The Death Knell

Chapter 4345 The woman who confessed

"Do you believe that the new Shogi Club is actually on the good side?"

It has to be said that although Thalia didn't change her expression at Deathstroke's statement, she even looked a little scornful.

But she still cooperated and spoke much faster.

Everything was fine at first, but her confession became less credible at this point.

When Deathstroke asked her for information, as expected at first, the Assassin's League took orders online, and a man wearing a black and yellow mask and the same armor as Deathstroke hired them.

The mission is simple, that is, go to Blüdhaven to find the remnants of the Court of Owls, then obtain the Hunting Blade from them, and then deliver it to a coordinate location on the high seas.

The employer looked like a death knell, and his tone of voice was also like a death knell. In addition, he paid a 30% deposit in advance very well, so Thalia took the deal without thinking too much.

Times have changed. In the past, agents of the League of Assassins contacted people who needed killers in bars and sewers. But now, it is the era of Internet + assassins.

The mission was not particularly smooth, but it was not difficult either. Although the number of claws was beyond expectations, the Assassin's League's manpower was obviously more elite.

If Deathstroke hadn't intervened, Talia would have been able to leave here safely and complete the deal with what her employer required.

Su Ming learned the transaction coordinates from him, and promised that if the fake death knell was killed, the remaining balance in the other party's hands could be given to Thalia. Then he ordered his adjutant to start scanning the sea area and investigating the communication network. This required a little bit. time.

So the two decided to chat for a while and wait for the result. When the woman learned that one of the goals of the mercenaries coming to Blüdhaven was to track down the New Shogi Club, she said what she said before and added One of the largest espionage organizations on Earth boils down to the good guys.

"How old are you, Thalia? Don't tell me you're 18 forever, that'll make me laugh."

Su Ming took a puff of cigarette and exhaled it slowly. He looked into the woman's eyes:

"Good guy? Bad guy? What you're saying is like a female cheerleading student who is inexperienced in the world. And because of their beautiful looks, these girls are often the ones with the worst brains among kids of the same age, because they usually don't need to use their brains. Just giggle.”


"Whether you believe it or not, the New Shogi Club was established to provide a safe living environment for ordinary people." Thalia obviously has no interest in Deathstroke's dark jokes. She prefers people who are indifferent and never smile: "Maybe Some of them are a little extreme in their methods, but their intentions are good.”

Deathstroke used the force to close the top window of the warehouse. He pulled Talia to jump off the shelf and return to the team, while the assassins were leaving with the gold.

"I understand, you are one of them. Then I have a guess. When Luther created the Year of the Villain, the Leviathan organization took the opportunity to seize a large number of intelligence resources, including the Eyes of the Sky, Zhuwang, and Cobra. , Super Investigation Department, etc., have almost mastered all the core information. So you people whose interests have been misappropriated formed a new shogi club. To put it bluntly, it is a rights protection alliance, right? "

"I thought you didn't know about Leviathan. At that time you..."

The female assassin smiled and greeted Deathstroke's team members, but it was obvious that she was not well received.

"Answer my question head on, woman, there's no point in being clever. Although I can't kill you, it should be harmless to let Donna practice binding on you."

Deathstroke interrupted her, his lightsaber seeming to grow a little brighter in the darkness.

"Okay, I'm one of them, are you satisfied?" Thalia saw that she couldn't be fooled, so she simply showed her cards. She explained: "In order to fight against Leviathan, the strongest detectives on the earth... ....”

"Ahem, Thalia, pause for a moment, orangutan, let me interrupt."

Bobo took the opportunity to jump off Deathstroke's shoulder, ran to Donna, stretched out his hands to simulate quotation marks in the air:

"If a team doesn't have Batman and me or Constantine in it, then that team shouldn't be called the 'best' detectives, and there's no need for you to lie about it, it won't do you any good. "

"Okay, Bobo, people just blow it casually to satisfy their vanity. You just listen to it and it's over. What's more real?"

Deathstroke waved his hand, signaling the monkey head not to interrupt. He looked at the female assassin again:

"But Bobo is right. I have no interest in the purpose and goals of the New Shogi Club. Just be direct and give me the list of your new organization. Who else is there besides you and Maxwell Lauder?"

"Uh..." Thalia lowered her head, as if she was going to make up a lie.

"Donna, give this lady a reason to obey." Su Ming didn't tolerate her, and Thalia had nothing to do with him, so he just went to the props.

"No, I say, don't be anxious, Deathstroke. This will damage your personal charm. Ladies don't like impatient men." Seeing that Donna was following Deathstroke's instructions like a puppet on a string, Thalia still gave up. After all, it was just Deathstroke who asked and answered whatever he asked, and there was still room for choice.

And if she is tied up in a noose of obedience, the Amazon witch only needs to pull the rope, and she will spit out all the things that should be said and should not be said.

"You can't represent all women." Donna shook her head. She grabbed the lasso and played with it: "For us at Amazon, everything is better if we do it directly. This is called efficiency."

Thalia curled her lips, not intending to quarrel at all, she just confessed the other people.

The New Shogi Club has recruited many smart people from around the world, and it is said that they can complete some detective work. Although there is no Batman, they have Green Arrow and the Questioner...

"Why is Green Arrow among them?" Bobo frowned. He still suspected that Thalia was dishonest, and the first name he said was unusual.

As for the questioner, this guy is too mysterious, so it is difficult to distinguish between friends and foes, so I might as well not mention him.

"The trick of a double agent. There is no doubt about Oliver's loyalty to the Justice League. He is a real hero." Su Ming was very indifferent. Since the other party wanted to use Green Arrow to infiltrate the Justice League to obtain intelligence, Green Arrow would naturally do the same. It is Zheng Lian's nail, penetrating into the opponent's interior to obtain information about the shogi club.

This makes sense. Previously, the New Shogi Club had a group of cloned Deathstrokes to assassinate Green Arrow, which was probably a test.

Therefore, Oliver did not let the Justice League pursue the case in reverse, but chose the Young Justice League in a low-key manner. This was to prove to the Shogi Club that he was not a double agent, and that he would not say anything to the Shogi Club even if he was suspected.

"There was also Director Bones and Colonel Steve Trevor, and there was supposed to be Lois Lane, who could have succeeded her father, but she refused."

As for Thalia, who was holding her arms and rubbing her upper arms, she seemed not to have heard the analysis of the death knell. She explained to the remaining two people by herself, and then spread her hands to show that she had said everything.

"Haha, I feel a bit like the Avengers."

Su Ming smiled. He pinched the cigarette butt and put it away. He knocked Thalia unconscious with a pan in his backhand:

"Maxivier was killed by Diana breaking his neck, and Colonel Trevor was drowned in the sinking incident after my five limbs were broken by me. Now that both of them have been resurrected, I suspect that they want to pay tribute to We want revenge, so we can’t let you go today... Adjutant, send this lady to Sepulke’s solitary room, and entertain her with good wine and food.”

"As you command, Sheriff."

Thalia, who fell limply in Donna's arms, had no chance to see Bat for the 'last time'. She suddenly disappeared in a flash of blue light.

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