The Death Knell

Chapter 4346 E-Sports Rotting Corpse

"What? Are you still going to kill someone?"

Bobo climbed back onto Deathstroke's shoulders. He knew that things were gradually becoming clearer. At least in addition to getting the Hunting Blade, there was also some information as an unexpected surprise.

"Well, the Assassin's League was hired by the fake Deathstroke, and Talia's presence here means that the Shogi Club is also involved. And the Court of Owls obviously cooperates with the new colony, which makes sense, because Colonel Kane is in South America's own Like a dictator on their territory, owls like to choose big trees as their perches.”

Turning around and leading everyone out of the theater, Deathstroke carefully stuffed the scimitar into his pocket, explaining to Bobo and planning the next steps.

After clarifying the roles played by each force, it is now basically confirmed that 'my lord' has no obvious direct relationship with these two parties.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have needed to trick Thalia with a fake death knell or snatch something from Talon.

Unless the former agent of the Shogi Club considered the opposite of his thinking and deliberately deceived Thalia to put on a show.

But it doesn't matter, anyway, the two people in the new shogi club have to be killed, and this time they have to chop off their heads and cut them into minced meat to ensure that they will never be resurrected by LS Road Pond again.

"Sure enough, the chief's findings have nothing to do with our main mission." Bobo sighed and began to change the tobacco for his pipe. He picked his nostrils: "So we still go to find the clues about the place where the text messages were sent. I have already found the place where the text messages were sent. The base station of the signal is there, and we can get there now.”

At this time, Su Ming was also receiving feedback from the adjutant. At this time, no one was at the delivery location agreed upon by Fake Deathstroke and Thalia, and nothing was found from the transfer records. The other party was very careful, maybe it was due to the agreed time. not here.

"Okay, let's go, you can show us the way."

Everyone returned to the entrance of the theater, and Deathstroke took off his cloak as a short-distance means of transportation, indicating that Bobo could start performing.


The principle of modern wireless communication is very simple, that is, the client transmits to the base station, the base station transmits to the communication operator's supercomputer, and then distributes it to another remote base station, and sends it to the client that receives the data.

This is a very clear line with a beginning and an end. Of course, hacking methods can cover up this line, but Deathstroke did it very covertly in killing Deli and seizing the mobile phone. He wanted to bet on whether our lord had discovered the connection. People expose this.

Soon, Bobo took everyone to an iron tower. There was a small room with a bunch of equipment. He sat on the console very proactively and began to use the orc's natural skills.

That is to say, crack the historical records of the base station, and then retrieve the terminal number of the sender, such as phone number, network IP and the like, so as to lock the target's location.

This step was completed quickly. It was not difficult and did not waste much time.

So everyone left the base station tower in the drizzle and went to an ordinary residential address. According to the investigation, it was found that the text messages received on the mobile phones were all sent to the black man Deli from this address.

"Bang bang!"

However, just as everyone was crossing the street and planning to go to the coordinates not far away, gunshots and explosions were heard in the night sky. In the distance, a patch of sky could be seen illuminated for a moment.

"Some people are having street fights." Bobo said, he is familiar with this: "Let's leave it alone, the intensity of the fighting is not very high."

"The fighting took place east of the city, near the dock occupied by the new colony, but you are right, there is no rush to deal with them at the moment." Deathstroke looked at the surrounding environment, found the corresponding apartment building door number, and took everyone Climb the dirty concrete stairs.

Generally speaking, better apartments have building managers stationed on the first floor. They are employees of the property management company and are responsible for security and cleaning. Food and accommodation are in the building. Better buildings also have elevators for maintenance. Keep an eye on the task of monitoring closed circuits.

But obviously, the building that Su Ming and others entered is not a high-end apartment, it is just a tube building.

It may have been built decades ago, and no one maintained it, so the elevator was scrapped and the wall paint inside the stairwell was all moldy due to moisture. Circles of green and black mold turned the walls into irregular shapes. Disgusting ink painting.

We arrived on the third floor silently, and everyone confirmed the house number, but the expressions on everyone's faces were very ugly.

Because even without entering, a familiar stench penetrated from under the door. This was not an unfamiliar smell.

"Unlock." In order to keep the scene intact, Su Ming did not kick the door, but asked Zhuangzhao to pick the lock: "Bobo, prepare to be a CSI again."

"Oh, gorilla, what happened to me?"

As expected, there was a dead person in the apartment. He had probably been dead for a day. When the air conditioner was deliberately turned to high temperature, the body was rotten like spoiled radish.

Although this building may have been built relatively early, the area of ​​each apartment is not small. There is a living room of about 30 square meters, two bedrooms, a bathroom, and a kitchen. It may have been considered a luxury apartment back then.

There were a lot of unwashed dishes and a large number of take-out boxes in the kitchen sink; there was not even a kettle in the living room, indicating that the deceased had no friends to visit at all; only one of the two bedrooms had a bed, which was equally dirty. The other bedroom was transformed into a gaming cabin, and the body was lying on its back with its mouth wide open, stinking heavily on the gaming chair.

The temperature in the room was very high, and the air conditioner was maliciously adjusted to 55 degrees. The murderer even cracked the temperature limit system of the air conditioner specifically for this purpose, so the smell of fermented corpses was not to be mentioned.

"Shura Martial God"

But Bobo was very professional. He endured not to open the window and destroy the scene. He didn't even touch the air conditioner and started the investigation directly.

The others did not enter the entertainment room, but stood in the living room near the door, where the air was a little better.

"There is no one in the other rooms." Wally 'floated' back to Deathstroke, patting the few electric currents still attached to his body: "This is a homebody who lives here alone. I just stopped by the landlord's house to find a rental apartment. According to the contract, it is confirmed that the deceased gentleman was forty years old, shy, introverted, and usually made a living by working in online games. He does not look like someone who can impersonate you at all. In addition, he is white."

"Did you see it? If you are addicted to online games, your ending will be like this. You will be killed in a rental house, with only the word disconnected on the computer screen."

Donna took the opportunity to start educating Shazam, perhaps because she wanted to let the boy know the dangers of online games.

Look at the Justice League, which hero is addicted to electronic heroin?

But Shazam didn't care at all about other people's warnings. He still stared at the screen of his mobile phone and said with a crooked mouth:

"If he died playing online games, what does it have to do with me playing mobile games? You don't understand at all, you are behind the times. Besides, I am a superhero and I am super strong, so I would not die in such a useless way. , even if I die, I will die to protect the earth and all mankind, and everyone will remember me, haha."

"Yi, don't say such unlucky words, it will bring bad luck to us."

As Bobo walked out of the smelly gaming room, he quickly took off his disposable gloves and shoe covers. He corrected the boy's wrong remarks:

"Our universe is very evil. If you want to live, it may not let you live; but if you want to die, it will definitely try its best to fulfill your wish."

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