The Death Knell

Chapter 4342 The fisherman profits

The group of people walked to the door of the theater warehouse.

Generally speaking, a building like a theater will have a large warehouse. After all, there are just stage background boards, stage props, various light stands, etc. There are a lot of things, as well as many actors' costumes and miscellaneous items. They also need to find a place to store them.

The better the theater, the bigger the warehouse is. This is inevitable. If everything is rented, it will be a grass stage troupe. Of course, it cannot do projects like ballet.

Anyway, Su Ming himself had only seen a traveling troupe performing stripteases between villages and towns, but never a traveling troupe performing ballet.

Therefore, facing the warehouse door that was wide enough for trucks to pass, everyone was very uncertain because they had expected this to happen.

But something unexpected was that there was a faint clanking sound coming from behind the door, as if many people were forging iron together.

Just now, everyone was talking about the possibility of finding a blacksmith to integrate the nanorobots and the leopard transformation curse. Now that they heard the sound of blacksmithing, everyone's eyes couldn't help but move to Deathstroke, and they were worried that he had really guessed it right.

Su Ming did not rush to push the door open, but let Strangler stretch out his small tentacles and get in through the crack in the door below. He took a peek like a tactical looking glass, and then he touched his chin and smiled:

"Oh? Is there such a good thing?"

After saying that, he raised his foot and kicked the warehouse door open, and then walked into the warehouse swaggeringly.

There are tall shelves everywhere, with various props piled on them. There is also a layer of dust floating on them. Things like medieval crystal chandeliers and super magical giant fake mushrooms are piled everywhere. .

The air smelled of dust, and the warehouse was basically pitch black. There was no moonlight coming through the tall windows, and there was only the sound of drizzle hitting the glass.

But two groups were quietly fighting in the warehouse.

This is not to say that they did not fight fiercely enough, but that no one on either side made a sound when they attacked or died. There was only a little sound and a little spark when the weapons collided.

Both sides are still old acquaintances.

One of them was wearing a black robe, with feathers sewn on the sleeves to look like a bird, and round eyepieces on his face.

The other party wore black night clothes, used a machete as a weapon, covered his face, and looked fanatical.

"The Court of Owls and the League of Assassins?" Bobo shrank behind Deathstroke's head, trying his best to reduce the risk of being shot in the front: "I thought all the Talon Assassins were dead, or they were all captured by Batman."

The two sides were fighting lively, and although they both noticed the intruder, they still had no intention of stopping.

Many members of the two organizations climbed up and down between the shelves, throwing shurikens and throwing knives at each other, killing others silently, or being killed by others. Although it was dark inside the warehouse, there was no news at this time. From the smell, you knew it was bleeding like a river.

"Making claw assassins is a technology with a very low threshold. As long as you have amber gold and a little surgical knowledge, you can make as much garbage as you want." Su Ming saw that neither party seemed willing to pay attention to him. He was also happy to sit on the mountain and watch the fight between tigers. He just told Bobo: "I am sure that I have killed all the owl priests on Earth 0, but the members of the Court of's hard to say."

The members of the Court of Owls all have a glamorous wealthy status on the surface, but they all operate in the sewers secretly.

Su Ming is good at fighting in sewers and other terrains, but he is not the god of sewers. How can he know what is happening in sewers somewhere on the earth?

After gaining a lot of concepts and becoming Sigma, he could indeed feel that a crisis was brewing, but the survivors of the Court of Owls were not a crisis for him now.

Because it is so insignificant, it cannot be felt at all, just like a person cannot feel a grain of dust falling on oneself.

The Claw Assassin is a painless cryo-warrior with some martial arts skills, but that's about it. It's not as good as the fish-men created by the alien Poseidon before.

But today, Su Ming felt a little warm when he saw the claw, because at the beginning of his time travel, the first guy he faced that could be called an opponent was a claw. He was in the Indian Mountain scrapyard on Earth minus 11. .

"I saw Thalia, Deathstroke, she is leading this team of assassins." Donna approached Deathstroke, blocked the two of them with her shield, and whispered: "She has the hunting blade in her hand, right? "

"Well, let's help."

Su Ming also saw it, so he nodded. In any case, the relationship between Talia and Batman is there. If you can help, you still have to help. The first half of the sentence was not loud, but he suddenly cleared his throat and held the lightsaber in his hand. It also turned into a big loudspeaker and put it to my mouth:

"The Court of Owls eats shit!"

"Swish swish..."

As soon as the crowd taunting skill was activated, all the heads of the claw assassins turned to him, and the sound of the friction of cloth was heard.

In the middle of the night, I saw a group of people turning their heads back 180 degrees. It was a little exciting, especially because their eyes looked like they wanted to drink human blood.

"Allegiance to the court!"

These claws abandoned their respective opponents. Even if they were slashed by the assassin in front of them, they had to escape and deal with Deathstroke first.

Because the court cannot be insulted, the first priority of their existence is to maintain the dignity of the court.

"Okay, come on, I'll go talk to Thalia."

Seeing that the taunting skill was as useful as ever and that the claws didn't seem to have grown at all, Su Ming smiled and signaled to Donna and the others to get started.

As for himself, he wanted to intercept Thalia.

This woman is worthy of being the daughter of Lei Xiaogu, a born assassin. Originally, she was entangled by an opponent suspected to be Claw Zero, and now the Claws are all heading towards the death knell like crazy. This woman did not think about helping anyone. The people in the field reciprocated the favor, but grabbed the hunting blade and planned to run away secretly.

Although she looked like a mature woman who had given birth to a child, her skills had not deteriorated at all. She jumped onto the five-meter-high shelf in a few seconds and ran wildly on various items, as if she was planning to get out through the small window on the roof.

"A good plan, but don't use it next time."

Just when she was about to throw the grappling hook and climb out of the window, the death knell appeared in front of her like a ghost, blocking her way. A demon-like voice sounded as the diamond-shaped eyepiece flickered on and off:

"Because I can fly, really fly, and very fast."

After making what he thought was a cordial opening, Su Ming stretched out his hand toward her, hooked his fingers, and motioned for her to hand over what she was holding.

Even though she was Bat's ex-wife, at this point in time, she couldn't keep the hunting dagger.

Because her three-legged cat kung fu is enough to fight with Catwoman, but guarding an artifact is far from enough.

Drizzle came in the wind from outside the cracked window, and Deathstroke's cloak bulged slightly. Thalia stopped, with a puzzled expression on her face:

"What do you mean? Deathstroke, didn't you pay to invite us here? Do you want to be a gangster?"

"Oh? Haha, that's interesting." The mercenary under the mask raised an eyebrow and made a voice of interest: "Don't be nervous, we can talk about this slowly."

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