The Death Knell

Chapter 4321 Double happiness

"There are many possibilities. Your annihilation list may be very long, Slade."

Bobo looked at the bloody boots of Deathstroke and took a deep breath from his pipe. The tobacco may have been soaked in whiskey, so there was a smell of grain in the air:

"Titles like 'my master' are not exclusive to God. Many hell lords and various gods also like others to call them this way. It is a way of showing ownership. Vampires and time lords also like their subordinates to use this title. .”

The little gorilla detective seemed to find nothing.

"But normal people wouldn't use the phrase 'my lord' as a code name, because it's too complicated."

Donna, who was holding her arms on the side, said this. She saw many strange people appearing with blue light. They began to clean the manor, dragging the corpses into the darkness, and then took out a professional cleaning tool set to wash the floor:

"Actually, the noun Lord serves as the subject here, and My in front is the attributive. However, compared to phrases like The Lord, the meaning of reference seems to be very weak, as if it is more of a cover-up than a Declare.”

As the name suggests, attributive is to determine the scope of something. If there is no word "I" in this place, then we only look at "master" and feel that the scope of the master is very broad.

But if you say 'my lord', the scope of the master becomes smaller, because it is connected with 'I' and has a limited scope, so 'I' here should be an attributive modifier.

"What did you study on Paradise Island? Do you chew words and write books? But shouldn't you learn ancient Greek?"

Bobo was speechless. The orangutan with little education did not expect that Donna would do English part-of-speech analysis in a formal manner, because in his opinion, the Amazon female warriors are all powerful women whose strong lives do not need explanation, especially Diana and Donna. He is the most powerful among the Amazons.

Didn't you notice that Shazam next to you has stars in your eyes? He doesn't understand it at all!

"Hey, you gorilla, you actually look down on people?" Donna took Bobo away from Deathstroke's shoulders and twisted his face: "Every Amazon warrior must be both civil and military. In addition to being able to kill, he must also be able to kill people. There are competitions on the island every year for skills such as playing music, chess, calligraphy and painting, performing dramas, dancing, writing poetry, etc. that can make people elegant."

"These projects are of little use in modern society. I just feel like they are preparing a harem for Zeus." Bobo covered his face and said with a smile, struggling desperately.

"Ah, maybe there is such an intention." Donna let go and tilted her head to think about it. In the past, Paradise Island was a completely closed society. In fact, she had already discovered that these skills seemed to be apart from being involved with her sisters. No other use.

"Okay, haven't we got the clues?" Su Ming interrupted Bobo and Donna's random thoughts. He shook Deli's cell phone in his hand and threw it to the orangutan: "Do some research and find out who gave it to the orangutan. The text message he sent was that he wanted to replace me with a person of color, which is kind of interesting."

The phone does not have a fingerprint to unlock it, but a traditional password, but Bobo used his beast-like intuition to successfully open it after trying three sets of numbers. …

But things got more interesting. There was no information in the text message mailbox that Deli had confessed before, and there was no person L in the address book. It was as if nothing had happened and everything was made up by the little black man.

"That's impossible, he must be telling the truth." Donna pressed the golden rope on her belt, she was obviously confident in her skills.

"Then this phone should be controlled remotely." Bobo said while holding down the phone's camera and microphone, and violently removing the phone's battery: "Through technical means, it is also very simple to remotely delete information. , but if you want to restore the information, you need some professional equipment, which is not my area of ​​expertise."

"Alas, we can't allow this kind of foreign equipment to be connected to Sepurk." Su Ming sighed. He took the phone, but did not let the adjutant take it back to deal with it. Instead, he was going to find someone else to deal with it, and took off the cloak behind him. Yang: "Let's go to Rhode Island. Adjutant, give Wally a call. You can come back."

There was a flash of lightning, and Wally appeared beside everyone. He covered his eyes with his hands, but looked curiously at the people in black cleaning around him from between his fingers:

"The people who originally lived here are not dead, right?"

"They moved." Su Ming answered the kind-hearted Wally with a smile and motioned for him to get on the flying carpet. Of course, he would not tell him that those people had moved their heads.

Wally didn't ask any further questions, just swallowed his saliva and changed the topic:

"Then where do these cleaning people come from?"

"My dear, I plan to live in this house from now on. I have always wanted to build a small house in the metropolis for spring outings for my students."

Deathstroke jumped on the flying carpet himself. He touched his cloak and signaled it to take off:

"From now on, this house will be the autumn and winter campus of Chungci College. I will cherish it."

At the same time, Gotham City's city hall was so full of demons that even Batman and his group wearing tights didn't seem out of place when they entered.

Of course, the worst thing is not that everyone sees a fat woman over 200 kilograms dressed as Catwoman and actively flirting with the "pretended" Batman, but that there are too many clowns here.

In the same way, the reason why Batman's body was stiff was not because he was forcibly held in his arms by the fat woman and moved her hands up and down, but because when dozens of clowns upstairs and downstairs suddenly smiled and cast their gaze, he keenly felt When it arrived, one of them was genuine.

He didn't need any evidence, just a feeling like electricity flashing through his mind. He instinctively felt his old enemy.

"Damn, a room full of rich people and politicians is exactly the kind of stage a clown likes to be on."

Batman raised his hand and pressed the back of the fat woman's neck. The woman who was clinging to him fell unconscious. When he saw her being caught by Superman and gently placed on a chair aside, Bat said again:

"What does he want to play with me?"

But Superman couldn't tell. In his eyes, there were countless people dressed as clowns in this room, but they all looked the same.

Pale face, perverted smile, hair like seaweed, and an exaggerated purple suit.

The Joker is crazy, but he is undoubtedly a human being. When mixed among humans, Superman's various superpowers are useless, and even Ron's psychic abilities cannot be effective against the Joker.

Because the Joker is too crazy, and that kind of madness and chaos can still be contagious, Batman strictly prohibits Ron from trying to read the Joker's mind.

"Do you need our help to use a dragnet to catch him out?"

Green Arrow and his ex-wife Dinah are quite adaptable to the masquerade of the rich, because Oliver is also a rich man. In an inadvertent moment, the couple has drunk free high-end champagne and kindly proposed a Method.

However, Batman suddenly turned his head as if he had been electrocuted, pressed his forehead against Green Arrow's head, and said coldly:

"You all get out, now."

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