The Death Knell

Chapter 4335: Suffering from serious diseases

Perhaps having made a decision, Batman ignored the Joker beside him. He turned around and walked towards the wall that isolated the sea water. He raised the Bat Tablet in his hand and showed it to Catwoman in the cube.

There was no sound, and I didn't know what she was going to do, but I could always see her crying and shaking her head, scratching out a shallow word inside her container with the sharp nails on her uniform gloves.

'sorry. ’

"Oh, don't be soft-hearted, Bat. I heard that in the far east, in ancient times, Bichi who stole men would be locked in a cage and drowned, along with the adulterers. I also liked it after seeing the death knell in another world. It’s an alien culture. Well, although it makes me a little embarrassed that Harley is following him now, my situation is different from yours. I dumped her first, and you were the one who was cheated on.”

The Joker may have noticed something, and he immediately came over again, rubbing his hands and cooing at Batman, smiling so hard that his eyes narrowed.

The bat just glanced at him coldly, which made him immediately cover his mouth with his fingertips, twist his body and shake his head cutely, indicating that he would stop talking.

But at the same time, the clown's other hand took out a large alarm clock from behind, holding it in his hand like a dinner plate. He signaled to Batman that he still had thirty seconds to choose. If the time was up, the two people in the cage would All must die.

Although some people would be happy to see that all-choice result.

Batman was thinking, the current situation is equivalent to three people trapped in three relatively independent cages, and he has thirty seconds to rescue them. This is very simple.

But why can't I move my hands and feet? Like the body wants to watch them die?

Biting the tip of his tongue, he once again strengthened his belief, and finally moved his body. He took out a spray can from his pocket and spent a foam bat on the transparent wall in front of him. Then he turned sideways and pulled up his cloak.

The liquid bomb exploded, shattering the wall, and the bat was instantly swept into the dark water by the rapids.

"Got you! Batman, are you okay?"

When Batman grabbed a man and a woman and tried their best to swim to the sea, but when they were almost exhausted due to the injuries caused by the water pressure, a huge green fishing net fell from the sky and fished the three people out of the sea.

It was his companions who arrived. Guy, who had activated his power, held up his light ring to control the fishing net, intending to take the three of them back to the shore. Ron flew beside him, while looking at Batman with a concerned expression, his red eyes like two Like a cherry.

As for Superman, he went to move the car. The Batmobile was parked next to the reef, and he directly lifted it and flew to the shore.

"Where's the clown?"

The bat in the fishing net let go of the man and woman in his hand, spit out a mouthful of sour sea water, and immediately looked at the sea below him, asking his teammates.

"No Joker, Batman. You attacked a man pretending to be the Laughing Bat at the Masquerade. We found out about it and finally found you."

Green Lantern seemed a little confused. He gritted his teeth and bulged his cheeks, looking very difficult, but he still answered truthfully.


The choked Batman was stunned for a moment, but suddenly he seemed to understand something. When he looked at the man and woman he had thrown away, he found that they were both black men wearing Deathstroke uniforms. They were not Catwoman or others at all. man.

He understood, and became silent. He lay down between the two prisoners, closed his eyes, and let the green light take him back to the shore.

He was a little tired, but when the Green Arrow on the shore came to help him, he still shook his head to express that it was okay, stood up by himself, and said:

"They were the ones who carried out the shooting at the police station. Green Arrow interrogated them and found out the instigators behind them."

".That's the problem, Batman. I found out about satellite surveillance through the Sky Eye Society."

With a tangled expression, Green Arrow took out his mobile phone from his pocket, opened a video and showed it to Bat. He lowered his voice and deliberately avoided all other teammates:

"Two hours ago, you left the police station and caught these two people in five minutes, but you took them to the seaside, locked them in a transparent cube and threw them into the sea. What are you hiding from us? What are you still hiding from us? Affected by the Laughter Virus, right? You're out of control!"

In the night rain, Batman had no intention of staying. He bypassed his teammates who cared about him and stumbled towards the dark car.

He turned over and climbed into the cab, reached out and grabbed Green Arrow's chest uniform, pulled it in front of him, and growled expressionlessly:

"I'm fine, because I am Batman, you continue to investigate. Security system, execute the order, codename Romeo-01 is activated."

Release the green arrow, close the cockpit, and the vehicle starts to move on its own. Amidst the sound of squeaking tires, it disappears into the darkness with its owner.

Because Deathstroke didn't play with it, the big cat went home angrily, but he was quite satisfied when he got a space whale as a consolation prize.

At this time, Su Ming and his party had arrived at Blüdhaven and were standing on a hilltop in the suburbs to look at the scenery.

Unlike Gotham, which is full of high-rise buildings, Bluhaven is a city composed of an island and three peninsulas. It does not have many high-rise buildings. From a distance, it looks a bit like a 'mountain'-shaped city. .

High-rise buildings are concentrated on Blüdhaven Island in the city center, and the closer you get to the outskirts of the city, the shorter and shabbier the buildings become.

"It's obviously not far from Gotham, but this city seems dead at night." Bobo squatted on the shoulder of the death knell, holding a pipe and expressing his opinion: "There is no night business district with dense neon lights, and there is no sound of gunfire. and explosions, so quiet.”

"It is what it is, I know it here."

A little drizzle fell from the sky. The rain was very pure, with the fresh smell of earth. Donna took a few deep breaths and said:

"When Nightwing came here to open a store, we Titans also came to help. We also went to the biggest nightclub at that time."

"It's said to be a nightclub, but it's actually just a billiard hall with singing and dancing, and it's very small." Wally on the side added that there is nothing particularly interesting in such a small city: "But I haven't been here for many years. I always feel like I’ve forgotten something.”

"I feel the same way."

Shazam echoed solemnly, folding his arms on his chest, tilting his head and raising his white cape high in the evening breeze, in a classic superhero stance.

This made Su Ming, who was looking in the direction of Gotham from a distance, roll his eyes. They might have forgotten something. After all, both Infinite Crisis and Flashpoint had an impact on the city. This was true.

But what does this have to do with you, Shazam?

Shazam is famous for his nerves and slow emotions. This kid can't actually feel anything.

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