The Death Knell

Chapter 4287 People who don’t deserve to die

Deathstroke really wanted to tell a joke, saying that the one who was shot in the head was Mi Heizong in a convertible. This would definitely make the orangutan detective, who could not see the inside of the police station and was leaning on the edge of the rooftop, show an interesting expression.

But now that I am playing Batman, it seems inappropriate to tell cold jokes.

Hanging upside down outside the window and taking a look at the scene, he floated back and told Bobo, whose face was filled with rain and thirst for knowledge:

"Clayface is dead. The cause of death should be a headshot with a firearm."

The orangutan's mouth also opened wide, and he quickly caught the pipe he dropped, his eyes widening:

"Are you serious? Or does returning to Gotham make your sense of humor explode? Slade, I'm not particularly familiar with Clayface, but I know that he is almost physically immune, unless God's Metal or N-Metal Slug is used , otherwise how could you kill a ball of mud with a headshot with a firearm?"

Wiping the rain off his pipe, Bobo stared at Deathstroke's face, trying to find the mischievous smile he was joking about.

These precious metals are in the hands of limited people, at least not within the reach of some gangster in Gotham, and they do not have the ability to melt the top ten metals into bullets.

You know, even Batman spent a whole night with Alfred in order to make four n-metal bat badges.

This night, on a normal day, would be enough for Batman to capture many figures and send them to the display cabinet.

So Bobo thought Deathstroke was joking, but from his perspective, he could only see the rain falling from his butt and chin, falling to the rooftop and splashing water.

"This is no time for joking, Bobo." Deathstroke changed back to his own appearance, and his bat uniform turned back into black and yellow armor. He picked up the orangutan and walked downstairs: "Your detective intuition is right. Under normal circumstances, use the normal method. It is basically impossible to shoot Clayface with a metal bullet, but this incident is probably related to the case we are investigating."

At this point, the orangutan also understood. He climbed onto Deathstroke's shoulder and wiped his face with his furry paws:

"You mean, this clay face is also fake?"

"I can't tell, I haven't examined the body up my plan to play Batman and torture people can only be put on hold for the time being. I have to use my own identity to investigate this matter, because if it is proven that there is A large number of chameleons have entered Earth 0, and from now on, the matter of pretending to be someone else's identity will become very sensitive."

"I understand." The orangutan nodded, and he took a deep breath of the chemical-smelling air. The moist and cold smell entered the body's blood circulation through the alveoli. Even though as an orangutan, he also had to deal with a chameleon who is good at camouflage. Fang Liang: "I won't leave your sight. How about we also set a password for the connection?"

Su Ming laughed, shook his head, pushed open the rooftop stairwell door, and walked down:

"You are so dark. At this time, you still want to make fun of Batman's mother. Do you have any humanity at all?"

Bobo wanted to say, isn't this the beginning of your death knell? Speaking of darkness, on this day when Darkseid died, you were the tyrant of darkness, right?

But the words changed again when he came to his mouth. He made a gorilla cry and also followed the words of the death knell:

"I'm not a human in the first place, I'm just an orangutan, aw aw."


The lobby of the police station was filled with people, and there were first responders carrying equipment that seemed to want to rescue the injured, but obviously, facing a creature like Clayface, no doctor knew where to start.

Medical school doesn't teach people how to save a mess.

The condition of the deceased now is like a large deep sea mud mask stuck to the floor, a bit like a lump of water, except that the structure of the head is missing. The place where the head should be is covered with blood and yellow water. .

Director Gordon stood not far from the body and smoked silently. Several police officers stood beside him, also looking embarrassed. Each of them held their hands on their gun holsters and remained alert.

So when they saw Deathstroke coming downstairs, they immediately took out their weapons and pointed them at the most suspicious person.

"Stop! Put down your weapons! Let go!" Director Gordon pulled the arms of several people around him and asked them to put down their guns: "This matter has nothing to do with Deathstroke. He was with me when the crime occurred."

Logically speaking, the police chief should not admit direct contact with mercenaries, especially since there are two Deathstrokes on Earth 0, and the old Deathstroke has left a lot of unsolved cases in Gotham.

But Gordon can only say this, because he knows that the police pistol cannot hurt Deathstroke at all, but will only give him a reason to fight back. According to Batman, this other world Deathstroke may be more powerful than the crazy Superman. .

He didn't dare to bet on whether Deathstroke would be merciful, and he couldn't let the young men in the police station risk their lives in vain.

Most of the police officers could not understand Gordon's good intentions. They had a look of injustice on their faces, but they obeyed the order anyway, but some younger rookies were still rolling their eyes eagerly.

There is no shortage of careerists and lunatics in Gotham. Even within the police department, there are still people who want to climb up by any means necessary.

Although it is a Japanese tradition to get down and get up, in Gotham, there have been many capable people who have done this in history.

If you don't obey the leadership's instructions, but you can make meritorious deeds, isn't that the end of the world? There are a lot of super detectives like this in movies.

Therefore, in order to avoid accidents, Su Ming simply did not give these people a chance. He just raised his hand, and the force stopped everyone except Gordon in place.

Apart from the fact that their eyes can move and they can breathe freely, they are not much different from the dolls.

"Your men are a little restless, Mr. Director. Let me help them calm down and they will recover after I leave." Su Ming jumped down from the stairs, carrying Bobo and landed next to Gordon, as if A dark cloud in flight: "I need to check the corpses. If you don't agree, I will turn them into new corpses."

Gordon didn't speak, just closed his eyes and made a gesture of invitation slowly and with difficulty.

He knew that no matter who Deathstroke was, he was a thoughtful person, not a detective, but his reasoning ability was not much worse than Batman's.

Deathstroke from another world also brings a gorilla detective with him, which means that he is most likely helping the Justice League, so of course he must cooperate if he can.

Moreover, Deathstroke's speech is obviously to help himself. After all, with so many people in the bureau watching, his previous statement may indeed leave evidence. Now if it can be proved that he and Deathstroke were coerced by super mercenaries before, then there will be a problem Not big anymore.

So, I had to pretend to be reluctant.

This is Earth 0, and Deathstroke's reputation is linked to terror and killing. Of course, Su Ming can't drag Gordon down in public.

As for whether Gordon can cooperate, the old man still claims that he doesn't know Batman's true identity. Living in this city, lying is a necessary skill, and he must know how to clear himself from suspicion.

So Su Ming no longer paid attention to his performance, but squatted next to the corpse and let Zhuo Zhu lick the yellow-brown mud.


A small bean sprout sprouted from the other shoulder, grinning and making a sound. It said that it was made of the same ingredients as the sewer and was terribly unpalatable. It had to eat a few fresh human brains to rinse its mouth out.

But it also found clues that while Clayface was indeed the same flavor as Gotham's sewers overall, the body was missing something crucial, so it was an imposter.


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