The Death Knell

Chapter 4358 Alien Visitors

"My Lord obviously only has six letters, but it turned out to be a gang of seven...why seven again?"

Needless to say, Bobo has learned to ask questions first. He clapped his fingers to prevent himself from miscounting and showed an expression like a black question mark.

He also noticed the number seven for the first time. Apparently he was usually affected by the death knell and was a little allergic to this number.

"It's very simple. If you write down the phrase 'My Lord', you will see that there is a space between them, so the space also represents a force." Su Ming shrugged. He looked at everyone's faces and looked at everyone's faces. He took out a few boxes of beer from the inside and said: "The alien's memory only contains the identities of the six parties including him, and the person represented by the blank space is very mysterious, at least this group of aliens does not know it."

The lighthouse is quite spacious inside, but there is a bit of a burnt lake smell in the air, and many instruments and equipment are still smoking, which seems to be a fire hazard.

But just let the strangulation handle it. Everyone just found a corner and tied up the unconscious command personnel. Since Kane is a martial arts master, it was safer to tie them up with Donna's lasso for the time being.

Because the next step is to dig out and destroy all the known six directions, and the Speed ​​Force may need to be used frequently. Before that, Wally needs to be fed, so Su Ming has to order a midnight snack for everyone.

The first choice food on rainy days should be chocolate, but that food cannot be used as a staple food, so Su Ming provided beer and called for home delivery service.

No matter you are at the end of the world or at the end of the world, even in another dimension, as long as the phone can get through, Colonel Sanders can always deliver the goods to your door.

As soon as the phone was put down, there was a knock on the door at the spiral staircase of the headquarters, because KFC's main factory is in Louisville, Kentucky, which is actually quite close to Bludhaven.

The strangled tentacles opened the door, and the old man in a white suit walked in with a smile. He adjusted his wide-rimmed glasses and magically took out four family buckets and a small pizza from behind.

"102 dollars and 75 cents. It rained in your city today, so the delivery fee has been increased by two dollars."

Don't ask Wally for money. His life is a bit miserable. Su Ming paid directly with gold. At the same time, he invited the colonel to sit down and chat for a while, and enjoy the song and dance show not far away.

Colonel Sanders did not refuse. He liked dealing with the death knell, but he did not eat his own food. Instead, he leaned to the curved window and looked at Kane's army and said:

"I heard that they planned to attack Gotham from land tonight, but now it seems that you have successfully prevented another terrorist attack."


"I am a kind-hearted person. I don't want to see the war engulfing innocent people. This is just a trivial matter. If it is convenient for you, Colonel, if you pass by Gotham later, send Kane to Arkham."

Deathstroke, who started eating chicken wings, waved his hands modestly, saying that it was just a little effort. A pure warrior like Kane was not a challenge to him.

Did they originally plan to attack Gotham by land? What the hell is the plan? In the past, it was okay to play landing battles and airborne landings. On land, they were no match for the madmen. They were afraid that they would all rush into the street without even being able to see Batman's face.

"Okay, I'm always happy to do some charity activities." The colonel smiled. He walked to the corner and looked at the strong man tied up with a golden lasso. The bear-like man had his head drooped and seemed to be still unconscious. : "Speaking of which, he and I are both colonels, so we can barely be considered colleagues, haha."

While they were joking, Kane, who was tied into a spring roll, suddenly jumped up, as if he was planning to take hostages to resist.

But he didn't know that Colonel Sanders had been fighting against another terrifying clown, Lan Lanlu, for so many years. If he didn't have time, how could he dare to run around promoting his own fried chicken?


The colonel picked up his crutch and gave it to Kane. This time the strong man really passed out.

"It's okay, there's no need to look at it. Although they are both colonels, Uncle Sanders's combat effectiveness is much stronger than Kane's, especially in terms of speed. And when there are more fried chickens of his own brand around, uncle's combat effectiveness will increase exponentially. This is one of the very high-priority rules of the universe, we just need to continue the meeting, Kane can’t make waves.”

Su Ming tapped the lid of the Coke cup with a chicken bone to signal everyone not to be distracted. He was going to talk about the enemy next.

Before starting a war, everyone must keep this information in mind, so that they can know themselves and the enemy and win every battle.

Maybe it’s because of his dark skin. The orangutan really likes fried chicken. His other favorite food may be watermelon. Anyway, he eats it very well. He said with a smooth mouth:

"How about we start with these aliens? The pink aliens have calm expressions from beginning to end. They seem to be people we can communicate with?"

"Actually the opposite is true, my hairy friend."

While shaking his head, Su Ming picked up a piece of roasted corn and fed it to Strangler, while showing off an ice cream:

"This alien race is called Yoongar, which stands for the Y in the abbreviation of 'my lord'. They are a very pure warrior civilization. Have you seen the movie Predator? It's almost like that. So the person we see has no expression because expression is not helpful in combat, and the expression function of their facial muscles has degraded millions of years ago."

"Huh! It's really annoying." The orangutan puffed up his face and blew out a breath like a puffer fish: "Fortunately, they don't have the stealth equipment and shoulder cannons like the Predator, otherwise it would be terrible for ordinary people to encounter them."

"No, they do. It's just that as a warrior, when facing weak prey, which means us humans, they don't bother to wear equipment out of a sense of honor."

Su Ming, holding a plastic spoon in his mouth, looked at Bobo with a funny look, as if hinting at the orangutan's crow's mouth, and explained slowly:

"Except for the fact that they don't have a super bomb to use to commit suicide, they have everything you see in the movie that the Predator has, and they also have equipment that the Predator doesn't have. This is a powerful race with highly advanced technology, coming from a country that has already A completely lost multiverse."

"Is it another invader from the multiverse? What happened to our world..."

Donna was thoughtful, holding a rare shrimp burger in her hand, but she only took one bite, leaving a lovely tooth mark.

"It's just the attraction of darkness. In short, the Yongjia tribe had a very powerful civilization in the past and were the masters of a multiverse. Until one day, one of their scientific experiments eliminated their multiverse, leaving only A fleet still exists.”

Putting a can of beer into Shazam's hand, he signaled the boy to taste the taste of an adult and experience the feeling of illegal drinking by minors. At the same time, Su Ming told everyone the information he obtained from the corpse.

"The experiment...did your own multiverse...gone?"

The boy's mouth opened wide, not because he wanted to drink, but because he was surprised. He felt that he had been exposed to too high a level at once, and why he couldn't understand it?

As a demon god, Solomon did not include technology in the wisdom he left to himself...

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