The Death Knell

Chapter 4317 Locking the target

Because he was praised once, Bobo was in a good mood. While inspecting the scene, he began to explain his ideas to everyone.

For example, when a person hides in the grass, what shape will the footprints take? How to judge from the footprints whether a person has small feet and big shoes to mislead reasoning, and some other interesting anti-reconnaissance techniques.

Even so, it only took him three minutes to complete the crime scene investigation and found a lot of clues that the Metropolitan Police Forensic Department had not found.

After all, the police officers can't communicate with the souls of dogs, and their daily skills are worse than their colleagues in Gotham, so even the location of the murder they judged does not match the real location.

They just saw where the body was lying and put a cordon around it. But they didn't know that if a person dies while running at high speed, will the inertia of his body still allow him to run a certain distance as a headless corpse?

I didn’t even know this, and I certainly didn’t expect that there was someone hiding in the bushes ‘half way’.

"We found several suspects, Sheriff." The deputy projected dozens of photos of criminals holding signs in their hands: "These are all people who have been arrested by Gou Sheng and have a grudge against him, but have recently been arrested for various reasons. Scumbags coming out of jail for a reason.”

"I understand, so this is your thinking." Wally is not Barry, he is not a forensic laboratory technician, but he often watches Barry work, and he also learned some common sense about solving crimes: "It's a motive, right? ?”

"Yes, it is known that our murderer has a fundamental purpose, which is to get a dog and inject it with Clayface plasma nanobots, so that the dog can pretend to be Little Krypton and sneak into Clark's house to wait for opportunities."

Deathstroke held a cigarette in his mouth and handed Wally a piece of Chocolate Frog, but the latter repeatedly waved his hands to indicate that he couldn't eat any more. He had never been so full as today, so the mercenary stuffed the chocolate into Donna's mouth and continued:

"What action will it take? I guess it is most likely to bite its owner to death in the dead of night. Superman and Jonathan are too thick-skinned to kill, but Lois is just an ordinary human woman, and it is easy to kill her. Easy. Because people are basically unprepared for their pets. Even if a large dog jumps on the bed at night and licks the owner's face, it will most likely be considered coquettish."

"Good guy, I can't even imagine what Superman would become if Lois was killed." Bobo handed a bunch of evidence bags to Strangler, and he quickly took a puff of his pipe to calm down his shock. Climb back onto Deathstroke's shoulders.

If that really happened, I'm afraid all the shapeshifters around the world would be killed by an angry Superman, right?

Of course Kryptonians are capable of killing people. For them, all it takes to kill someone is a light touch, and ordinary people will explode into a mist of blood.

Clark doesn't kill people, he just has a high level of self-control and moral standards, but if the woman he loves deeply is killed, the string in his mind will be broken.

Anyway, once Superman wants to kill all the shapeshifters, many magicians, Martian Manhunter in the Justice League, Rubber Man, the now upgraded Cyborg, and more than ten people will be on Superman's killing list.

At that time, Zhenglian will inevitably collapse from within.

"It's just an irresponsible guess, but it's most likely the case. Let's get back to the subject, it's the motive Wally mentioned just now."

Su Ming took a puff of cigarette, asked Hangsha to take some biological test materials, and provided the corresponding DNA to the adjutant for comparison. At the same time, he used a persuasive tone to guide his teammates to think:

"There are a lot of stray dogs in the metropolis. I just used a light ring to scan and count them. There are about 50,000 of them. These are all easily acquired materials. So why did our Mr. Killer specifically kill the stray dogs? It is still a police dog, and killing it means greater trouble later on."

"Because the criminal had a grudge against the dog, he also proved that he had already ambushed the dog in the grass, so this was a premeditated revenge. Killing the dog became the main motive, but turning it into a little krypton became a convenient way. But for."

Donna also understood that the Amazons actually understood the concept of revenge very well. After all, they were all hot-blooded fierce women. Who didn't have a temper?

"Therefore, we can make an assumption that among the bad guys that Gou Sheng caught before, one of them was recently released from prison and had some adventure, or was pointed out by someone and gained abilities, so he was subdued and was working for that person. . The person behind the scenes asked him to kill a dog and assign a role to the dog, so as soon as our murderer heard that the dog was going to be killed, he immediately thought of the vengeful dog."

In response to Donna's speech, Su Ming smiled and nodded, and continued:

"We have been able to confirm that the murderer is not a chameleon transformed by nanorobots, because the controlled puppet does not have hatred for a dog. He killed the dog, all out of emotional drive, and this is the key clue."

"DNA comparison completed, target locked, Sheriff."

The adjutant gave a reply at this time. Many of the suspended photos disappeared, leaving only one. Among them was a black man named Deli. The violent criminal record next to it could write a book, but he was released on bail every time. It seems that the family is very rich.

"Very good, a resume that is perfect enough to be used in a biographical film, and the skin color is correct." Su Ming told a cold joke. He picked up the big dog and stroked its head: "Teleport, let's go to this guy's house. By the way, Goucheng, have you ever eaten a human before?"

"???" The dog tilted his head.

A mansion, a luxury car, a swarm of bodyguards, searchlights and helicopters on the roof.

This place does not look like an ordinary wealthy family, but more like the base camp of a South American drug lord. This family must have done some illegal bad things, something very serious, otherwise ordinary families would not equip their bodyguards with anti-material sniper rifles.

But it is also a beautiful house, with white walls in the East Coast style, located in the southern corner of the metropolis, close to the sea, and there are many palm trees on the roadside.

At night, there are special lights under these trees to illuminate the wide green leaves, which is also a good scenery.

"I have only heard that some black people are very rich before, but this is the first time I have seen such a rich man. He is richer than Lucius, the current CTO of Wayne Group." Su Ming squatted in the darkness, thinking for a moment. He petted the dog and talked to the orangutan on his shoulder: "This manor looks bigger than the Palace of Versailles from the outside."

"Well, it's bigger. Look at the fountain. There's a one-to-one size blue whale sculpture spraying water in it." The orangutan was also jealous. He pointed at the sculpture at the door of the house and started drooling: "Damn, it's really What a beautiful whale, but I don’t have a pond to hold it.”

"Do you like that? Okay, after I kill all this family, I will break off the blue whale statue, shrink it with Pym particles, and put it in the sink of your bar."

Su Ming was very generous in distributing the spoils in advance. It was a rare time for the orangutan to say what he liked. If it couldn't satisfy its wish, would it have the nerve to use other people in the future?

Must be arranged.

"Ahem!" Wally coughed dryly and moved his eyes elsewhere: "Um, Deathstroke, I won't go in. I plan to help you lookout at the door. Ahem, forget it, my throat is a little itchy, I'll go home and drink some. The medicine will be back soon, please don’t kill anyone, really don’t kill me.”

After saying that, there was a flash of lightning, and he seemed to have left temporarily, probably preparing to recreate 'Schrödinger's Man'.

Because as long as you don't look at it, the people in the manor will still be in an unstable state, either dead or alive, even after the death knell enters the house.

This is the classic explanation of Deathstroke that Barry told him.

"I'll forget it, but I'll stay here to look out. Can you help me keep an eye on the game console after you go in? I want the new Nintendo handheld console released this year."

Shazam couldn't get over the psychological hurdle, so he stayed outside the gate.

But he still wanted something, and unknowingly he fell the fastest, not even realizing that Deathstroke was committing robbery.

But from Su Ming's point of view, in the end, it was Donna who was best. She did not waver at all. Deathstroke said that he wanted to kill all the family members. She didn't ask anything, and she already had the sword and shield in her hand.

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