The Death Knell

Chapter 4364 The ability to be unreasonable

Wally had no way to bring everyone directly into the core area, but had to stay at a relatively far distance.

At this time, in front of everyone is an underground fortress area that looks like a pressure cooker. It may be as big as the moon, but from here on, various verification, monitoring, passwords, sentry posts and other defense facilities are densely covered. Even with the speed force, it is impossible to break through. Entering, it seems that all the technological equipment of the Yongjia people are concentrated in this area.

Not to mention activating the Speed ​​Force, when observing the enemy's movements, Wally stepped a little faster, and a little charge appeared on his body, and a team of fully armed soldiers also approached at super-light speed, as if he had noticed something.

The two sides collided and started fighting on the spot.


Two seconds later.

"The level of technology is terrible. The individual armor can actually allow the wearer to enter super-light speed." Wally was a little discouraged. He sighed and looked away from the scene of Deathstroke dismembering the alien corpse and ripping off the opponent's equipment: " Will technology develop to a certain extent and all speedsters will be eliminated?"

He was prepared for danger in times of peace, because without triggering a speed storm, these aliens were as fast as him. Even Deathstroke dealt with them by anticipating their actions and letting them hit the sword on their own. Death by blade.

I was full of confidence before coming here, but now I see that my quality is about the same as that of an individual soldier from the Yongjia people, not to mention I am disappointed.

"Don't be discouraged, Wally. The Yongjia people are particularly good at thruster technology and energy equipment, but that's it." Deathstroke wiped the blood from his face, motioned for Donna to come closer, and helped bandage the wound on her shoulder: "They It can’t control time, its alloy technology is mediocre, and it also relies on oxygen and water, so there aren’t too many weaknesses.”

In fact, this is indeed a comforting statement, because if technology continues to develop according to its ideal state, all superpowers will be eliminated, let alone speedsters.

Just like people nowadays can fly to the sky in airplanes and enter the sea in submarines. If this was done hundreds of years ago, wouldn't it be like a miracle to the people at that time?

The root of the birth of technology is that people want to do something that is originally impossible and then invent things by using the rules of the world.

When the analysis and simulation of the world reaches a certain level, it is not impossible for technology to become a god.

But despite the fact that Su Ming found a lot of weaknesses for the Yongjia people, the enemy's armor looks like Big Daddy's diving suit in "BioShock". It really has some merits in terms of propellers. Take it back and let it go. Adjutant's reverse research.

Donna approached with her sword and shield in hand, put her white shoulders in front of the death knell, and looked at the silver building in front of her with vigilance, as if she suspected that enemies would jump out of those densely packed thick pipes.

The opponent's speed was too fast. When he encountered the enemy, he reacted and deflected the fatal attack. He only scratched a wound on his shoulder. This was already considered the response of a top warrior.

But in the blink of an eye, Deathstroke not only reacted, but also killed the opponent's entire team. She only saw the afterimage and did not see the fighting process clearly. It was really terrifying in terms of martial arts and calculation ability.

"The Point Guard Is Here"

As for the shoulders? It was just a skin injury. With her physical condition, it would not take long for it to heal automatically, but Deathstroke wanted to help, so naturally Donna had no reason to disagree.

Feeling the man's gaze on her shoulders, which still felt a little burning, her face gradually turned rosier.

"Damn, it turns out these aliens are so powerful after putting on equipment! I, I...ah!"

Shazam bit his lower lip and punched the wall beside him. He was very unwilling to do so. When the enemy suddenly appeared just now, he didn't react. Instead, he was frightened and froze. At this time, he felt very ashamed. .

I lacked combat experience against powerful enemies, so I usually caught thieves, or at most bank robbers. In the past, I was still complacent, thinking I was a qualified superhero.

Unexpectedly, is this a real battle? So cruel that you don’t even have time to react?

"Ahem, kid, watch your language... Look at these shoulder cannons, energy battle axes, unknown alloy armor, fist armor with retractable claws, full-coverage masks, body fluid external circulation systems... .”

Bobo, who was inspecting the harvest with Deathstroke, glared at Shazam and signaled the child not to use foul language, but also comforted him:

"The equipment of the Yongjia tribe is the best in the multiverse. It's normal for you to be frightened. I didn't even react to the orangutan just now, and I was sitting in a special seat, haha."

At this point, the orangutan, who was good at self-deprecation, gave a bitter smile. The so-called special seat was on the shoulder of the death knell.

The enemy moved too fast just now. Bobo didn't know how many attacks flew over his head in the past two seconds, nor did he know what counterattacks Deathstroke made.

But precisely because he didn't see anything, he felt calm.

"But you are an orangutan and I am a human. It's different."

However, the childish Shazam not only did not appreciate it, he also twisted his body and shook his hands and stamped his feet, pouting in disgust.

"You damn kid, I'm really..."

The little gorilla seems to have seen another Tracy, and his bartender girl is also very annoying.

"It's okay, Bobo. As a young man, just exercise more. Besides, with Shazam's physical strength, he won't die even if he was hit by an enemy attack just now."

Su Ming was in a good mood after interrupting the orangutan's rage, so he lovingly touched Shazam's head with his strangulating tentacles as comfort, leaving a pool of sticky symbiote saliva on the boy's head:

"Originally we were planning to infiltrate, but now we have created a small gap in the opponent's patrol route. Let's go in from this direction. I didn't give them a chance to contact the same clan just now, so we are still hiding now, but then we will go in from this direction." Come down and let Colonel Sanders take the lead, and I'll take the rear."

The old man smiled slightly and walked to the front of the crowd with a cane. Not far away, he could see a door that looked like an airplane warehouse. He was best at knocking on doors.

Everyone emerged from the corridor room, which looked super high-tech at first glance, and walked toward the gate in formation.

The door was locked. Just when Bobo was about to 'find' the password to open the door, Colonel Sanders had already reached out and knocked on the door a few times. With a kind smile, he said to the crack of the door:

"Hello! KFC Home Delivery, please open the door."

So the door opened like this, but there was obviously no one behind the door. The person who opened the door just now seemed to be the breeze, or there was a ghost who loved fried chicken floating in the sky...

"Ah, this is unreasonable."

Wally, who was following the colonel, was dumbfounded and opened his mouth and made an incredible sound.

He actually has a way to get past the locked door, which is to use high-frequency vibration to change his phase, enter the building and then open the door with his backhand.

It sounds quite magical, but at least it can be supported by the theory of quantum interference caused by particle vibration.

But the colonel is completely unreasonable.

In response, the colonel just smiled and walked towards the building, leaving behind an enigmatic but unclear explanation:

"Young man, today is Crazy Thursday, and you think what I'm doing is crazy, but you're right."

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