The Death Knell

Chapter 4343 Mercenary’s Integrity

"It's not impossible to deliver the goods in advance, but where's the money?" Thalia showed the dagger in her arms, her tone softened a little, she looked at the mask of the death knell and said with a smile: "Pay with one hand, deliver the goods with the other, we have It’s a contract, no one can rely on the Assassin’s League.”

"Come on, can you and Lei Xiaogu threaten me? Or do you count on Batman?" Su Ming's mask melted into his skin, and he fell next to Thalia, seemingly defenseless and said: "I All it takes is a stack of dolphin magazines to hire a wolf to deal with you, and your whole village will die."

While speaking gentle words, he observed the battlefield.

The Talons are good. The level of Talons in Earth 0 is higher than that in Earth Minus 11, but it is still not good enough against the combination of Shazam and Donna.

Especially Donna, as a powerful warrior covered in artifacts, if these sharp claws were rubbed by her weapons, her hands, feet, or heads would be severed.

A superhero who can kill people is good, and it saves worry and effort to use.

Thinking about it this way, if someone becomes a masked vigilante in order to satisfy his desire to kill, it would be a very good anti-hero character. Later, he could let Commissioner Gordon's son Jim Jr. try it.

Little Jim is dead, but that's not a big problem. Death is not the end in the DC universe. There was originally a character codenamed "Dead Man" in Justice League Dark, and his soul was protected by the goddess Rama Kushner. Came down to work.

In addition, although playing the resurrection of the dead may feel a little sorry for death, Deathstroke is also the holder of the white light ring, but it is not commonly used.

"Hey, what about Damian?"

Thalia didn't panic at all. She took off her veil, put her little hand on Deathstroke's shoulder, and even picked Bobo's chin leisurely:

"If you kill me, my son will definitely avenge me, and you seem to have been hinting one thing to everyone, indicating that Damian is your and my child? Then if you kill him too, justice will The Alliance will not turn a blind eye to this. What kind of madman would kill his own woman and son? Do you think so?"

She was confident, as if she had this backup plan to prevent being hacked before taking on the mission.

Thalia has never had any serious interactions with Deathstroke from another world before, but she has obviously collected a lot of information. Moreover, it is her silent cooperation that has kept Damian trapped in the fog, thinking that Deathstroke Really his dad.

"Is this your escape route?" Su Ming smiled. He looked at the woman's weathered face, which was still very beautiful: "Have you forgotten that I am also one of the chameleons? If I become Batman, I will kill you. Woolen cloth?"

As he spoke, he really changed into Batman and showed it to Talia, and deliberately turned down the corners of his mouth to imitate the classic expression of doubt.

"You won't, because you are not that Slade, you have a bottom line, and you are a bit chauvinistic." After a brief moment of trance, Thalia looked away. She also looked at the battlefield between the shelves and saw the scene in front of her. The second-tier members of the alliance shouted, "And I think you should like me a little bit."

After saying this, she winked at the man, which made Bobo, who had to watch everything, feel a chill.

Thalia's meaning is also easy to understand, because Batman is about to marry someone else, and it is obvious that she has no chance of remarrying herself. It also means that she no longer has to wait, so she needs a new support.

In her opinion, by using a widely circulated and mischievous lie, she can connect herself with Deathstroke through Damian, their 'shared' child.

Isn’t this a new source of support?

For a woman like her, who is burdened with the fate of the organization, and a young single mother, it is not difficult to find a man who has no feelings but is strong to rely on.

And in the past six months, because Deathstroke from another world has become famous in the dark world and has achieved numerous results, she has enjoyed some dividends in business, and sometimes rumors can also bring benefits.

Deathstroke gets to have fun, and her League of Assassins gets to benefit, so it's a win-win.

Assassins should be unscrupulous, and she has received this ideological education since she was a child.

"Haha, I do like femme fatales. The more vicious the better, but you are not even qualified because you have feelings."

The speechless Deathstroke changed back to his own appearance, reached out and took out the gold from his pocket, and changed the topic:

"But it's really not me who hired you this time, but there are many people pretending to be me now, but it doesn't matter. I bought the dagger and converted it into gold for you."

"Wait a minute, I'm confused. Are you saying that the Deathstroke who contacted me on the Internet was not you?"

Thalia shook her head quickly. She was not in a hurry to make a deal. Instead, she took a step back holding the dagger. After blinking and thinking for a moment, she showed an interested look and smiled even more charmingly:

"Huh? Who can impersonate you? Didn't you find the person and kill him?"

"It's a group of people who are pretending to be me in an organized way, and they're a group of dark-skinned African Americans. That's the most interesting thing." Deathstroke had a gold brick in his hand, about a hundred kilograms, which should be enough. Yes, the gold brick looks a bit like a large urn: "But it doesn't matter, we will kill them all."

The adjutant's smelting skills are good, but he is too pragmatic. I'm afraid it would be unlucky to trade gold bricks with this shape.

"I'm afraid I can't give it to you like this." The corner of Talia's mouth raised, and she shook the dagger in her hand: "Because you also understand the rules of the road. The most important thing in our Assassin's League is credibility. You are not ours." Employer, then..."

"Oh, tell me the mercenary code? Then I'll pay more."

Death Knell, who took out another gold brick, was very calm. Everything was as he expected. It is true that the Assassin League values ​​reputation. It is true that all assassins have received general training in Bushido, but profit is the first priority:

"You are an organization that provides hired assassin services. Stop pretending to be a chaste martyr. You can either get money to deliver the goods, or I will kill you and get the goods from the corpse. Take your pick."


Thalia smiled like a fox. She stretched out the hand holding the dagger and asked tentatively:


"Double, I'm out, but you have to explain clearly how the impostor contacted you."

The two gold bricks clinked and were thrown in front of the woman. The death knell was very generous and only put forward one additional condition.

"Selling employer information, this..."

After handing the dagger to Deathstroke, Thalia squatted down to check the purity of the gold. At this point, she began to roll her eyes again, looking like a little woman who was embarrassed.

"I'll add money." Deathstroke took out another gold brick like an ordinary red brick: "Here are three hundred kilograms of 24K gold, equivalent to a market price of about twelve million U.S. dollars. I want to hire your people. He certainly didn’t tell you the true value of this dagger, and you only brought thirty people with you, which all means that he couldn’t have given a price of more than five million US dollars, and you have already made money, Thalia.”

"Haha, okay, I'll tell you everything I know, for the sake of your generosity."

Her family knew about her affairs, and Thalia's attitude softened when she saw that the truth was revealed. She whistled and called for the surviving men to come over and move the bricks, and wisely chose to leave as soon as possible.

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