help but think about it.

As a result, the old father's mentality suddenly became confused. A lonely and lonely aura came from him, and he said harshly:

"I didn't hear that she found a new boyfriend..."

"What if it's a girlfriend? In the new era, women can have children with each other. At least if Barbara asks me to help her with embryo experiments, I will be happy."

Su Ming approached the director with a smirk, walked under the umbrella to help Bobo avoid the rain, and whispered in Gordon's ear with a ghostly voice:

"You also know that she always leads the Birds of Prey team, which is full of heroic girls. If she is bent..."

"No, it's impossible. You're brainwashing me, Deathstroke."

As expected of Commissioner Gordon, a man who had been tortured by the Joker countless times, he came back to his senses so quickly. He shook his head angrily, lit up the cigarette given by Deathstroke, and took a deep puff in the cold night rain:

"Stop talking in circles, please tell me what you are looking for. You have saved me several times in the past. I will help you if I can, but it cannot violate the law and morality."

"There's no need to be so vigilant. Who do you think I am? Am I a psychopath or a serial killer? Don't worry, smile, I'm just joking with you. I like to tell jokes as soon as I arrive in Gotham."

Deathstroke put his arm around the director's shoulders and helped him turn on the power of the Bat-Signal. Then he shrugged and reminded the monkey secretary squatting there to explain his purpose.

Bobo followed Deathstroke and acted as a secretary most of the time. He immediately told Gordon the ins and outs of the matter.

The death of Hera, the return of Zeus, the approaching happy event in Olympus, Wonder Woman running away because of it, and the two people's suspicion of the crazy people in Gotham.

As a detective and bar owner, Bobo has good language organization skills. He explained the whole thing clearly in the simplest words.

Gordon didn't understand much. After all, the gods were too far away from his life.

A responsible police chief's duty is only to protect the city and its citizens. He has never seen God before.

So he could only answer the part he understood, which was the questions about the Olympus Gang that Deathstroke and the orangutan were looking for.

"You ask that crazy family? They are indeed hiding somewhere in Gotham, but they have superpowers, so ordinary police officers can't find them. There's not much I can tell you."

"I just wanted to make sure they were out and not in Arkham."

Su Ming also lit a cigarette and cast his gaze towards the distance, towards the island where Arkham Asylum is located.

"No, Bane once ruled Gotham for a short period of time, but during that time, many madmen were released from the sanatorium by him. I have a list that Batman gave me for me to pay attention to. The whereabouts of the people involved.”

When the mentally ill people in Gotham were mentioned, the old man's expression became even uglier. If the law hadn't allowed him to do so, he would have really wanted to send those people to the electric chair instead of locking them in cages and taking medicine.

"The Bat figure is lost. As expected, we still have to rely on the police to find it. Okay, I understand. I'll think of a way."

Su Ming smiled and nodded, preparing to contact Barbara to gather at the bell tower base.

But at this moment, a gunshot rang out.

Tilting his head, Deathstroke realized that it was coming from the office building at his feet, which meant that someone was opening fire at the police station.

"not good!"

Director Gordon's expression suddenly changed. He dropped his cigarette and ran back on the road. His movements were even a little panicked, and he disappeared within a few seconds.

"Do you want to go see the excitement?" Bobo held his pipe to prevent the acid rain from corroding his treasure: "You are going to contact Bat Girl to help find someone, but this kind of work can be done by the deputy, and we can see what happened in the Gotham Police Department Something is going on, and my detective instincts tell me this could be a clue.”

"Hmm, that sounds quite mysterious, detective intuition? But what you said makes sense, so let's go down and have a look?"

Su Ming smiled and asked Strangler to help him transform, but he still didn't listen to Diana's parting instructions and turned into Batman again.

With a flip of his black cloak, he was hanging upside down from the window of the police station, like a standard old Gotham peeping tom with a butt chin.


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