The Death Knell

Chapter 4339 Complete information

“Is there a museum in Bludhaven?”

Su Ming asked people about the hunting dagger again. At the same time, he took off the orangutan from his shoulders and asked him and Donna to go to the underground bat cave to get the monitoring equipment first. He was in the store on the ground, working with BesTV. Let's talk for a while.

The orangutan jumped on Wally's shoulders, and they went to the back hall first. Nightwing's shabby shop didn't know how long he hadn't been back. There was dust everywhere, and Bobo, who was barefoot, didn't want to fall to the ground.

"There are still two museums. One is the Museum of Marine Animals and the other is the Museum of Marine Natural History. What are you looking for?"

The old man took off the wrapper of another hamburger, and this time he ate it more politely.

“Has any museum ever organized an exhibition on African culture?”

After flicking the ashes from his cigarette, Deathstroke seemed to have an idea.

"Yes, the Marine Natural History Museum has a dedicated exhibition hall to tell the history of the slave trade. There are many things about Africa. You also know that many black people landed in North America from the east coast."

Blockbuster recalled it for a moment and gave an affirmative answer.

"Oh? Is there a special dagger among the exhibits? It's about thirty centimeters long, a bit like a small scimitar, and there's a small cat's claw embossed on the end of the dagger's handle?"

Su Ming wanted to further confirm the information. He had basically determined that the hunting dagger should be a pair of daggers. One of them, preserved in the Hall of Justice, looked like this.

But the old tramp who was eating shook his head. He held the hamburger and the wine bottle and spread his hands:

"Do you think I look like someone who has money to go to a museum to see exhibitions? So I'm sorry, young man, I don't know what the specific exhibits are, but if you want to loot the museum, I still suggest you go to Brother Tan, because there is nothing valuable in Blüdhaven, the most in the museum are broken boats and fishing nets.”

"Haha, you are quite humorous, old guy." Su Ming shook his head with a smile and pointed at the old man's nose: "How can I do such bad things when I am leading several superheroes together?"

"They all regard you as the leader and obey your orders completely. Based on my understanding of Deathstroke, old man, you, as another Deathstroke, are fully capable of playing them in the palm of your hand."

The old man answered with the same smile, but with this smile, a line of dirty blood squeezed out of the eyeball of the bug he had just caught because there was a hole in it, and it streaked down his thin cheek like blood tears.

"Okay, I'm different from that old Deathstroke. Compared to money, I like things that are more elegant." Deathstroke waved his hand, and flicked the cigarette ashes to the side with his backhand: "Last question, do you know any hackers in the city? , chameleon, or do scientists use 'Lord' as their codename, or simply have the word Lord in their name?"

The old man shook his head without thinking. He put the hamburger wrapper on the table and pressed it with the empty bottle:

"Those you are talking about are high-end talents. Such talents will not appear in Blüdhaven. This is an ordinary small city. People with those abilities went to Gotham, Deathstroke, and Opening on the Stone." If there are no flowers, there is no soil here to cultivate that kind of person. Even if there is, people are not plants. People have legs and can walk."

To put it bluntly, they are still poor. Although there are rich people in Blüdhaven, the definition of rich here is completely different from that in real big cities.

Is it probably the difference between a household worth ten thousand yuan in a village and a world-famous financial group?

"I know a little bit about this. I heard that the Court of Owls once came to Blüdhaven and wanted to develop the wealthy families here. Do you know about this?" Su Ming asked another question, just like the so-called before That last question doesn't count at all.

Hearing the name of the Court of Owls, Blockbuster was silent for a while, rarely showing a serious expression:

"I have heard about this matter, but in the end it was ignored because although the rich people in the city have some financial resources, they have no political power and are not crazy. This matter should have ended without any problem, but if you want to go to court, you will have to go to court. Let’s go take a look in the sewer.”

"Good suggestion, now we are clear." Su Ming stood up, shook hands with the old man, and gave him a blanket as a parting gift: "Although it is a bit unhuman, you can also see that the place we are in is not very peaceful. Conveniently, I have to meet up with my teammates, so I have to see the guests off now.”

"Haha, I understand. I won't tell anyone about the secret base of superheroes. Just like I know Batman's true identity and have never publicized it. This is the unspoken rule of the game. I also used to be Gotham. Where are the people.”

