The Death Knell

Chapter 4335 Calm and Calm

With Deathstroke's vision, he could clearly see the thick rain clouds above Gotham, like a black cover, covering the city.

But for some reason, he suddenly felt that it looked like a huge egg. There seemed to be something squirming in the eggshell. Maybe it was a snake? Maybe a lizard? But it must be some kind of cold-blooded monster.

This made him, who had planned to continue his plan, stop on the top of the hill and think silently. The raindrops slid off his armor like dewdrops and fell into pieces on the grass.

"What's wrong? Slade, it's time for us to enter the city."

Bobo, who was huddled up on his shoulders, was playing with his pipe. The red wooden handle was shiny with his furry claws. The drizzle was nothing to the orangutan, but Blüdhaven was not popular at night. The city made him feel slightly cold.

"Wait a minute, everyone, my gut tells me something doesn't seem right in Gotham. I need to ask the lieutenant."

He asked Zhuo Zhu to contact the adjutant silently, and his teammates all expressed understanding. They found a small tree with lush branches and went to take shelter under it.


"To report what happened after I left Gotham, I just went to Rhode Island. But now, Bludhaven is so far away and Gotham makes my hair stand on end."

Covering the cigarette with his hand, he lit the lantern and lit it. The evening breeze dragged the smoke only a short distance in the rain before disappearing.

The deputy's projection appeared like a ghost and played the surveillance video of someone in the city after the Sheriff left Gotham.

It can be seen that Batman arrived at the police station soon after Deathstroke left and did not come out for a long time. About half an hour later, he left the police station and arrived at the Hall of Justice in an aircraft.

The heavy rain seems to have affected the clarity of some surveillance, but Batman's course of action is simple and there is nothing to question.

The residents of the city have been preparing for a celebration. They don't know what they are celebrating, but everything seems to be normal. There are no shortage of gang fights, murders and robberies.

"Strange, it seems there is no problem so far. Show me what the Joker is doing today. If something doesn't happen to Batman, then he is going to cause trouble again."

Su Ming touched his stubble and found nothing wrong, so he decided to look at the problem from another angle.

So the adjutant switched the camera several times and played the clown's actions in the past few hours. It turned out that the clown was also celebrating tonight. He got a purple silk pajamas with a feather collar from somewhere and was in his lair with The clown gang is playing battle royale.

To put it simply, when his miscellaneous soldiers escape, he comes to kill them, which is a bit like a madman's version of hide-and-seek.

When he found a subordinate, he sprayed him to death with a shotgun. It was so much fun, and he kept laughing.

"It's okay for the clown, he likes killing his own men the most." Bobo watched these videos together, but he didn't see anything anyway: "Is it possible that your ominous premonition is an illusion? Slade."

"The darkness is being involved, Bobo, I can feel that although I am an ordinary person, I can't make mistakes in this regard." Su Ming thought for a while, and then asked the deputy to switch back to real-time monitoring: "Batman and What are those Zhenglian members who followed him doing now?"

"Batman is home, on the road." The deputy played the real-time video, a Batmobile was driving towards the manor in the northern suburbs of Gotham, and then the camera turned: "The Justice League captured two fake Deathstrokes, both black."

Superman and the others were standing on a beach, talking around two unconscious black men, a man and a woman, as if they were having an impromptu meeting.

At this time, a black and white snowflake appeared on the camera, and the surveillance screen was interrupted. Needless to say, the only remaining spy drone must have been countered by Batman.

"It seems that their progress is not slow, but why did Batman separate from everyone again?" Su Ming shook his head speechlessly, but remembering the helpless expressions on Superman's and others' faces just now, he smiled again: "Okay, Because he is Batman! Lieutenant, keep an eye on Gotham and send more micro drones to collect intelligence. It’s time for us to enter the city and start work."

Monitoring Gotham is a troublesome job. Batman is very sensitive, and the dark clouds and haze that always hang over the city are simply anti-satellite artifacts. All satellite images are mock-up, and you can barely see the human form. .

When using a micro-drone, you also need to avoid the anti-surveillance equipment deployed by Bat. He seems to know that Deathstroke is monitoring him, so in this regard, the two secretly come to terms with each other.

"Green Gourd Sword Fairy"

As soon as Su Ming's surveillance equipment was upgraded, his side was immediately upgraded to a more advanced anti-surveillance device. Even the androids sent there would be picked out and thrown into the cafe. It was really a defense like an iron wall.

Bat went to great lengths to prevent Deathstroke from spying on him. The key was that he still enjoyed it, as if besides playing with the clown, he didn't mind playing with Deathstroke from another world.

So now Su Ming's control over Gotham is very low, perhaps not as good as Barbara's, and to be honest, he doesn't pay much attention to Gotham in a normal state. After all, who in the right mind would stare at the cesspit all the time? Not finished yet?

I have so many universes and worlds that I still can’t see them all.

"Gotham should have launched a targeted enhanced EMP system. I need to upgrade the existing spy equipment. Since we are now using micro-robots copied from Doctor Doom, the improvement work may require him. For help, we will pay some price.”

"Dum is still looking for his mother in the universe, and he doesn't want to come to find him." Su Ming took a puff of cigarette and thought for a second: "Inform Howard and Tesla that playing with machinery is Howard's. specialty, and when it comes to electromagnetism, no one is better at it than Tesla.”

"As ordered, the adjutant is offline." The silver-haired girl nodded, and her image turned into a ray of light and disappeared.

After stretching his neck, Su Ming waved towards the trees, beckoning everyone to come closer. He said in the drizzle:

"Okay, guys, something seems to have happened in Gotham, but it doesn't seem too urgent at the moment. I can't figure it out for the moment, so I'll ignore it for now. Or should I focus on our operations, Secretary Orangutan?"

He doesn't need to dictate the plan by himself, because Bobo will naturally help arrange it. It's so easy, he just needs to grasp the general direction.

The orangutan was also smoking. He took the pipe out of his mouth and held it in his hand:

"We have three goals in coming to Blüdhaven. First, to find 'my lord' who sent the message to Black Deli; second, to find the Egyptian gods lurking in the city and recover a hunting blade; third Third, investigate the relevant clues about the New Shogi Club and the New Colony. That’s all, does anyone have any questions? You can ask questions now, and we may not rest in the future.”

"Me, me, me! Detective Orangutan, I don't understand!" Shazam immediately raised his hand. He looked confused. He had just played the game console and didn't listen to the adults.

Bobo looked at Deathstroke, who just shook his head at him, so the orangutan waved his hands like he was chasing away flies:

"It doesn't matter whether you understand or not, just follow us."

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