The Death Knell

Chapter 4340 There are living people here

"Why did it take so long to come down?"

When Su Ming entered the Shanzhai Cave with a cigarette butt in his mouth, Bobo had already cracked Nightwing's 64-bit password and was tinkering on the console.

As soon as Deathstroke stepped out of the elevator, he started complaining.

Without this man, no one in the team can make the decision and can only wait, which is very annoying.

"I met an acquaintance and chatted for three minutes. It's not a long time, right?" Deathstroke waved his hand and did not intend to talk about the tarantula in detail. Instead, he changed the topic: "Come on, let's talk about the time you were in the basement. What did you find?"

Donna and Wally were busy cleaning, because the cave was too dirty, and they didn't know where a lot of bat shit came from.

Shazam, on the other hand, is a kid who doesn't even have housework in his eyes, so he started playing the mobile game God of Fang again. I don't know if he got any good characters. At this time, he was leaning on a stone pillar not far away. , hehehe giggled.

"What did you find? You discovered Nightwing's inner dark world." Bobo said a joke, and he shook his head: "Except there is no mechanical dinosaur here, the other layout is exactly the same as the Batcave. Nightwing is really perverted. , he always said that he wanted to get rid of Batman, but in my opinion, it was more like he wanted to become Batman, become the regulator, and become Big Brother."

At this point, the orangutan still twisted his mouth in disgust, as if he didn't understand why someone wanted to become a bat?

Is it because he can scare people? Or is he mentally disturbed?

"Yeyi is indeed the eldest among the Robin brothers. If you want to be the big brother, you really have an advantage." Su Ming also responded with a joke. He leaned on the operating table: "But I'm not asking you for any new witty words. But I’m asking if you have any city surveillance video from this period?”

"I've also said that everything here is almost the same as the Batcave. Pay attention to the word 'same'." The orangutan raised two fingers and kept drawing circles next to his head: "These surveillance equipment are all the same as Batman's. , do you think Batman will have Gotham’s surveillance video backup?”

"He has twenty years of video backup." Su Ming picked up Bobo, sat down on his chair, put the orangutan on his shoulders, and the two looked at the big screen together: "Then let me Let’s take a look at Little Gotham, Bobo, which button should I press to call up the video replay?”

"Let me do it. Your computer skills are not much higher than Xiao Dai's." Bobo jumped on the console and began to operate the control panel with hands and feet: "Actually, we only need to see what the chief experienced when he came here last night. thing."

Su Ming had no objection. After all, this was the latest development and the best evidence chain to find, but this did not prevent him from chatting with the orangutan:

"Don't be ridiculous. I can at least send emails. Besides, I still have an adjutant."

"Tch, I don't really believe in AI anyway. The Omnic Crisis is really scary. Robots know your living habits, your character weaknesses, and everything about you. Big data is simply a murderous weapon."

While chatting, Bobo called up yesterday's surveillance video and quickly locked the chief's whereabouts.

The main reason is that his flying wheelchair is too conspicuous. The chair is one meter long, and the tail flame it emits is two meters long. He flew over the sky of Blüdhaven in the middle of the night for fear that others would not see this suspected cruise missile. ?


"This should be right here, where the chief was stabbed in the butt."

On a rooftop in the Central Business District, Deathstroke and his teammates stood in the drizzle, overlooking a theater below. According to the video, it was from here that the chief left the city in a skirt last night.

"Pfft! Hehe."

Shazam couldn't help but want to laugh. What kind of enemy hurt the chief? Why poke a disabled person in the butt? So inhumane!

"I don't feel the presence of God." Donna held the sword and shield, and she was ready for battle: "We don't even know why the chief came here. This theater is located in the center of Blüdhaven Island, about 50 kilometers away. The docks to the east and west are too far.”

"Whatever, let me go in and take a look first?" Wally was eager to give it a try. He was ready to do something serious.

He came out with the death knell and ran to several places. He didn't even see the real enemy. He only had a few late-night snacks.

He was a little embarrassed.

"Even if we have to go in to investigate, Shazam will go in."

Bobo expressed his objection. He squatted on Deathstroke's shoulder and looked at Wally:

"Our target this time is a person who may have used a hunting dagger. From the condition of the leopard girl, we can know that the speed of the leopard after transformation cannot be underestimated. If you are attacked by the other party, you have no resistance to divine power at all. But there is a high probability that you will be turned into the other party’s slave.”

"Okay! Keep it with me." Shazam put away his phone and patted his chest. This is why newborn calves are not afraid of tigers: "I have supernatural power and am fast, so let me go in and do some detective work for everyone first. "

"Okay, don't listen to Wally's nonsense. There's no need for any reconnaissance activities." Su Ming jumped off the tall building and fell down the deserted street. This road was brighter: "I'm not dead yet. I'm divided. Don’t even mention it. Do you really plan to send it to the building one by one? Is the fueling tactic really so charming? "

It doesn't matter what may be in the theater. Su Ming just needs everyone to get in together. Whatever is inside will definitely be crushed to death.

The teammates suddenly felt that what Deathstroke said made sense. Yes, how did they come up with the idea of ​​going in alone just now? Could it be that he knew that the other party might have a divine weapon, so he became too cautious?

So the group of people all followed the death knell and jumped off the building. The only difference was that Wally ran down the outer wall of the building.

Su Ming walked over to the main entrance of the theater and pushed it. He found that it was locked. Looking inside through the door glass, he found a dilapidated scene. Even the popcorn machine at the counter was tilted to the side.

"The abandoned theater may have been closed a few months ago." While telling his teammates what he saw, he moved his eyes: "The place is right, there are posters for ballet performances inside. It should have been a ballet company before. performance venue."

"I don't understand. I don't think there's anything interesting about it. Did the theater close down because they couldn't keep up with the times?"

Shazam shook his head. Boys at this age were not interested in beautiful ballerinas. He preferred to watch video game shows.

"Who knows, maybe they have made enough money, and all the staff may retire." Su Ming laughed, then broke off the door lock with his hand, and stepped in: "Get ready to fight, strangulation smells it There are living people here, and there are quite a few of them. As per the old rules, I will deal with the leader and leave the rest to you."

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