The Death Knell

Chapter 4353 Unlucky third party

The imitation of Deadpool seems to be a bit too much. I don't know if the enemy will be okay, but my teammates have lost their combat effectiveness, which is not good.

So Su Ming could only ask Strangler to withdraw his magical powers, and then asked the adjutant to send air freshener to slightly correct the remaining smell.

But even so, the smell in the cave is now enough to imitate a person who lives here without bathing all year round. If a knowledgeable person comes in and takes a breath, he will definitely say that it is the sauce-flavor type.

"Okay, everyone, wake up."

Su Ming, who turned into a Mexican fat man, clapped his hands to attract the attention of his teammates. They seemed a little confused:

"The next step is to lure the enemy. Shazam, you hide between the stalagmites on the ceiling; Wally, you go to ambush outside the city, and be ready to come back and block the door when the enemy is trapped. Donna, hide behind the server first. It’s relatively easy to hide one person in a pile of servers.”

He arranged tasks for everyone, and also used strangled tentacles or the force to help them complete their movements.

Generally speaking, the willpower of the teammates is pretty good, at least they didn't throw up, right?

"Wait, why wasn't my position arranged?" Bobo protested with his eyes closed, obviously fighting against the nauseating dizziness: "I can help you set up traps, and I can use broadsword or C4."

"No, just stay with me. After all, it's normal for a hacker to have a pet monkey, right?"

Su Ming picked up Bobo, smoothed his hair, and put him in his arms so that he could touch the keyboard. After all, his abilities would be needed next.

"Am I just the parrot on the pirate captain's shoulder?!" The orangutan wiped his eyes speechlessly, his paws holding the pipe trembling slightly: "And I'm not a monkey, why can't you get along with this joke?"

"Because it's fun, probably, okay, the jokes are over, let's get to work."

Su Ming, who preferred boring jokes, laughed, then straightened his face and signaled for action.

It is currently known that our master is tracking a hacker named Ulysses, and he pretends to be this person in order to lure him into taking the bait.

But this also requires a method. If there is a Deathstroke in the opponent's lineup, he must have a brain. Besides, except for Deli's mobile phone, there is no way to contact our Lord.

Taking the initiative to send messages to someone's door is the most low-end approach. After all, a hacker with no power has been hiding and killing the owner of a springboard not long ago, and now he suddenly becomes an active provocateur. Everyone will feel that Something is wrong.

Therefore, Su Ming's plan is to launch a cyber attack against a third party, which happens to allow our master to 'unintentionally' detect the attack, thus locking the location of the Shanzhai Cave.

They should be more willing to believe the clues they discovered themselves, right?

Once they enter the hole, it's not up to those people to decide whether they can get out or not.

"How to do it? Wait, you can ask your adjutant to do this kind of work using computers and the Internet?" The orangutan moved his fingers, looking like an e-sports Beethoven, facing the monitor and shaking his head and moving his cervical spine and back.

Although he suggested letting the adjutant take over, he had no intention of leaving the arms of Deathstroke.

"We attack the network system of the new colonial army, control their drones to perform light shows, and take the opportunity to leave some traces for 'my lord' to trace."

Su Ming smoked a cigarette and touched his chin. At this time, he turned into a hacker with greasy hair that made his whole body itch:

"Without you, the adjutant wouldn't be able to do this kind of work. Because her network offensive capabilities are too powerful, she has always been a perfect intruder. She doesn't know how to leave traces to deceive people. Only those who understand people's hearts can run scams and perform the tricks flawlessly. .”

Yes, not being good at deceiving people is one of the adjutant's weaknesses. If she were to intentionally make a mistake and leave a tail, the clue would appear particularly deliberate and easy to spot, and the bait would not be perfect.

Only flesh-and-blood creatures like Bobo can achieve perfect results by cooperating with the adjutant to do such bad things.

Bobo can't do this work himself. He is just a gorilla detective who runs a tavern. What kind of hacking technology does he know? This is not something you can do just by guessing the administrator's password to enter the opponent's backend, but you also have to program a combat drone.

First of all, to make our master believe that the person who invaded the new colony system is Ulysses and not some other hacker, he must show some god-level abilities.

Only when the acting is convincing will people investigate and fall into a trap.

After explaining a few words, some thin black wires emerged from Su Ming's body. These were the 'network cables' used by Strangler to connect the electronic equipment in the cave. Then it would act as a wireless link through the connection between the host and the adjutant. The role of the network card allows the adjutant to remotely control this powerful computer.

The black wire penetrated into the chassis and completed the takeover in a few seconds. The adjutant's head appeared on the big screen, giving it a sense of alienation from electronic art.

"let's start."

Su Ming, who was busy, leaned back in his chair, drank soda and gave orders. At the same time, he also fed Strangler some fast food such as hamburgers and threw the packaging boxes around to create a super otaku living environment and highlight a Feeling sloppy.

The equipment here was selected by Barbara and funded by Batman. Even though the hardware was from a few years ago, it is still the best on earth today. Just a few servers may cost millions of dollars.

Yeyi is worthy of being a young man. He throws away things like this easily. Maybe he thought that he would come back one day, but maybe it was because of his previous head injury that he forgot that such a thing existed.

In short, after the adjutant started hacking, he easily connected to the new colony's network, and also found some information for the Sheriff to pass the boring time while waiting for the drone program to be written.

Generally speaking, military equipment should remain disconnected from the Internet, or run on the intranet.

It's a pity that in order to pursue the high performance of the equipment, Colonel Kane bought gadgets produced by the Lex Group. These equipments all have backdoors left by Bald Luther. It's either a particularly exaggerated backdoor or an ordinary one. Positioning means.

When the equipment is running, the locating device allows Luther to know who and where the equipment is used in order to gather intelligence.

However, small positioning devices actually have signals. Most of these devices have electronic signal receivers and transmitters. The adjutant controls the new colony's system by hacking into their radio waves and contacts them. On the data network.

If the Sheriff wants to see the drone show in the new colony, then she must design it well. It must be beautiful, spectacular, and exciting.

As for what Colonel Kane thinks, it doesn't matter. He just wants Gotham. Consuming some drones is just a peripheral thing. Anyway, with these props, he can't beat Batman.

It's all for free, so why can't Deathstroke be cheaper? At least you can still hear it.

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