The Death Knell

Chapter 4315 Bat City

"This is my city, so do as I say."

Today is a peaceful day for Gotham. Although acid rain is still falling in the night sky and the bat lights are still on under the clouds, this does not prevent people from having some fun.

As midnight approached, fireworks were set off in the city, and people took to the streets, laughing and walking into nightclubs to drink wine.

It was a days-overdue celebration of the last time the citizens had survived a horde of capitalist killer robots.

Well, in fact, there are similar celebrations almost every time. There is a celebration after defeating Barbatos, there is a celebration after defeating the alien Poseidon. In short, every time Gotham survives the disaster, the survivors will celebrate.

And this city will be like the flowers on the mass grave. The more people die, the more beautiful it will be because of its sufficient nutrition.

Don't get me wrong, the citizens held the celebration ceremony not to congratulate the Justice League for defeating the enemy, but just for themselves. On the one hand, they celebrated their survival, and on the other hand, they felt happy for the legacy of the deceased they had swallowed.

The heritage is diverse and almost everyone who survives can benefit.

For example, on a normal day, an ordinary man can only peek at the beautiful wife next door through the peephole. She is so perfect that just taking a peek feels like offending a goddess. How can an ordinary man deserve it? Where to fuck her?

But after the disaster, things were different. Her husband died, almost everyone in the apartment died, and ordinary men ransacked the homes of the deceased as quickly as possible after the incident. Now all the people in one building were All the wealth was concentrated in his hands.

In Gotham, money is power, and now he is completely worthy of the beauty, and can even do whatever he wants to her.

It sounds a bit despicable and dark, but who doesn't desire these in their heart?

When ready wealth lies in the shabby ruins of every house with its open door, and gold and jewels can even be seen by the naked eye in the light of the fire;

When you know that Batman is too busy to notice you inconspicuously;

When a top-notch woman who has never been in contact with you in the past, her fragrance comes from behind the thin door panel of the next room and penetrates your nostrils, and she still cries and begs you to help her.

No one can bear it. There will only be one voice repeating one sentence in people's hearts. The language may be different, but the meaning is probably the same, which is - 'I want'.

The depravity and madness of ordinary people only need a slight push, and disasters and major events are one of the best pushers.

People like opportunities, and human nature is so greedy. When a major choice comes, people's hearts will beat faster, their faces will turn red, and they will feel the sound of the wheel of fate passing over their heads, so they will obey their biological instincts and choose the option that is most beneficial to them.

Of course, there are also a large number of people with noble character on the earth, but they do not exist in Gotham. This simple city has the same simple "success science".

Batman watched expressionlessly as Mayor Nakano was speaking in the city square. The mayor, who was rescued by Deathstroke last time, still had an arm in a plaster, but he seemed happy, maybe because of his usual constraints. Several of his politicians also died. …

After Mr. Mayor announced the start of the celebration and the sound of music overwhelmed the sound of rain, Batman said the previous words to his teammates.

Superman, Ron, and Green Lantern all want to solve the problem and are very motivated to get started. They have been urging Batman to assign tasks since they arrived in Gotham.

But the dark man ignored them at all. Instead, he took everyone to the roof of the police station, where he looked at the city square not far away, as if waiting for something.

He doesn't completely believe the intelligence given by Deathstroke, but he also knows the power of Chameleon. There are very few people he can trust now. He has to re-examine everyone and spend time observing their every move, speech and conversation, including the teammates around him. is the object of suspicion.

Just like he said, this is his city and you have to play it his way.

"This won't work, that won't work either. What can we do? No, why did you bring us here?" Guy is a hot-tempered man. He rarely acts with Batman. It can even be said that they don't get along at all. : "Bah, this city stinks just like the rain."

He spat, because acid rain got into his mouth while he was speaking, making his tongue numb.

"To put it simply, Batman can't trust Deathstroke. He suspects that Deathstroke killed that person."

Green Arrow is very adaptable to this urban atmosphere. He has one foot on the low fence of the rooftop and holds his ex-wife in his arms:

"So he wants to find someone he trusts and re-examine the entire case. Apart from that, I actually don't understand why he spent an hour and led us to stand here and watch this crazy celebration."

For Green Arrow, Gotham is a bit like Star City, but the latter is not so crazy, because he obviously heard the sound of gunshots and rocket launchers amidst the fireworks. This is not like something that would be used in a carnival parade. Traditional fireworks.

Batman didn't answer them, but glanced at everyone behind the mask, and then he pressed the ear under the helmet:

"Tell me what you found."

Based on the observations during this period, the teammates are all fine and can take the next step.

"I figured we should go to the orgy together too."

A young woman's voice came from the walkie-talkie, accompanied by her words that seemed to be complaining, and the sound of high-frequency tapping on the keyboard.

"You're kidding, nothing good ever happens in Gotham at night."

Batman coolly dismissed the girl's joke, just like the Joker said, he always takes himself too seriously.

"Haha, okay, I monitored the police radio and hacked into the police station's surveillance system."

The girl is obviously used to Batman's habits, and she has already expected to be rejected:

"The original surveillance is exactly the same as what Deathstroke provided you. There is no manipulation. As for how many vicious cases of robbery and murder occurred in the city tonight, I don't think I need to tell you. You should already know it. "

"There was no manipulation."

The corners of Batman's mouth turned downwards. He didn't say anything more, but his expression already showed his thoughts. At this time, the Dark Knight remembered an incident two months ago.

Deathstroke in another world made a lot of money from himself, and later 90% of the money was transferred to Barbara. Deathstroke asked the girl to help him open a small investment company in Gotham. No matter how you look at it, Something is wrong.

"Do you have any dark thoughts again? Batman, darkness has always been one of the most powerful props in your arsenal, almost alongside fear."

The girl raised a question. She didn't understand why Batman had always been suspicious of the Deathstroke in another world.

You must know that among the many Deathstrokes in parallel universes, that young man can already be regarded as a moral saint. He has helped the Justice League a lot, and even directed them to carry out many life-or-death missions.

But Batman didn't answer directly. Instead, he looked at the exploding fireworks that were still rising in the rain. Various colors of light illuminated his face, and what he said was evasive:

"There's something wrong in Gotham tonight, I can feel it, it's unusual."

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