The Death Knell

Chapter 4347 The best detective

"Okay, young people lack experience, so it's normal for them to say wrong things. Anyway, when there's thunder and thunder in the sky, why don't you just stay away from Shazam? Besides, he's not afraid of electricity either."

Deathstroke, who smoked to cover up the stench of the room, waved his hand and signaled to Bobo to get back to business:

"Tell me what you found on the corpse. The rotting corpse melted so badly that the fat flowed out like a rotten bun. What was the cause of death?"

The orangutan not only took off his gloves and shoe covers, but also took out a wine bottle from his pocket to rinse his mouth. Probably because the breath made him feel his mouth was full of stench. He gurgled for a while before answering the death knell's question. .

"If you ask about the cause of death, I can only say that he died of excessive killing. I am not a professional forensic doctor, just a detective, so in my opinion, this man was stabbed 35 times and shot 27 times before his death, including various There are bullets of various calibers, and then he was grilled by flames, which was suspected to be a magical attack. In addition, he also suffered from food poisoning, showed signs of drowning and electric shock, and had internal organs bursting after the vacuum was decompressed."

"Wow, it sounds like someone must hate him very much." Shazam sighed, and his expression became stunned.

In all the video games he had played, none could whip corpses to this extent.

"Actually, this shouldn't be a vendetta. His life is too simple." Donna stood warily by the door, holding a sword and shield to guard both ends of the corridor: "How can such a person who doesn't even leave the house have any enemies? ?”

"But he must have some qualities that made him the target of the murderer, right?" Wally asked the orangutan this question. After all, only the latter examined the body.

"Well, if I have to say it, it is that his computer configuration is very good." The orangutan frowned and groaned for a while, and then finally found an advantage in the deceased, which was still a foreign object: "I have already installed it on his computer. I found the Internet phone software used by L to send text messages, and also found some bloody fingerprints on the keyboard. Although the murderer was wearing gloves, I am sure he is a humanoid creature."

"There's a problem, Bobo. Even if I want to kill an ordinary person, I won't use so many methods."

Su Ming took a puff of cigarette and slowly exhaled it under the dim corridor light. He watched the drizzle outside the room window turn into small streams of water sliding down the outside of the glass:

"The purpose of killing can be many, such as making people shut up, such as making people stop, but the method of killing this time only reminds me of the medical school. When the forensic medicine class teaches students to examine injuries, the pork on the table may look like this. Many types of wounds.”

"Yes, you're right, Slade." The orangutan also took out his pipe, held it in his mouth and lit the fire with squinting eyes. When he struck the match, he almost burned the hair on the back of his hand. Obviously he was also confused about this. Thing: "I do have an explanation. I wonder if you have thought of it too?"

One person and one orangutan looked at each other, and then they both laughed.

Although Su Ming wanted to play the joke, that is, everyone writes their answers on the palm of their hand, and then shows them together by counting one, two, and three, and discovers the tacit understanding that the answers are the same.

But obviously, Donna, Wally and Shazam are not qualified to participate in such a joke.

Especially Shazam, whose 'locked door' wisdom is so terrifying. Once he is involved in the reasoning, everyone will be as confused as if they drank fake wine and got lost in the fog.

"What I'm thinking is probably what you're thinking." Su Ming squatted down, put Bobo on his shoulders, and gestured for everyone to wait at the door while he wanted to take another look at the body: "I was thinking, so-called ' Could it be that 'My Lord' is not the code name of a certain person, but the abbreviation of an organization? Or is it the name of a group of people?"

The fat otaku died tragically, and the traces on the body inevitably reminded Su Ming of the Orient Express Murders, which was a multi-person murder against the same target.

Thinking of multiple people committing the crime, he began to think again. Could the enemy 'my lord' he had been tracking down be a gang leader?

Just like the Court of Owls, this name is more intuitive, because everyone knows that there must be plural individuals in the court.

There are also the Justice League, the Legion of Doom, the Victorious Seven, the Criminal Six, the Avengers, the Defenders, the Girls Squad, etc. These are all names that clearly tell you that they are an organization.

But think about it from another direction, if an ordinary person hears a word like "Leviathan" for the first time, will his first reaction be to think of the mythical deep sea monster? Or do you think of a mysterious spy organization?

Anyway, before Su Ming entered the DC universe, if someone said the word Leviathan to him, he would immediately think of the Zerg mothership in StarCraft 2.

Just like when they hear the word ‘Satan’, many people automatically think of God’s greatest enemy, the Antichrist, the dragon, the enemy.

But without in-depth research, who would have thought that the number of Satans in the DC universe is a plural number?

This is a blind spot in thinking.

So let's think about it differently, maybe 'My Lord' is not 'my Lord', but an abbreviation that happens to spell out a meaningful phrase, just like the first letters of each word of the Strategic Homeland Defense Attack and Logistics Support Agency put together. , became the same as the 'shield' representing S.H.I.E.L.D.

The orangutan nodded, he had the same idea, and he had other evidence.

"Yes, I think so too, because this 'my lord' is so versatile. He can enter heaven and infect angels. He can make clay-faced plasma and nano-robots. He is also good at network technology. At the same time, he is also a strategic The master even proved just now that he can use magic and is good at poisons and torture. This is not like the ability of one person, it is too complicated and irrelevant."

Bobo's expression was a bit confusing, but Su Ming understood.

To put it bluntly, his so-called correlation is very simple. What the monkey means is that a general is good at tailoring or cooking. This is understandable. After all, these are things that humans can do.

The goal this time was to corrupt all the angels a long time ago, and even Michael fell into the trap. Let’s not talk about whether the move worked or whether it was countered by God, but the vision and pattern were laid out. here.

But just such a person went to Gotham to kill people with a sniper gun today? Create a bunch of fake death knells and use black people to practice political correctness? Did he even go to the barren Blüdhaven to steal the computer from a dead house, and then tortured and killed a fat house in a juggling-like manner?

Each of these is a behavioral contradiction. From the perspective of the behavioral profiling used in the investigation, it is like comparing the killing methods of the Zodiac Killer and the Green River Killer. There is no connection at all. It can be done directly. The judgment is made by different people.

Bobo and Deathstroke hold the same view. "My Lord" should be the name of an organization. This is the biggest discovery of this on-site investigation.

Okay, actually I didn’t see anything useful from the scene, it was all based on reasoning, but isn’t that what detectives do?

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