The Death Knell

Chapter 4341 Possible connection

Although the interior of the theater is a bit dirty, it is not dilapidated. At least it is better than the 'theatre' in the Speed ​​Force plane.

There are posters hung at regular intervals on the walls of the corridor, including solo photos of the principal dancers and introductions to classic repertoire. Along the way, it really feels like a historical hall of fame.

But it's just this feeling. If you think about it with your toenails, you should know that the top dancers must have left Blüdhaven long ago to pursue their dreams in the metropolis or a safe and wealthy big city like New York.

It seems that this building has not yet found a suitable person to take over. During this time, other indigenous people on the earth took over the place. Along the way, Su Ming didn't know how many rats, cockroaches, spiders, moths, etc. he had seen. Little animals, this place has simply become a paradise for little lives.

Only there are no bats, which is pretty good.

He now knows about Batman's madness, and he has also noticed that someone has tampered with the Gotham video.

But don't worry, Green Arrow and Superman are still in Gotham. The combination of brains and strength will not cause trouble so easily.

Besides, Oliver already has no sense of presence. Let's give him a chance to show off. He is taking his ex-wife with him. If he goes over immediately and takes over the command, he will lose face in front of women.

For the considerate Su Ming, this kind of thing cannot be done, and he also wants to see how far Batman's disease has progressed.

Logically speaking, the Pale Knight and Dr. Quinzel's medicine should have cured him. How could the symptoms of the Laughing Virus relapse? Did someone secretly stab him in the butt with a poisoned weapon?

While thinking, he came backstage with Bobo's death knell on his shoulder. He looked around the principal dancer's lounge and found that the golden five-pointed star on the door had been partially covered by spider webs. It looked like someone had taken a bite out of it.

"What a hard-working little animal." Bobo took a puff of cigarette and folded his arms and whispered: "This place has only been idle for a few months, and it is already full of spider webs. The great architects in nature never rest, like Our enemies are the same."

The orangutan was still a little emotional. He felt that he had been extremely busy in the past six months and his life had undergone earth-shaking changes.

When Jim was still alive, he was just a regular at the Forgotten Bar and a mascot.

But now? Not only did taking over the bar and Maiya have to work hard to run it, but he was dragged to various battlefields by Deathstroke almost every time. He lost a lot of black hair on his head. This should be an endocrine disorder caused by too much pressure.

"Well, it seems that the enemy is not in the background. We have to go deeper into the building and go to the warehouse at the back." A lightsaber appeared in Su Ming's hand, and the golden light illuminated the dark corridor. Some frightened mice quickly ran away against the wall. , and also made a squeaking sound, which seemed to be a warning.

The strangulating tentacles silently caught up with the mouse, just like a shadow sliding against the ground. The process of devouring it was like dragging the small animal into the ground, or throwing it into the infinite falling void.

Not even a sound was left.

"Slade, are you talking about the hunting dagger, does it have anything to do with the clay-faced plasma nanoworm we are investigating?" The orangutan raised his hand and scratched the hairline at the brim of his hat. He has not found the connection yet: "This weapon is wandering outside. , seems to be just a side mission.”

Bobo feels that he should focus more on investigating the information about 'my lord'. This is the main task.

But Deathstroke has the final say on the team. He is just an ordinary orangutan, and he cannot be too smart.

"There is no direct connection at the moment, but my intuition tells me that if someone combines the deformation ability of plasma with the infection ability of leopard transformation, we will be in big trouble."

Deathstroke stubbed out his cigarette and put away the butt. The black and yellow mask seeped out from under the skin of his face, and the red eyepiece lit up.

There is no specific basis for his statement, it is just an intuition based on dark instincts. He feels that if things develop in this direction, it will get very bad, then it can really happen in DC.

The ability of the chameleon is troublesome enough. If you add the contagiousness of leopard transformation, I'm afraid it will be equivalent to a large group of zombies that can change their appearance. Moreover, these zombies can all be controlled by people, and their speed is second only to Barry. and Wally and a few other speedsters.

In addition, although people cursed by the power of the goddess of hunting will turn into half-human, half-leopard monsters like the Chief, they are still alive and cannot be controlled by the black light ring.

Maybe we can find helpers such as Lucifer, A Thousand Cats' Dream, Five-Dimensional Man, Thinking Super, All in One Jane, etc. to resolve this situation, but why do we have to wait until that step?

It's better to stop things from getting worse before they get that bad.

"Is technology and divine power combined?" Donna thought for a moment and nodded, her long black wavy hair shaking slightly: "That makes sense, because I think Zeus's disappearance may be some kind of attempt by the enemy. After all, speaking of With divine power, people will immediately think of Olympus.”

Her statement is also well-founded. There is precedent for the combination of technology and divine power.

The invisible plane that Vulcan made for his sister, the golden satellite that he knocked out with a hammer, and Deathstroke's golden Gauss rifle, these are all creations of technology combined with divine power.

If the mastermind behind the scenes finds a blacksmith similar to Vulcan, then he may be able to achieve the combination of technology and divine power.

Yes, the Vulcan of Earth 0 is still alive and well, but what about other parallel worlds? For example, the hometown of the Laughing Bat - Earth-22 of the Dark Multiverse. Who knows where the Vulcan in that world has gone?

"I think so too." Wally was shaking his arms rapidly, grabbing a ball of lightning for lighting: "Although I don't understand physics and chemistry like Barry, and I don't know anything about magic, but I can repair cars, and Make sure the aircraft engine can actually be mounted on the tank."

Using divine power to drive technological equipment should be the same concept, right?

"It's so good, so bright, cool~~~" Shazam's brain circuit was obviously very simple. He kept staring at Deathstroke's weapon, obviously also wanting a lightsaber.

"So that's it, Bo, our search for the Hunting Blade is not a meaningless act, but to prevent the situation from getting worse in advance."

Su Ming, who was walking at the front of the team, handed the orangutan a bottle of wine while he steadily moved towards the back of the theater:

"I'm not worried about other contagious things like black light viruses, zombie viruses, etc. Even the Anti-Life Equation is in my hands, but the Curse of the Hunting Blade is a special case and must be controlled first. .”

"I understand. Actually, you don't need to explain so much to me. I'm just a gorilla running a bar. I don't have any big-picture perspective." Bobo reached out to take the bottle and admitted that Deathstroke was more right and had a more long-term consideration.

"Don't belittle yourself, you are my friend, old man." Su Ming patted the orangutan's back with his backhand, feeling the damp woolen cloth: "If I don't even explain to you, then I haven't become Batman. Is it done?"

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