The Death Knell

Chapter 4314 Dog Conditions

There is no need to go to the Metropolitan Police Department, because there is a superman in that city, who takes over almost all the work of the police department, fire department, National Guard and other departments, so the Metropolitan Police Department is famous His incompetence is almost a model of existentialism.

To put it simply, there is a police station in the city that can mediate neighborhood conflicts, issue tickets, and tow cars. This is enough, and the town government does not expect them to do anything else.

If the combat effectiveness of the Gotham Police Department is ten, then their combat effectiveness is two or three. Anyway, when encountering a big problem, there is no need to call for reinforcements through the walkie-talkie, just shout "Superman help" into the sky and that's it.

Over time, who is still training seriously? It's better to wake up every morning and raise your voice to make sure your screams are more tactful and pleasant.

Speaking of how to deal with this matter, Batman and Green Arrow are of the same school. They believe that superheroes should not be too involved in government affairs and only need to deal with unnatural events and powerful enemies that ordinary police officers cannot handle. For example, if Penguin smuggles arms, then Bat himself has to get involved, because this must be planning something big.

But an ordinary passerby smuggling arms? Give Gordon a call and let the police handle it.

Only in this way can people realize that they must rely on their own efforts to survive and live well, instead of relying on superheroes for everything. What if they die one day? Who do people rely on? It’s not up to them to rely on themselves!

Superman and Barry are on the other side. They want to help when they see something happening. Whether it's helping a neighbor catch a cat in a tree or sending a child who is late to school, as long as they see something they can help with, they will definitely help.

This certainly puts many policemen and firefighters out of work, but in the eyes of the two heroes, this also avoids the risk of ordinary people dying in vain, because life is the most precious.

Su Ming couldn't say who was right or wrong among these two views, because he didn't agree with either. His own style was to stay out of business unless it was beneficial.

"Adjutant, hack into the Metropolitan Police Department and Customs Department to investigate the missing records of drug detection dogs."

Su Ming rolled up everyone with his cloak and returned to the hall of the living area in the blink of an eye, where meals were already prepared.

It's not anything particularly good, just some specialties from the ghost universe, such as a fish made by a space whale, extraterrestrial vegetable salad, stir-fried alien larvae and other dishes. In short, there is no barbecue.

"Retrieval completed, projection released."

The adjutant herself rose from the ground. She gradually solidified like a liquid and quickly floated to sit at the dining table, obviously intending to eat together.

But she didn't delay getting down to business. A police dog file was projected above the dining table for everyone to view and discuss while eating.

It includes information such as the reason for calling the police, time of disappearance, suspected missing location, etc., and a confession from Gou Sheng's former partner, or breeder.

It was mentioned in the confession that the night before yesterday, he was affiliated with the K9 department while patrolling with his dog normally and found someone suspected of conducting drug transactions in a dark alley, so he took action after notifying the headquarters.

As soon as the two people involved in the transaction saw the police, they ran away separately. After all, criminals are also afraid. What if they resist and the police call Superman?

Even if he has a gun, he doesn't dare to use it and just runs away, because as soon as the gun is fired, Superman will be accurate and the bullet will only hit the letter S.

The police officer was obviously used to suspects not resisting, so he decided to chase the seller himself and let the dog chase the buyer.

In the end, he caught the drug dealer and returned the same way. When he was about to join the police dog, he only saw the beheaded and dead buyer, and the dog disappeared.

Because people died during the arrest and a ‘police officer’ was lost, the partner made a record and accepted the investigation by the Ministry of Internal Affairs.


Gouzi saw his own photo in the projection and the video of his partner being interrogated by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. He lay down at the table sadly and let out a pitiful whimper.

He knew that the regret chair in that room was only used by bad people, and now that his partner was sitting on it, he must have been wronged.

"Let's negotiate a condition. If you want to return to work, after you finish helping us, I can arrange for you to go back in a reasonable manner." Su Ming touched the dog's head. The bionic fur felt very good. At least Gou Sheng looked at it. It looks like a real dog: "Here, let me eat a piece of fried fish, space whale, no dog has ever eaten something like this."

As he spoke, Su Ming used the Force to control a large piece of fish to fly off the table and deliver it to the dog's mouth.

I originally thought it was an abandoned pet dog, but I didn't expect it to be a police dog. But that's right. The Staffordshire Bull Terrier breed is originally an all-purpose dog. They can be used as EOD dogs and can also detect drugs.

In this way, he is really a righteous puppy. Let him eat some good food.

Su Ming just looks down on the silly behavior of superheroes, but he also likes kind people and dogs that serve loyally to humans. Even aliens can like them as long as they are willing to work as dogs for humans.

"Even a human like me has never eaten it before, hmm! It smells good! Haha!"

Shazam answered with a silly smile. He was holding a fork in both hands and a napkin around his neck. He was showing off all kinds of delicious dishes that were free of charge. He used his super speed to reach the table.

But he was not the fastest, because beside him, Wally was burping and wiping his mouth to show that he had eaten.

Perhaps he understood the meaning of the death knell, Gou Sheng quickly rubbed his head against the man's leg a few times to show his goodwill, and then started to work, as if he really accepted the deal.

"Why are there no dogs on Paradise Island?" Donna looked at Deathstroke with envy. While eating, she threw an apple to the dog and said, "When I was on the island before, I only saw enemies. The war mastiffs brought by Ares are not cute at all.”

Su Ming shrugged, leaned on the back of the chair and waited for everyone to finish eating, and said calmly:

"Probably to prevent Zeus from turning into a dog and sneaking in and doing bad things to the sisters on Paradise Island? You know, that old dog likes this kind of thing the most. If he succeeds, then Hippoly Queen Tu doesn’t know how many more ‘godsisters’ she will have, and how many of your sister Diana’s sisters will become her ‘aunts’.”

"Ahem, Slade, don't talk about this kind of topic. We have minors in the team now. Let's talk less about dark things. Today's young people can't accept it. Many good kids are reading novels. , even if I see a sentence describing a skeleton, I will tremble with fear."

Bobo immediately interrupted Deathstroke, as if he was worried that a man would teach a child bad things.

"Does the problem of covering eyes no longer exist? If one day the child really sees a skeleton and doesn't know what it is, pick it up and lick it to see? It doesn't matter, everyone eat quickly. After eating, we will go solve the case , I have a hunch that a key discovery is about to be made.”

Su Ming seemed to have thought of something, but also seemed to have thought of nothing. He waved his hand to indicate that the topic was over, and started drinking juice, a drink that is loved by children.

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