The Death Knell

Chapter 4344 Darker

"Allegiance to the court!"

The enemy's daggers and daggers splashed sparks on the shields. Donna was a little confused. Where did these assassins get the courage to fight a warrior head-on?

The Claws may have some advantages when it comes to sneaking backstabbing attacks in the dark, but that's also aimed at ordinary people.

Donna herself is a living weapon created by the Titan clan to destroy the Amazons. She is confident that she can defeat her sister Diana 50-50, so how can she be hurt by a tool like Claw?

The shield struck fiercely, and the enemy in front of him was immediately knocked away, hitting the far wall and turning into a puddle of mud.

The level of the enemy this time was a bit weak, so much so that Donna could still be distracted by looking at the death knell on the shelf not far away. At this time, the man was talking and laughing with Thalia, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

Maybe this is why hired assassins always have something in common.

"I kicked! I kicked! Hey, you! I, I didn't see it!"

Wally's red shadow wrapped with electric light kept flashing around Donna. Many claws wanted to rush to Deathstroke, but he stopped them and kicked them to Donna.

But when the female warrior really cut off someone's head or stabbed the enemy to death, Wally couldn't bear to look at it and turned his head to the side.

The battle has just started for a minute, and the enemy is almost dead. This is because Shazam paddled during the battle.

Originally, when he saw the mysterious costumes and dark style of the Claws, the big boy was a little excited, because the villains in the game are always more mysterious and stronger.

But once they fought, he found that the claws were far behind the crazy angels. Their fighting power was not on the same level at all. He could even put them into hibernation with just a breath of his breath. This made the boy immediately lose interest. lack.

‘With or without me it seems to be the same. ’

With this thought, he decided to take a break. While his teammates were fighting, Shazam slipped to sit on the top of a nearby shelf and started playing with his phone again.

Although the limited edition game console that Deathstroke gave him was good, Fang Shen was more fun. It just had hardware and no content.

"Shazam, grab someone alive and throw it over to me!"

The death knell was shouting not far away, and he raised his arms and waved, as if he was reaching for the ball on the court.

"Hey! Here we come!"

The big boy laughed. He liked to act together with Deathstroke. It was simple and efficient. He didn't have to think about anything. He had food, drink and fun along the way, so he should obey the orders. He was also a mature superhero.

While agreeing, he flew down from the shelf and turned into a red light that was no slower than Wally. He grabbed it and found a sharp claw.

The other person still tried to resist, so he stood in the air, grabbed the other person's collar, and asked someone to stab him with a dagger.

The sharp claw didn't know what politeness meant. The two-handed weapons jingled and stabbed the strong man in the chest. Metal fragments and sparks flew everywhere. In just ten seconds, the two daggers were ground to the hilts, but Shazam He also yawned sarcastically and wiped the corners of his eyes with the back of his hand:

"That's it? Then it's my turn."

After saying that, he put away his mobile phone, grabbed the sharp claw and folded it in half. He landed on the ground with the momentum of a slam dunk, broke off the limbs of the enemy in his hand, and rolled them into a ball.

First, there was a fancy set of alternating hip dribbling, and then there was a round of turning around and back dribbling. Then he took off and leaned back, passing the human ball in his hand to the death knell with a fake shot and a real pass.

Shazam still has special abilities. This kid is good at basketball. After he got super powers, his first thought was to try dunking.

How should I put it, as long as it is something to play with, he is interested in it.


Su Ming was a little speechless after receiving the pass. In fact, there was no need to be so fancy. How cruel. Thalia, who was born in the Assassin League, frowned, okay?

A good sharp claw, after being played with by an ignorant boy, now has more air coming out and less air coming in, and it seems that it is no longer alive.

"Haha, children are playful and don't attack lightly or hard. It's ridiculous." Su Ming smiled and said politely to Thalia, and then launched the strangulation in the next second, and the two black tentacles launched the double wind The classic action of ear filling, directly inserting into the brain from the two ears of the claw.


The sound of piercing the skull was a bit funny, like popping the cork of a wine bottle.


Even though she was an assassin and had experienced a harsh and bloody past, Thalia still couldn't stand the sight of alien creatures eating people.

Especially with the sound of drinking soda through a straw, fast-moving small bulges appeared in the strangulating tentacles. It was obvious that something was flowing into Deathstroke's body in the greasy-looking pipes. This made her retching after all. one time.

She has seen many of Batman's methods in the past. It is common for him to break bones and tendons when playing with his figures, lose control of urine and feces, suffer from high paraplegia, severe concussion, mental breakdown and hallucinations, crying at night and other symptoms. , she has seen them all.

But her ex-husband didn't kill anyone, and that dark man always adhered to his inner bottom line. This made Talia confident that she could influence Batman.

However, the person in front of him is completely different. This young death knell from another world has the same bloodthirsty and ruthlessness as the local old death knell, and his methods are even more cruel to the point of being anti-human.

She was a little scared, and her long legs wearing high leather boots were trembling slightly.

"Are you afraid? Thalia, I thought you, who is called the Demon Lady, would not have such emotions." Deathstroke let go of the headless corpse and let it fall as if discarding a piece of garbage, and asked with a smile. Woman: "Can you tell me? Who is more terrifying, me or Batman?"

"I didn't." The woman shook her head, denying that she saw something darker and crazier in Deathstroke.

However, Deathstroke just raised one hand, and the armor on one of the fingers faded, revealing a glowing yellow ring:

"No emotion can be hidden from me, woman, but you don't need to say it, I have already learned the answer. Now that I have obtained the information about the Claws, the next thing to do is to compare it with your confession, so let's start Well, oh, you wouldn’t lie on purpose and force my little pet to get into your head and have a look, right?”

"The Point Guard Is Here"

"At least in terms of gentlemanly manners, you are far behind Batman." Thalia sighed. She originally planned to betray her employer's information after receiving the money, but Deathstroke was still uneasy and insisted on using fear again. Add a layer of insurance.

What kind of darkness has this person experienced before?

"It seems that your emotions and reason are running independently, and you still love Batman. It's interesting. Catwoman loves Bruce, and you love Batman. You could have been good sisters. But the current situation of Bat But it’s not good, he probably doesn’t know who he is anymore, maybe he will soon turn into a clown or another laughing maniac.”

Su Ming put down his palm and handed the woman a bottle of beer with a smile. It is the most suitable drink among the bloody corpses, just like drinking tequila with lemon salt:

"So let's not waste time. If we cooperate well, you might still have time to see Batman for the last time. Come on, tell me all the information you know."

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