The Death Knell

Chapter 4316 Just have fun

"Hey, listen to me, Batman, I love the way you get suspicious when you see people laughing. It makes us all feel safe. But Gotham in the first half of the year was a hell on earth, and you're going to make people miserable. An opportunity to have fun, unless you actually see a clown spreading laughing gas, otherwise let people relax for the night."

Barbara tried to talk Batman down, while giving the dried coke stains on her keyboard a few quick taps of her fingernails.

Previously, Batman had given her a task when he arrived at the police station. When he went to the Hall of Justice to meet Deathstroke, Barbara had actually already begun secretly investigating the shooting at the police station.

The method is also simple, that is, a gunshot alarm.

In the United States, many cities with poor security have similar equipment, such as Detroit, Star City, and Gotham.

These small devices are essentially microphones that are fixed on telephone poles or street lamps. When a specific short-lived noise reaching a certain decibel level is detected within the range, such as gunshots, cannons, explosions, etc., many Each device will automatically lock the location of the sound source based on the triangulation principle, and simultaneously send the coordinates to the police station's records.

The only problem in Gotham is that gunshots are too frequent. Whenever night falls, the gunshots in the city are like someone frying beans, ringing in every dark corner.

At this time, if you want to identify the firearm used by the assassin and the location of the shot, you need a very experienced Gothamite to filter out the most suspicious shot from many alarm records at the same time.

Barbara did it. After locating the location of the gunshot, she went out for a trip, beat up a few gang members, bribed a few homeless people, and got a very model cell phone photo.

It was an old homeless man who heard the sound of gunshots coming from near his location. He hid under the cardboard and secretly took a photo with a low-quality mobile phone from more than ten years ago. Because the other person was very fast, the photo was very inaccurate.

Barbara believed that the person who appeared in the picture was the murderer of the police station's murder of Eucalyptus, but the problem was that she didn't know how to tell Batman.

Because the person photographed in the photo only has one hind leg, but that leg is wearing black and yellow armor, exactly the style of Deathstroke.

But the Deathstroke that everyone knows was studying corpses with his father in the police station at the time. It was impossible for him to appear in two places at the same time. Since the one in the police station is real, then the one outside is fake or comes from a parallel world. of.

However, Barbara couldn't tell Batman this conclusion, because she knew that as soon as she said it, Batman would immediately raise the suspicion of the good man Deathstroke to the maximum in his heart. This is not what the girl wants to see. .

However, perhaps it was her inconsiderate attitude that aroused Batman's suspicion, and he rarely said a question:

"Where's the death knell?"

He didn't talk about his analysis process or his specific suspicions. Those things were ignored. Maybe they were just blackmail, maybe Batman only cared about where the killer was.

He is not as crazy as Barbara imagined. As for who completed the sniper assassination at the police station, we only need to catch the murderer.

"It should be in the city center. I have analyzed all kinds of intelligence in the city, from traffic probes to the newly installed surveillance equipment in the sewers. The murderer did not leave the murder scene too far, but hid in the city hall. Now in Nakajima City They are heading inside."

Barbara sighed. Every time she faced Batman, she couldn't hide it:

"Tonight there will be a themed celebration at the City Hall, where all the city's richest people will dress up as Gotham's supervillains and go there to attend a masquerade ball. In addition, even if your money has been stolen by Catwoman, you still have an invitation. "

"Bruce got the invite, not me, that's all."

Batman hung up the communication. He had locked on the clue, and he had already stood on the rooftop of the building to participate in today's celebration with everyone. Now it was time to get down to business.

Wasting some time to re-examine each member of the Justice League and double-check the clues and evidence that Deathstroke had given once. This was not a waste of time, but a necessary step.

On the contrary, there is no news from Deathstroke's team now, but this proves the existence of two Deathstrokes at the same time. Therefore, after receiving double verification from Barbara, Batman lowered his guard against acquaintances.

"I can't understand, Batman, the residents of this city can be killed by super villains at any time, but why are they willing to pretend to be super villains to attend the masquerade." Ron, who heard the communication, still had the same expression. He was so sad, his green face was full of ravines.

Batman didn't answer. He just threw off his cloak and jumped off the rooftop, sliding towards the darkness. But Green Arrow gave the answer:

"Actually, it's very simple. It's just the little villain's yearning for the big villain. Let's go and follow Batman. It's time to do something."

"Well, you said you were killed here, right?"

While Batman and his team were wasting time, the Deathstroke team was walking their dogs in the metropolis more than 200 kilometers away.

Unlike Gotham, although they are both East Coast cities, the sky in Metropolis is full of stars tonight, and the high-rise buildings and communities in the distance are quiet and peaceful. Not to mention the sound of gunshots, there is not even the sound of vehicle tires blowing out.

If someone has traveled through the DC universe and wants to live a normal life, and also wants to have free help when moving, it is strongly recommended to choose to live in a metropolis. The probability of inexplicably dying is quite low.

After the supper, Su Ming took his teammates and the mechanical dog back to the scene where it was killed, and asked him to describe what happened at that time.

The dog started to move. He first ran from the other end of the street and pointed to the position in front of him with his paw, indicating that it was chasing a prisoner.

Then it hid in the green belt on the side, suddenly jumped out, stood up again, and gestured back and forth on its neck with one front paw, sticking out its tongue and rolling its eyes.

This means that someone ambushed them in the bushes, and the person who bought the drug was beheaded on the spot, and then died.

Then it started to play itself. It jumped back a small step and tried to scream but was covered. Then it pointed to the back of its neck to explain that it had been injected with something and died as a result.

"That's it, Bobo, investigate all possible traces at the scene, especially in the grass; Adjutant, investigate the prisoners that Gou Sheng has arrested before, and use big data to see who has no alibi tonight; Gou Sheng, smell Smell the murderer, good boy, and smell it carefully.”

Deathstroke assigned the task, and then stood aside to smoke. It was good to have teammates, and many times he didn't have to do chores by himself.

If you have time to do chores, wouldn't it be nice to have a drink with your beautiful sister-in-law?

So he watched Bobo work, giving instructions from time to time, asking Bobo to dig out the garbage, while he himself took out the wine to share with Donna, which was very relaxing.

"Chief, Batman has taken action. He confirmed the information you provided for the second time and asked Barbara for help. It seems that he has just identified the suspect. He found out that the murderer is another Deathstroke."

As he said that, the adjutant played an aerial view taken by a satellite. In the video, the Batman team was standing on the roof of the police station, looking at the town hall building across the street from them across the central square.

Staying up all night and being exposed to the acid rain, without supper or snacks, and of course no alcohol, I always got no explanation for my questions, and the atmosphere in the team was as cold as a piece of ice.

Standard Batman style, at least proving he wasn't replaced with a fake.

"Haha, I doubt it, but even if they don't waste this time, they still have no chance. The targets we are looking for this time are some chameleons. Unless the bat agrees to Ron's activation of the ability to unjustly scan the memories of all Gotham people, otherwise, they will end up You will only get a puddle of mud."

After drinking a glass of wine, Donna's face turned a little red, and she echoed Deathstroke's words with a smile:

"Yes, following Batman to break the eucalyptus can only be considered fun, and you will complete the mission in complete confusion from beginning to end. If you really want to learn something, you still have to watch Bobo, right? Bobo?"

"Haha. That's an honor. How can I compare with Batman? We learn from each other. It's mutual."

Despite what he said, the orangutan immediately poked his head out of the bushes and laughed out loud.

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