Winking mischievously, the old man also stood up. He supported the table very weakly to do this, but he still shook hands with the death knell politely:

"I don't have much time left, and I probably won't have the chance to meet again, so I can only give you a dying man's advice, that is, stay away from Gotham. That city can really eat people, and it may not devour people." Human flesh, but devouring the intellect.”

"I understand, and that's Batman's city, he's a good friend, and I respect his choice."

Su Ming nodded. He knew that the problem had never been with the vigilantes, but with the diversity of the DC universe. It was originally created by Perpetua with the power of crisis. This is a dark world.

If you want to live a prosperous life in DC, you must be realistic. In fact, why doesn't Su Ming himself want to be a partner of justice?

If he had traveled not to DC Earth Minus-11 but to My Little Pony, he would have become a kind-hearted masked vigilante, right?

"Yes, don't play his games. I escaped from Gotham just because I didn't want to go crazy. So thank you for what you are willing to do for me, an old villain, and thank you for your money. We will be together forever."

After that, the old man picked up the gift given to him by the death knell, wrapped it in a blanket, and staggered out of the store. Amidst the ringing of the bell on the door, he disappeared step by step into the darkness wiped by the drizzle. .

Su Ming watched him disappear and sighed. Maybe this is the fate of losers. Those who cannot surpass will eventually be eliminated by human society.

You can't necessarily see the elimination process, but it always happens somewhere.

"Come in, after listening for so long, do you really think I didn't notice you?"

Then Deathstroke did not rush to the underground copycat Batcave. Instead, he left the door open and he shouted another word outside.

A few seconds later, a figure fell from the door frame. Her movements were very light, but her landing posture was exactly the same as Peter Parker.

"God's Coming"

After hesitating for a moment, the woman scratched her face a little embarrassedly and asked with a smile:

"I didn't eavesdrop on purpose. I just saw lights in Nightwing's shop. I wanted to ask if he's back?"

"Tarantula, right? I remember you." Su Ming smiled and shook his head at the black girl, and told him a piece of news that would disappoint him: "Nightwing has been in Titan Tower recently, cleaning up some of the mess left by the battle, so He won’t come to Blüdhaven. I guess you came here to try your luck because you couldn’t find him in Gotham?”

"Yes, yes." The black girl nodded repeatedly, but then sighed: "I'm looking for him... for something, but the defense of Titan Tower is too tight, I can't get in, what should I do? Okay..."


Su Ming found an opportunity. In the current situation, he invaded Yeyi's hometown and rummaged through his things.

There is no airtight wall in the world. There may be a remote alarm underground. It is inevitable that he will come to cause trouble as soon as he finds out.

Then just find something for him, entangle him, and have fun by the way.

Just use Tarantula, the woman obsessed with Nightwing, right?

"Don't you just want to sleep with Yeyi? We are all adults, there is no need to be secretive, and I can understand the customs of your nation."

This is the female man who kidnaps Night Wing every year for sex. He is worthy of admiration. Su Ming is always willing to help such a good person. He dug into his pocket a few times, took out a black and yellow grenade and threw it to the door. woman:

"Take this, a super EMP. Just one of it can completely paralyze the electronic defense system of Titan Tower. Then you give Nightwing some poison, then pick him up and run away. Isn't he at your mercy?"

Wolf Spider's main fighting method is poison, but her speed is not slow, just a little slower than Leopard Girl. She should have run from Gotham this time.

She can be considered a masked vigilante, but the kind that Su Ming likes. Although she does good deeds without seeking fame or wealth, she kills people when she takes action. Any criminal will either die or be worse off than dead in her hands. It can be said that This style makes for a very satisfying death knell for a good guy.

"Oh! Thank you! It sounds like a good thing. I will remember your kindness."

Wolf Spider happily caught the grenade and carefully stuffed it between her bra and put it away. She blushed a little, but she couldn't tell because of her dark skin. Her voice was just a little excited:

"I really don't know how to repay you. You are completely different from the old man Deathstroke, and you are much better than Batman. I just came from Gotham, and I heard that he beat an innocent guest at a masquerade not long ago. Obviously that person is pretending to be the Laughing Bat, but he still calls him a clown, which is simply crazy."

"Oh? Please stay, girl, and tell me more about this. Why didn't I know there was such excitement?"

An electric light seemed to flash in Su Ming's mind, so he turned around and called the black girl who was about to leave.

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