The Death Knell

Chapter 4350: Make peace with the outside world first

"Well, orangutan, I thought about it for a moment. If My Lord is the name of a gang, and each letter in it is taken from the name or code name of a different member, so far we have only dealt with the death knell represented by D."

Crouching on the man's shoulder and smoking a cigarette, the cloak cruised over the city at a slow speed. The cold drizzle made Bobo constantly adjust the direction of the brim of the deerstalker hat:

"But there are so many Deathstrokes now, Slade, we may need to set a secret code to avoid being fooled by fakes during the Clone Wars."

"Generally, fakes cannot imitate strangulation. The biological structure of the symbiote is like countless tiny building blocks, which can be smaller than nanorobots."

Su Ming, who ordered the cloak to go to the west of the city, said this, and let the black bean sprout with crescent-shaped eyes stick out its long tongue and lick the orangutan's face. He then said:

"But just in case, what you said makes sense. Be prepared. Stability has always been one of my synonyms."

After that, he connected the symbiote's tentacles to everyone's wrists and silently passed the code to his teammates through the nervous system. The initial one was a Chinese tongue twister.

"Three goats went to urinate, and the pee was sprinkled on the poplar tree. The goats peeed a little bit on the poplar tree, and the poplar trees were even more peeing than the goats." ’

For Chinese people, this is very simple, probably at the kindergarten level. But for native English speakers, this level of Chinese is enough to drive people crazy. There is a pronunciation of S in English, but many foreigners cannot correctly pronounce S.

Sure enough, after getting the code, the teammates tried to repeat the syllable silently, but they all bit their tongues. Only Bobo completely mastered the pronunciation trick.

"Okay, friends, just practice it slowly and silently in your mind. Next, we are going to Bic Beach in the southwest corner of the city, dig out the people from the shogi club there, and completely kill Maxwell Lauder and Steve Trevor, if any of you don't want to go, you can get off the car now, Nightwing's cave is right below us, and those who don't want to get their hands dirty can wait there for me to come back."

"Do we really have to kill someone?"

Wally was a little confused. He touched the back of his head and whispered:

"I know that Shogi once caused a lot of trouble for the Justice League, so much so that Wonder Woman had to kill him to bring the matter to an end, but now..."


Maxwell Lord IV, codenamed Black King, is undeniable that he is a talent, his behavior is very similar to Zemo from Marvel, he is a person who relies on brains and conspiracy to make a living.

He was born into a noble family, with a weak father and a strong mother.

As he grew older, he soon showed his psychic powers. He could use the verbal action of 'persuasion' to make others do things they were unwilling to do.

After his mother discovered that he had this ability, she told him that he was the chosen one, and his mission in life was to take power and power from the weak who did not deserve it.

After graduating from college, he joined a global peacekeeping agency at the time, a gathering place for secret services from various countries to unite, called the Shogi Kai.

Because he was generous and polite, and always performed his tasks perfectly, he was highly praised during this period and was quickly promoted to the position of second-in-command.

Until the first invasion of Apokolips, the alien legions easily broke through the defense lines of various countries and the Shogi Association. In the end, it was the Justice League and other superpowers who turned the tables.

99% of the power of the Shogi Club was lost in the battle. At this time, Amanda Waller, a fat black woman who was originally a small government employee, suddenly emerged. She was ordered by the president to establish the Sky Eye Club and directly kicked the Shogi Club aside. First of all, Cooperated with the Justice League.

Because of Maxwell's strategic arrangements in the alien invasion, which resulted in the loss of troops, and also exposed his cold character that he did not take human lives seriously at all, but treated them as pawns, the Justice League refused to cooperate with him, and instead deepened their relationship with the Sky Eye. connect.

As a result, Mr. Lauder, who had always had everything going smoothly since childhood, went crazy. He hated the Sky Eye Society and the Justice League to death, because in the past, no one had ever dared to let his wish go unfulfilled. Whatever he wanted, he had to get. .

The distorted mentality gradually turned the shogi club into a dark organization. Lauder began to enter the political arena and even tried to become the president of the United States. In the end, this politician who had never been a soldier became a U.S. Army lieutenant general. High position.

Next, he used this identity to launch a public opinion war, promoting the "Super Human Registration Act" that was somewhat similar to Marvel's next door, requiring superpowers around the world to register and obey the United States, or his management.

The Justice League is not the Avengers. They did not break out into a civil war because of this. Everyone's attitude is very unified, that is, opposition and resistance.

So Lord, as the pioneer of the cyber army in the DC universe, launched a massive cyber violence operation, hired people to attack the Justice League in turn on various social media and the Internet, and promoted the theory of superpower threat, while calling on everyone to pick up Weapon to kill every super powered person they see.

The plan was quite good, but he ignored two points. First, his personal combat power was too weak, and second, there were really superheroes in the Justice League who could kill people.

Thousands of trolls scolded Zhenglian online every day, and some brainwashed people launched suicide attacks on superheroes. These finally drove Diana to the edge.

She stormed into the Shogi Club headquarters, planning to teach Lauder a lesson to shut him up, but after being caught, the latter planned to use his psychic abilities to control her.

But Wonder Woman has a starlight crown, and Lauder's level of superpower is not enough to affect the demigod's thinking, so after Diana found out that he was not honest, she twisted his head for 360 times when she got angry. Spend.

Because Lauder was still running a live broadcast at the time, the scene of Diana's murder was seen by people all over the world, and it caused a lot of panic.

But Batman asked her to go back to Paradise Island to hide for a few days. He also learned how to buy a navy and spent more money. Soon Diana changed from a murderer to a moral model who eliminates harm for the people.

Later, I heard that Lauder was resurrected and went to an alien planet to seek life, but he had no sense of existence. Su Ming only remembered that he seemed to have played the Brother Eye mini-program later on.

Now what Wally probably means is that Diana has already killed Lauder once, but now she has resurrected her life without any revenge, which seems quite honest, otherwise... forget it?

"A woman's kindness." Su Ming let the cloak land and hovered at the door of Yeyi Cake Shop: "Knowing that an enemy is still alive and not wanting to eradicate it, but expecting others to ignore the past grudges is too romantic. Forget it. Now, just tell me whether you’re coming or not?”

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