The Death Knell

Chapter 4318 Feeling uncomfortable all over

It's true that Donna is willing to help Deathstroke kill people, but it's best not to let her do it. After all, she is a member of the Zhenglian. It would not be good if this news got out. After all, there is no airtight wall in the world.

Besides, Su Ming didn't need help from others when dealing with a group of ordinary people.

"Here, come on, I'll hold the line for you." Deathstroke took out the gun he had used for Gabriel before and handed it to Bobo's arms: "You haven't experienced the feeling of being Rambo before, have you? ? Galloping in the rain of bullets, now the opportunity has come, I give you the gun, but it is still blue fire."

But Bobo didn't take the gun at all. He even retracted his hands into his sleeves and shook his head like a rattle:

"The length of this rifle is higher than my height. How can I use it? Also, recently I am cultivating a peaceful mind and want to learn gardening, so I'd better forget about killing people. But I can testify for you. , the people in this room are probably not good people, their defense level is as if they are preparing for a doomsday battle."

Not only did he not hold a weapon, but his dark face seemed to have turned a little whiter.

Su Ming wordlessly picked up the gun, took off the muzzle brake, took out a silencer from his pocket and slowly screwed it on the muzzle:

"Look at this little excuse you made. Your Forgotten Bar doesn't even have any land. Why do you want to learn gardening? To play electronic farms on social networks?"

Standing aside, Donna had already anticipated Bobo's choice. The orangutan had a very vicious mouth and often said he would tear off someone's mouth or skin someone, but in fact he had never hurt anyone at all.

Not to mention killing people, there was no record of wounding anyone. At most, he only struck a few monsters with his sword.

"Haha, you should say you want to study art." She took Bobo with a smile and put it on her shoulder: "Next time Deathstroke goes to your bar and you can't see any art, you can still use the excuse that you are studying art. Performance Art."

"Haha." Bobo smiled bitterly. What even Donna could think of, could he not think of it himself?

It's just that I don't want to use such a good excuse this time. What if Deathstroke arranges something he doesn't want to do next time and the good excuses run out?

A woman is a prodigal. As soon as she said this now, such a good excuse was equivalent to being scrapped.

He shook his head speechlessly, but the heartwarming scene also made Su Ming laugh out loud. He pulled the gun bolt with a katcha, leaned against the wall and prepared to break in, and let Zhuosha go to pick the door lock: "Okay, Gou Sheng, find it." Find the scent of your murderer and we'll get started."

How could an ordinary bodyguard withstand Deathstroke's dark night raid? Even if another death knell came here, without Su Ming's many props and abilities, it would be easy to take care of some bodyguards in the original state of just coming out of the army.

Su Ming hadn't used a gun for a while, so he took the opportunity to experience the game of wild duck hunting.

At night when the sky was full of stars and the moon was not very bright, many bodyguards on patrol were shot in the head silently without even knowing where the bullets came from.

Are they innocent, and what's their story? Su Ming doesn't care.

After all, they use money to do things, so they should be mentally prepared to die for money, right?

Gou Sheng has been looking for the scent of the murderer. Although strangulation can also do the job, watching a dog running in front of him, turning back and wagging his tail from time to time, always makes people feel good, like running freely on the grassland. on, enjoying the joy of coexisting with animals.


While running forward, the assault rifle in Deathstroke's hand kept firing, a faint sound like a whistle could be heard, and corpses fell one after another.

Deathstroke's skills with guns are obviously much better than Gabriel's. Before he shoots, he can make sure that the opponent's body falls softly and slowly, rather than falling suddenly and making a noise.

After walking through the several-thousand-meter-long courtyard road, passing through a hedge maze nearly as large as four football fields, and bypassing the artificial lake-like fountain, he finally led his teammates to sneak into the villa perfectly.

"There are quite a lot of hidden sentries on the road. If ordinary people come to break in, it's really easy for the car to overturn."

Su Ming closed the door with his backhand and leaned against the door to look at the interior decoration of the building. At the same time, it also allowed Donna to take a breath. Even though she had a body made by a god, the more than 4,000 meters she ran from the gate of the manor to here in twenty seconds was still classified as Anaerobic exercise.

"How many shots did you fire? I lost count."

Bobo blinked in the darkness, and he was also admiring the decoration style here.

What do you think of the interior decoration of the villa? Have you ever been to a modernist art gallery? Yes, that's pretty much it, and there are no paintings or art here, just some very nouveau riche decor.

For example, as soon as you enter the front door, there is a luxury yacht parked in front of you. Bobo estimates that it is worth tens of millions of dollars, but it is obviously not meant to be opened, but is placed in the house as a decoration.

"Eighty-three shots, a fraction, which means there should be security personnel in the building." Su Ming glanced at the yacht, touched his chin, and then in a ray of blue light, the beautiful white yacht disappeared.

Not bad, I got a guarantee, this trip was not in vain.

With our own technology and productivity levels, it would be easy to build a space cruise ship, but we didn’t pick it up for free.

Anyway, this family will never have the chance to take a boat in the future.

The moonlight was dim, and it was quiet outside the window. There were occasional rustling sounds in the room, as if someone was moving upstairs.

"Then let's do it quickly and catch the person we want. Oh, my waist." Bobo did some stretching exercises. He has been busy at the bar all day. Magicians come to drink regardless of day time. At night, you can come whenever you want.

"Okay, then let's speed up and strangle!"

Su Ming followed the good example and directly asked Strangler to do it.

The black sludge-like substance in the night flowed out from the gaps in his armor and spread like a spider web. Tentacles began to move along different corridors and door cracks. It would search for all survivors in the house and then kill them on the spot. hanged.

Some people were still asleep, some were very alert after waking up, and some stayed up late drinking and playing games, but without exception, they were unable to even scream under the terrifying offensive of alien creatures.

After just a few seconds, the strangulation flowed back into the host's body.


It has good news and bad news.

The good news is that he has found the game console that Shazam wanted, and it is a factory-customized version with a gold casing. The boy must be very happy to get this thing.

In addition, this family is engaged in human trafficking. The adjutant has sent hundreds of South American girls locked up in the basement directly to the police station. This month's monthly charity share has been successfully completed.

The bad news is that it didn't find the black man named Deli in the villa.

It just killed Deli's parents, his wife and children, his housekeeper and maid, his gardener and driver, as well as a lot of 'playmates' who were parasitic in his home, surviving bodyguards, etc., a total of 132 people .

But without the key person, the family still cannot be unified. Hangsha said that he learned obsessive-compulsive disorder from the host, and he felt uncomfortable with this situation!

At this time, the adjutant also projected it, replaying the strangulation process for Bobo and Donna to avoid information being out of sync.

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