The Death Knell

Chapter 4356 Green hills remain unchanged

The whole song was too long, at least more than an hour. We don’t have that time now, so the little duck sang classic excerpts from it.

The drones in the sky shine like stars. On this drizzling night with no moonlight but dark clouds as a background, they fully demonstrate the charm of oriental art.

"The birds on the tree are in pairs, the green water and green mountains are full of smiles. I picked a flower casually and put it in my hair. My wife and I no longer suffered from slavery. We both returned home... "

Not only singing, the adjutant also controlled the performance. The ugly duckling on the screen plucked a piece of foxtail grass from the roadside and inserted it into the head of another duck. The latter took it with him with a shy look on his face. Deep in the reeds.

Thanks to the advancement of technology and the huge number of drones, this scene was vividly depicted, so even though Kane didn't understand Huangmei opera at all, he was still dumbfounded.

"Damn! Who stole my weapons?! Use remote jamming equipment to knock them down!"

It was difficult for him to maintain his calm appearance, but he anxiously issued orders on the military network because he was keenly aware of a sense of chaos and madness.

It's like Gotham.

No matter who stole these neutron bombs, the person who allowed the drone to play a light show in front of the owner must be a mentally disturbed mental patient. This kind of person makes a living by having fun and is the most irregular in his actions. of.

However, he gave the order through the combat communication network, which was of course intercepted by the adjutant.

"Kane's biggest problem is this, he is ungrateful."

Hearing the angry voice, Deathstroke shook his head in disappointment. Just like Kane didn't care about the friendship that the Assassin League cultivated in him and wanted to break up with him, he didn't feel the love he had for him in this theft at all. take care of:

"This is the easiest opera to understand, because the lyrics are basically in Mandarin pronunciation. If I hadn't paid special attention to it, it would have been Cantonese or Henan opera."

Bobo didn't say anything. He was listening to the show with his eyes closed, and his black-furred paws patted his knees rhythmically.

Old fans who know the opera are like this. They listen with their eyes closed. If the actor on the stage sings a wrong line, his eyes will be opened when he listens to the opera, and he will inevitably have to drink tea to calm down his anger.

I knew that the orangutan knew a little bit about everything before, but I didn't expect that he had such a wide range of hobbies and could even understand a drama. The meteorite water was not in vain.

"Adjutant, synthesize Kane's voice to give the order, and change his original words to 'Okay! Who is so creative?! Everyone puts down their weapons and starts dancing!', and then stop this Huangmei opera, they have no culture I can’t appreciate it either, so let the little duck play DJ and play a hot DJ song.”

"The Point Guard Is Here"

"As you command, Sheriff."

Needless to say, the adjutant's ability was natural. The tasks assigned to her were always completed perfectly. The drone in the sky moved and the ugly duckling who had just walked into the reed marsh suddenly transformed and came out wearing sunglasses.

The colorful mixer made of lights crashed into the river. The little duck raised its two wings and began to operate. The sound of disc friction made the originally quiet night environment suddenly become agitated.

Looking at the soldiers who were gathering in the dock barracks area, they didn't know why the drones took off one after another, and they were still hesitant to take any countermeasures.

But just then they got the colonel's order, which made them start to waver, and everyone was relieved.

It turns out that this was all arranged by the colonel! Before the war, should we dance together as a warm-up exercise to relax and adjust our state of mind, and then rush into Gotham to purify the world? As expected of a colonel, what a perfect plan!

So the soldiers dropped their weapons one after another, and began to twist their bodies in black and red exoskeletons. Some of them were really good at this, and they were so good at doing handsprings that their afterimages were left. They were really great among the people.

This one jumps on a tank and does a forward somersault, and that one does a one-handed handstand and does a cross in the air. There are all kinds of dance postures. If you want to see tens of thousands of people dancing together, you probably only have the opportunity today.

"Dark, too dark." Bobo covered his face. Although he said this, he was grinning: "You plan to consume the physical strength of these soldiers first, and then wait until the fish in the net are cooked. After that, let’s put the Sands of Time on them, right? They’re already tired and can’t fight even a little bit of sleepiness. No matter what plan they originally had, they can’t realize it.”

Deathstroke seemed to really treat them as toys, because he could have asked the adjutant to go one step further and hack into the exoskeletons equipped by everyone in this army, and then take them to jump into the sea.

But instead of doing that, he asked people to dance for him, just for fun.

"The specific investment will depend on their subsequent performance."

Su Ming looked at the lively disco scene, shook the bottle and smiled:

"If they dance well, then use the Sands of Time or chloroform; if they dance not to my satisfaction, then I will throw millions of tons of fresh cow dung into them. If they are covered in excrement, they will have no shame in doing any tasks. Right. By the way, Adjutant, overload all the electrical appliances in Kane’s command room and the electronic equipment on everyone, and stun them for me so that he doesn’t stop his men from dancing and ruin my fun.”

"Overloaded all the electrical equipment in the opponent's command room and released a powerful current to attack Kane. He has fallen to the ground and lost the ability to fight back. The goal has been completed."

The silver-haired girl answered immediately, it was a piece of cake.

Although Kane is a well-trained assassin and a master of martial arts, with honed combat experience and consciousness, he is still a human being.

Human beings have a nervous system, which relies on bioelectrical signals to control various organs and components of the body. After the human body is shocked by an electric shock, it will cause nervous system disorders and interrupt signal transmission. Even if you are not comatose, you will still be awake. Lie on the ground because the body is not controlled by the brain at all.

However, this trick also has a flaw, that is, it is only useful for normal people.

For drug addicts, the effect is greatly weakened. In the United States, you can often see crazy black people being beaten several times with stun guns by the police, and they are still walking fast. This is because the brains of drug-addicted children are not normal.

"...Where did you get so much cow dung?"

The surveillance video of Kane falling to the ground was played on the big screen, but Bobo's attention was not at all on the fact that Deathstroke easily knocked down Kane from a long distance, but instead showed a 'you're kidding me' expression.

"My Wilson Enterprises operates the largest fast food chain business in the world at 40K. The beef burger that tastes like dried tofu is a signature dish, so of course I have to develop upstream industries. If I don't raise cattle, what will happen to my business? manage?"

In fact, Gin is responsible for this kind of thing, and Su Ming himself is the hands-off shopkeeper, but the family does not need to make such a clear distinction:

"Go to work, little Foo, and leave traces in the system of the new colony that can be traced. Then we can wait for the guests to come to our door."

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