The Death Knell

Chapter 4319 Sit back and wait.

"Is it human trafficking? People whose ancestors were slaves are now slave owners. Haha, it's really good. The American dream has come true."

Su Ming walked under the dim moonlight, slowly walked to the villa hall, found a sofa and sat down, lit a cigarette in the dark, and took a deep puff:

"Hiss, fu, that makes sense. By the way, you may not know that slave trading is also a labor-intensive industry. You can open a studio and make computer games and sell them for money, but it is difficult to import them by yourself. Transporting slaves, and there should be plutocrats and politicians behind this Deli.”

"What makes sense? The human trafficking group is right under Superman's nose, but he doesn't know about it?"

Donna looked a little unhappy. She hated any behavior that treated women as goods.

"Actually, it's not Superman's fault, because clairvoyance is not omnipotent." Bobo jumped from Deathstroke's shoulder to the armrest of the sofa: "Superman's clairvoyance cannot penetrate lead-containing alloys, or even cement with high lead content. This weakness Everyone on earth knows that, if I guess correctly, the basement of this villa is sealed with lead sheets and has been strictly soundproofed."

After all, this is a metropolis. If you want to do some illegal business in this city, the first person you need to guard against is Superman.

In fact, everyone didn't know it. Batman was the first to discover this. He recorded Superman's weakness of being unable to see through lead plates in the Zhenglian host, in case he died one day, but the surviving humans needed Fight against the insane Superman.

But then the Tower of Babel plan was leaked, and this information was gone. The super villains had a copy and knew all the weaknesses of the Justice League superheroes. Even ordinary people knew that Superman could not see through lead plates.

Since then, Clark has had fewer and fewer opportunities to use his clairvoyance ability in battle, because villains will definitely prepare all kinds of methods in advance if they know they are going to face Superman.

"More than that, these girls signed a contract and came to the United States to work. Even if Superman finds out, they can only be regarded as smuggling. Legally, there is nothing they can do to the family. Clark is not like me. He is a What about law-abiding citizens, haha.”

Su Ming added another sentence, explaining the limitations of superheroes, especially Superman. He is very law-abiding and does not even dare to speed when driving. You must know that on American highways, there is a potential that 10% of the speed limit does not count as the speed limit. rule.

The main factor causing all of this is that Batman has been secretly staring at the god on earth. If Superman shows any tendency to ignore the rules of human society because of his superpowers, Bat will definitely jump out fully armed and ask Superman Will it bleed?

"That's it, phew." Donna took back her weapon and shield, and sat down next to the death knell: "Okay, let's not talk about Superman for now, what should we do next? The person we are looking for is not at home."

"It's okay. With such a good home, people will come back sooner or later." Su Ming smiled and asked Strangler to get the Pym particles, go to the door and break off the whale statue, and asked the adjutant to take it to the Forgotten Bar: "We are here Wait, it’s just 0:00 in the morning, and for many rich people, nightlife has just begun.”…

"Ah, I've heard about this. The lifestyle of the degenerate rich people is summarized in the East as 'work at sunset and rest at sunrise', right?"

Bobo understood again, and he even told a little joke.

Su Ming smiled and threw him a bottle of beer: "There seems to be something wrong, but it seems like there is nothing wrong."

The process of waiting for people to go home was a bit boring, so Su Ming simply called Shazam in and asked the adjutant to broadcast some programs for everyone to watch.

The first is Harley's program, a doomsday reality show sponsored by the Wilson Group and broadcast entirely by Channel 52.

At this time, the little jelly bean was talking in the direction of the camera, seemingly explaining his actions, and at the same time, he was hitting a corpse on the head with a baseball bat.

It must have been the part where the head used to be. Anyway, a large part of the upper body of the body had been beaten into paste by her, making it as sticky as rice cakes.

"Hehe, it was a Tuesday. I remember, when I was using electric welding to make new killing tools in the observatory base, this man appeared outside our base. He said he had supplies that he could exchange with us. Do you remember? It doesn’t matter, it’s just the matter of him exchanging medicine for our food.”

"The modern pharmaceutical industry is very complicated. In the apocalypse, medicines are always in short supply, so I was very happy. So I killed all his men and then completed the deal with him. In this way, he no longer needs to I gave the food to others for their own good, wasn’t that considerate of me? Haha!”

"But what is the reward for my kindness? When I returned to the base to check the medicines after we separated, I found that the medicines he gave me were expired medicines! Oh, this guy is really a bitch! You know, I am an ordinary female doctor, and selling expired drugs to doctors is simply an insult, hee hee. At the same time, I hate being deceived the most, at least not by incompetent people!"

"So, haha, I spent a day looking for him, and the result is as you can see. I did a magic trick for him, and bang, his head is gone, hehehehehehe."

"The grain that was traded to him before is in this car. I plan to take it back. It can be regarded as my spiritual compensation. Well, when I pass by the supermarket later, I plan to bring a cotton candy machine back with me. I need some Something sweet to make up for the hurt I feel inside from this.”

Harley is in a good mood now, and her little mouth talks like a machine gun. Along with the constant shaking of her head and the laughter that makes her little nose wrinkle, she is obviously very adapted to the life of the apocalypse.

Moreover, she seemed to feel Deathstroke watching and winked at the camera.

"Is this a parallel universe? She seems even crazier."

Bobo sighed. His hand holding the popcorn didn't know whether to put it into his mouth, because the headless corpse was so disgusting after being smashed. What was that mucus? Did your brain turn into mush after being beaten too many times?

"A place I call the Monster Universe." Su Ming disagreed. It was originally an amusement park and testing ground. Harley was safe and had a good time. "Adjutant, look what my students are doing?"

The screen switched, but there was nothing interesting to see in the underground space of Skull Island. The students were playing cards, and it seemed that they hadn't driven a chrysanthemum through the wormhole for a long time.

So Su Ming asked his adjutant to broadcast the world situation of "Bad Pacific". Today's Pacific was also calm, and it was another day when the Gundam was useless.

However, the live broadcast room of Channel 52 is still very lively. Today, Ambush Bug and Calendar Man are on duty. They have connected with fishery experts and are currently discussing the feasibility of building a lunatic asylum in the depths of the Pacific Ocean.

Seeing this, Bobo was even more speechless. He took a sip from his pipe and said quietly:

"Slade, have you noticed that you know too many mentally ill people?"

"Mental patients are a precious human resource. The more the better. In the past, there were countless scientific pioneers and philosophers who were regarded as madmen and mentally ill by the mainstream view of human society at that time. It's just that it's hard for you to understand them. .”

Su Ming drank all the wine in the bottle while smiling. He originally planned to show Bobo and the others the 40K alien exploration and development program on Earth, such as "Star-Lord Teaches You to Tomb" or something like that.

But Strangler felt a shock, and a vehicle was running along the road towards the villa. It must be that Deli was getting ready to go home, so let's keep that show.

Now it's time to get down to business.

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