The Death Knell

Chapter 4354 Your Excellency, Commander

Colonel Kane is reviewing his troops.

He has no other hobbies, he just likes to look at various weapons, which is probably an occupational disease of former members of the League of Assassins. Not to mention him, even Batman has many warehouses dedicated to displaying various weapons.

However, Kane was not an ordinary assassin when he was young. When others learned hundreds of killing techniques and began to take orders to make money for the organization, he spent his spare time learning Sun Tzu's Art of War, although it was only on paper at the beginning. But soon, through various operational practices, I really developed my commanding ability.

His commanding ability is considered outstanding in the organization, and he seems to be born to be a commander. He once got into the position of Lei Xiaogu's deputy.

Until one day, he felt that the League of Assassins could not provide him with much help, and he had saved enough capital, so he took some people with him, made some money, and ran away to Africa to start a new business.

In the melee between warlords from all sides, as a mercenary group, it developed very quickly, and Kane was also very capable, so Lei Xiaogu could not do anything to him. He even later returned to the United States to cooperate with the military, specifically for the army. Elder Fang did dirty work such as black operations, and he also achieved the rank of colonel.

Then he made up his mind to return home in fine clothes, and as a result, he discovered that there was an extra bat in his hometown.

Bane, Batman, and Kane are all traitors to the League of Assassins, and they are still brothers and sisters. However, these three people all want Gotham, so they can only use warrior methods to solve the problem.

So in the days that followed, Kane went to war with Batman again and again, wanting to use the army to take over Gotham and implement a martial law system.

Then he was defeated by bats again and again, lost his troops and generals, and fled overseas to regain his power.

He comes here every few months, so much so that he is called the Gotham Typhoon, referring to his landing every summer.

This is why Su Ming felt that he was abnormal when he found out that he did not go to Gotham this time, but led the team to Blüdhaven.

Among the people who once tried to launch a nuclear bomb into Gotham, Kane is also considered the number one. After all, as a Gothamite who considers himself a decent person, who doesn't have the ideal to purify the city?

From another perspective, he does belong to that kind of serious and serious soldier. He does not smoke, drink, or go to any entertainment venues. Even when he married and divorced Shiva, he was just to produce strong offspring and was not affected by any emotional factors at all.

He is highly self-disciplined and sleeps only three hours a day. The rest of his time is spent either developing troops, leading training, talking to soldiers, honing his martial arts or studying the art of war.

Shrewd, calm, and decisive, he seems to be a machine leading troops to fight.

At the same time, the soldiers in the new colony loved him very much because he loved the soldiers like a son and was generous with his actions. At the same time, he had strict military discipline and set an example.

In the past countless attacks on Gotham, his men have always been fearless and fearless, and were able to fight with the major gangs in the city until they ran out of ammunition and food, until all of them were killed.

The most important thing is that none of his soldiers are afraid of Batman. They will not scream when they see the bat-shaped black shadow like Gotham villains, because they have all received Kane's professional 'anti-Batman' training. Understand Batman's behavioral logic and understand his fighting style.

With more understanding, fear has no place to live.

In fact, if Kane had used all his military power elsewhere, he might have established a country and become emperor long ago.

But who calls him a paranoid? He just likes Gotham and wants to fight Batman.

Alas, it’s a pity that there are so many loyal subordinates. It’s not a bad thing to be disabled by a bat. The other Gotham bosses will not end well. Even Killer Croc treats Kane as a courier and the colonel. Treat it as a gift from nature.

A lunatic leads a group of normal people against another large group of lunatics. This is bound to be impossible to win.

Dread Strait is a waterway between the eastern part of Bludhaven Island and the peninsula extending from the mainland. Although there are many docks located here, its geographical location is actually more suitable for building docks or power stations.

Kane was standing in the temporary headquarters converted from a lighthouse, looking at his military camp below through the curved glass.

His eyes gently swept over every tank, every helicopter, and every barracks, watching the little lights arranged in an orderly manner, and the soldiers completing their assembly efficiently. He couldn't help but smile, as if he was looking at his own child.

He couldn't get enough of his own army. He had to stand on the commanding heights for a while every day just for this warm feeling.

"Colonel, there is new information from the reconnaissance team."

A young officer wearing full-body exoskeleton armor approached quickly from behind and raised his hand in salute.


Kane turned around, his face expressionless. He entered a professional command mode. In this state, he only had reason.

"The latest information just came from Gotham. Batman was poisoned and fell ill. He attacked an ordinary person at the dance. There is evidence that he suffered severe hallucinations. The first step of our plan was successful."

There was joy in the deputy's voice and he seemed very excited. He was not from Gotham, but he was sincerely happy to think that the colonel's wish would soon be realized.

The entire army has this belief, that is, to realize the ideal for the colonel, even if everyone is shattered, they must eliminate darkness and chaos in the world.

Gotham is the source of all evil. In the great theory proposed by the colonel, as long as Gotham is purified, the entire world will become better. They firmly believe in this and are certain that they are participating in a glorious jihad.

"Very good. It seems that the previous information that Batman was infected with the Joker virus was not a lie. The manpower we arranged to drop the drug in Catwoman's unoccupied home was also in vain. As expected, Bat will still go to her place to check and pay the balance to her. Information provider."

Kane turned and looked at the holographic map to the side. What was projected there was of course a map of Gotham, but in the corner of the map there was an outline of a bat with a cross drawn in red:

"Are there enough fireworks that we anonymously donated to the Gotham government through brokers? Can they be set off until we enter the city?"

"It's quite sufficient at the moment." The deputy took out a tablet computer and calculated the total shipment of fireworks and the consumption per unit time while operating the payment: "It should be able to continue for three hours. People in Gotham are in chaos. During the depraved carnival, the sound of these fireworks explosions will drown out the sound of our guns and artillery, enough to obscure us from completing the initial position establishment."

The straight-line distance from Blüdhaven to Gotham is about 80 kilometers, and the land route is a little further, but there is enough time. The team is equipped with high-tech weapons from the Lex Group. Even the tanks are magnetically levitated, and the march speed is Don't worry.

Hearing this statement, the colonel nodded with satisfaction, and patted the young man's arm:

"Very good. In fact, I should have thought of Blüdhaven a long time ago. In the past, I always landed at Gotham Port. I also tried airships and airborne landings, but they all failed. This time we attacked from land and cut off Gotham Port as soon as possible. After removing all channels of communication between Tan and the outside world, we can then use tactical neutron bombs and mustard gas to purify the dark city bit by bit from the outside in."

"Yes! Colonel! We are going to succeed! The earth and mankind will have a bright future!"

The young deputy could no longer hold back his excitement, but at this moment, when he accidentally looked out the window, he discovered that the drone group equipped with micro tactical neutron bombs for this operation was actually operating without any instructions. was released under circumstances......

For a moment, his mind went blank and he didn't know what to say. He only knew that something big was going to go wrong.

"God's Coming"

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