The Death Knell

Chapter 4357 Dark Avengers

Fishing is a technical activity, whether it is bait, fishing line, fishhook, or fishing rod, all of them are exquisite.

Su Ming had met some old fishermen in his previous life. They would bathe and burn incense at home before setting off for fishing, hoping that God would protect them from the air force. At the same time, he analyzed the influencing factors of the right time, place, and people. For example, he must not go to the river where there is a square dance activity. Lower hook.

However, fishing on the Internet is much easier. You don’t need to consider too many factors. You only need to consider whether the bait is delicious.

If 'my lord' hadn't been the one they were looking for by name, Su Ming would have definitely arranged for a sexy dealer to deal the cards online. If they won, they would be given a complete set of information on the Justice League. Maybe the old man in the green robe would actually click in. Woolen cloth?

The fake Bat Cave was still reverberating with the loud DJ music. Deathstroke held the orangutan in his arms, watching the demons dancing wildly on the screen, and waited quietly.

Bobo left some traces that could be traced. Before three seconds had passed, the adjutant issued a warning. The signal was being tracked, and the other party was locking the location here.

After putting away the soda bottle and the hamburger he had eaten, Deathstroke flipped his wrist and hid the owl dagger in his palm, then nodded to indicate he was ready.

A few seconds later, a bright white light beam suddenly appeared behind him, and the alien dressed like Majin Buu appeared. He actually wore a monocle that looked like a combat power display on his face.

It looks similar, but it should not be used to see the enemy's combat effectiveness, because when he saw the long-haired Mexican with his back turned, he didn't realize that he was a hunter in disguise, and he directly stretched out his hand, as if he intended to capture him alive. This hacker.

Su Ming was a little disappointed. The trap he set was originally intended to catch everyone on the other side, but now only one came. I wonder if the others were busy with other things?

So now you have two options.

One is to continue to pretend to be a hacker, let the other party capture you, and see if there is a chance to enter the enemy's lair and give them a central flower.

But this plan also has a prerequisite for success, that is, the opponent only has one base.

If our main organization has tens of thousands of bases, and the captured people will be sent to remote bases like prisoner of war camps, it won't make much sense.

It is now known that 'Our Lord' is a combination of at least six forces or individuals, so they must have at least six bases, just like Luther's Legion of Destruction. Which member does not have a hometown?

Oh, Leopard Girl doesn’t have that. She lives in caves in forests all over the world, and takes away the belongings of tigers or bears to make her own home. That’s fine.

The second option is to eat the meat on the edge of your mouth first.

Even though there was only one alien coming, if he killed him, let Zhu Zhu eat his brain, harvested the information and then went to find other enemies, he might have more initiative.

When the enemy is in the light, Su Ming himself is still in the dark. This is a strategic advantage.

The decision was made without much thought. When the alien grabbed him by the collar, Deathstroke turned his body in the air, and the owl dagger in his hand plunged into the opponent's arm with a pop.

The armors worn by these aliens look very high-tech, but they are also in the style of "Dragon Ball". As we all know, everyone in Dragon Ball loves to go shirtless and wear sleeveless T-shirts.

The material of the owl dagger is not top-notch, it is just a conventional alloy containing amber gold, but the death knell stabbed it hard enough, so it successfully opened a small hole in the opponent's arm, and some dark green blood like chicken shit flowed out. .

Even after seeing the blood, the other party's expression was still very relaxed. It was obvious that he had expected the resistance encountered during the arrest, and this kind of injury should not be a big deal to him.

If you look closely, you can see that the alien's exposed skin has a lot of scarred connective tissue. He should come from a race that is good at fighting.

But unfortunately, the alien did not collect enough information about the earth, especially Su Ming, the death knell of another world, which made him suffer.

The owl dagger is just a carrier, and the poison tempered on it is the key. It is the Tears of Death, the poison that kills gods.

The alien looked at the captive he had captured with narrow eyes, as if he was about to say something, but as soon as he opened his mouth, the man fell down with a thud.

The big, strong man, who was originally nearly three meters tall, shrank under the influence of the poison. His whole body was as dry as weather and his limbs were curled back to his chest, like a fetus returning to his mother's body. But his face proved that he was dead. It was very painful, and the open black hole of the mouth looked like a museum mummy.

The death knell, as light as a feather, floated to the ground. He glanced at the pink mummy, patted his collar gently, and signaled the strangulation work.

Can a target that died of poisoning be eaten? This is not a problem. Even if he is sent to death, Su Ming can come back.

The black tentacle turned into a crowbar and came out. It hit the alien's head first, opening a crack, and then reached in and pried it open.

The wrinkled pink scalp flew out along with the bowl-sized skull, leaving only a clean brain inside the skull cavity, but it was shrunk like a small walnut.

It's not a big problem. As long as it's not rotten, it can be eaten. One bite of strangulation will suffocate the meatballs, chewing them until they are crunchy and drooling. It's obvious that the opponent's body has good durability, and even his brain is chewy.


The symbiote said that he was fine and had eaten it, but he didn't even see the hand of death, so he was safe.


"Let's assemble. Although we only ambushed one person, we got the information." Deathstroke asked the adjutant to notify the hide-and-seek teammates to come back and assemble. He changed back to his original appearance and said to his teammates: "Strangler is extracting this foreign language." There are too many memories in the minds of the stars, and they need to be sorted out along the timeline, so we can go out and take a breath first."

No one had any objections, but Shazam was a little trance looking at the alien corpse. Apparently he thought the alien mummy was cool.

Deathstroke's cloak swung, lifted everyone up from the ground, and flew everyone directly out of the cottage Bat Cave and onto the sea not far from the Dread Gorge. At this time, the disco party was in full swing, and the exciting music was playing. Can be heard from far away.

But there were no people nearby to watch, probably because Kane's army had the habit of shooting away those who approached.

"It's nice here." Donna stretched out her hand to catch a few thin strands of rain. She also gently shook her head to the music: "Let's talk about it here, what information did the alien invader's brain provide us? The so-called Are you sure 'my lord' is an organization?"

Deathstroke asked Cloak to find a shelter from the rain, which was inside the lighthouse where Kane was electrocuted. Well, it wouldn't rain here and it was quite warm.

Then he asked Wally to borrow Zhenglian's mobile phone to dial the number, and said while pressing the number:

"Yes, MY LORD is an Avengers group formed by seven forces. They are basically unfortunate people. They come with envy, jealousy and hatred to take revenge on us who live a good life."

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