The Death Knell

Chapter 4320 Part of the story

Why does Deathstroke dare to judge that a car passing by is Deli?

The answer is simple. There is such a giant manor nearby, and the car that drives over is a supercar worth tens of millions.

Everyone packed up the leftovers and dispersed to hide. Su Ming took Gou Sheng and hid in the oversized flower pot next to the door. He used the leaves of the dwarf palm tree to block himself, especially the eyepieces that flashed red in the dark. .

You can hear the sound of the car's engine coming from far away, followed by the sound of car doors opening and closing, and the sound of humans walking.

The footsteps were a bit messy, probably because the person had drunk too much, so they were not very steady. This could also be seen from the fact that he opened the door several times without aiming it at the keyhole.

In the end, Deli gave up and rang the doorbell, probably intending to ask a servant or housekeeper to open the door. He did not realize that he did not see even a shadow of a bodyguard on the way home.

The door opened, and the moonlight cast a figure on the floor. Su Ming patted Gou Sheng's butt without hesitation.

The police dog does not bark when it attacks and is very quiet. It jumps out of the flower pot and bites the opponent's arm, and then swats wildly, dragging the target to the ground.

At this time, everyone hiding in various places swarmed up and pushed the target face down on the floor.

The man named Deli had very dark skin. He could only see two eyeballs and one set of teeth at night, and he struggled very hard.

According to Su Ming's experience, ordinary rich kids cannot have the strength to lift fifty tons, at least neither Batman nor Luthor. This made him somewhat interested in this ordinary-looking little black man. Where did this man's super strength come from?

"Ah! Let me go, I'm going to ask a lawyer to sue you, damn you, I can't breathe!"

Being held down by Donna and Shazam, it would be a ghost if he could break free. Seeing that there was no hope of turning over, the black man faced the floor and played with traditional skills.

Unfortunately, it was obvious that no one present would listen to him.

Deathstroke, who emerged from the flower pot, was in a good mood after playing the police and thief game. He lightly kicked the black man on the ground.

This caused Deli to hit the ceiling and fall back to the ground. Then he turned the black man over with his feet and stepped on his chest:

"do you know me?"

"Death knell?! No, why? I am the death knell. My Lord promised me, I am the one."

Just a simple question as an opening statement seemed to inexplicably destroy Deli's will and spirit. He began to talk non-stop, and his eyes lost their luster.

He didn't even make a move to struggle. He was clearly trying his best to clean Su Ming's shoes with his hands just now.

"Oh? It looks like there is a story. I like children with stories." Su Ming smiled. He used the Force to break off the prisoner's limbs. After confirming that the black man was really crazy, he handed them to his teammates: " Donna, use your lasso to make him reveal something we don't know."

Diana's lasso is the Lasso of Truth, while Donna's is the Lasso of Obedience. They are essentially the same and can be regarded as interrogation tools.

The former allows the trapped person to tell the truth, while the latter allows the trapped person to obey orders.

Donna's lasso is a little more restrictive, requiring the target to have less willpower than her, but now looking at the black man's appearance, how can there be any willpower at all? …

After receiving the order, the female soldier took off the noose from her waist, put it around the prisoner's neck, and suddenly tightened it.

She also imitated the death knell and stepped on other people's chests, and shouted sternly:

"Tell me everything you know about nanobots!"

Although it is definitely more convenient and faster to read the memory with strangling, strangling has been picky in recent years and does not like to eat the brains of black people.

According to it, even if it wants to eat human brains, it will give priority to humans with higher intelligence, rather than eating the brains of hairless savage gorillas. Even dogs will not eat them, right?

I don’t know from whom it learned its racial discrimination.

If other symbiotes came here, wouldn't they have a feast after seeing the more than a hundred corpses in the villa? But this time Strangler didn't eat any of them, he just broke their necks and killed them.

"Interestingly, a mysterious man found him and gave him a set of the same armor as our Deathstroke."

Su Ming inspected the trophies obtained based on the confession. He found the black and yellow armor that had just been found in a secret room on the third floor by being strangled. He tapped the surface of the armor with his fingers:

"Well, the promethium alloy one, even if it's not genuine, is almost as good as the genuine one."

"At least we know another news. The mysterious man came into contact with Deli in Gotham." Bobo smoked his pipe and saw Deathstroke slowly strangling the prisoner to death. He turned his head and said, "What happened in Brother There must be a way to find out what happened to Tan, and we are one step closer to the truth."

"The truth is not important, Bobo. I am not a detective. I just need a list of suspects. I will kill them all." Su Ming took off Deli's head and asked the adjutant to take it back to Sepur. Grams, handed over to the big lichs to continue the torture: "But the problem is, this fool has never seen the true face of the person behind the scenes."

Yes, the man behind the scenes met him in Gotham, but not quite in Gotham.

Deli was released from prison at the beginning of the month. As for what happened a few days ago, he drove to Gotham, planning to find a few friends he had known since childhood, recruit some manpower, and then seek revenge on the police and police dogs who caught him in prison.

But not long after he entered Gotham City, when he was waiting to treat someone to dinner at the agreed place with his friends, he suddenly received a text message.

There was a stranger named ‘L’ in the text message. He called out his name in one breath and asked him if he wanted power?

Deli, who was bored, said "YES" casually, and then as if the other party could hear it, he gave a location and asked Deli to drive to get the power.

At first, Deli thought it was a prank and ignored him. However, the friends he was looking for did not come for a long time, which seemed to have given him away. Deli felt that his trip to Gotham could not be in vain, and the mysterious man gave him the coordinates. It's not that far looking at the map.

So he drove to the old city in the northeast of Gotham, where there were many dilapidated old buildings. In a basement, he followed the instructions in the text message and found the Deathstroke Armor covered by a tarpaulin and a box.

Then the text message arrived again, asking Deli to put on the armor and open the box. He did so out of curiosity. After all, ruthless people like Deathstroke are also the objects of desire for the gangsters.

Deli put on the armor and was inexplicably transformed into a super soldier in an instant. This made him admire the mysterious Mr. L, and when the other party asked him if he still felt that his strength was not enough and if he wanted more, When asked about his strength, he replied that he still wanted to become stronger.

Only then did L ask Deli to call him ‘My Lord’.

His message also said that it is easy to become stronger, but this is not a free charity. If he still wants to become stronger, Deli needs to do something for him.

Inside the box was a set of nanorobot syringes and corresponding injections. The task assigned to Deli was very simple, which was to return to Metropolis, find a dog, and give the dog an injection.

What happened next was almost as expected by Deathstroke. Duke Deli took revenge and was approached by the current group of people.


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