The Death Knell

Chapter 4365 Nirvana

Entering this underground fortress, which was like a pressure cooker, the road situation became extremely complicated. Su Ming didn't know all the roads here based on the information he obtained from the minds of the previous deceased.

Because the Yongjia people practice division of labor and cooperation, the area that each person is responsible for is limited, and this fortress is surprisingly large. Think about what it would be like if you hollowed out the inside of the moon and built a maze, then this is That way.

But the colonel's abilities are really useful. Every Thursday is like a werewolf encountering a full moon night. The old man will acquire many abilities beyond imagination.

Language unlocking is just an appetizer, he has yet to show his true skills.

"I found that the old man seems to have become younger. Is it my imagination?" Bobo touched his hairy chin, tilted his head and said, "Looking at his sluggish appearance, what's the use of a crutch?"

Indeed, just as the orangutan said, although Colonel Sanders is a fried chicken seller, he walks like a tiger, and he just walks out of the green forest hero style. When he encounters a door, he says he is delivering takeout. All doors, no matter it is Whether it's physical force fields, lasers, or energy barriers, all of them will be opened on the spot if you give him this face.

"This is called British gentleman style. You, an orangutan who is not as tall as a cane, don't understand, right?"

Su Ming walked at the end of the team and was responsible for ensuring that everyone would not be backstabbed or surrounded by enemies. After hearing this, he responded with a smile:

"During the Victorian era, street hygiene in London was very poor, and public security was also poor. A real gentleman liked to take a cane when going out. When nothing happened, he could use the stick to remove the feces accidentally stepped on by the soles of his shoes. If necessary, he could use a cane Self-defense, as the saying goes, a cane stained with feces and a sword victorious, that’s what it means.”

"Is that so? You can't make it up, right? I always thought that the British gentleman style was just popular and gay?"

The extremely intelligent orangutan looked very suspicious. He glanced at the expression of the death knell with his small eyes and asked three questions in a row.

This is a special investigative technique. Three questions are asked at the same time to increase the amount of thinking of the other party. Whenever a question is lied, it is easy to see something unnatural in the expression.

"You have such a bad heart, can you stop thinking about corruption when you mention Britain?"

Deathstroke had a mischievous smile on his face, and he rubbed Bobo's deerstalker hat:

"Usually we only care about the law. Now you even care about Great Britain. All of our original colonies have been lost, and our world status has been replaced by the United States. It's already miserable enough now. You still care about others. Is there any king's law in this world? No more? Have you lost your humanity?"

"Gaga, but I am an orangutan." Bobo said that he did not need humanity at all, he was not even a human.

One person and one orangutan chatted happily, and the journey was uneventful. Because the colonel has special skills in opening doors, it seems that everyone's infiltration has not been noticed until now.

But it is only a matter of time before the enemy finds out. If a patrol team is destroyed, the Yongjia people will soon find that there are no patrols. By then, it will be...


Just as he was thinking about it, the alarm in the fortress went off. The lights in the originally bright white metal corridor turned into a flash of green, and a harsh noise came from his ears.

"The Yongjia people all have pink skin, but their warning color is green. Is this a kind of red and green?"

Shazam rubbed his fists and prepared for battle in advance, but what he said was something completely different.

"Stop talking and focus!" Donna set up her sword and shield, blocking the colonel's side, and displayed the Amazon assassination sword technique: "The enemy will move at super-light speed. Only by paying full attention can we predict the opponent's attack." Action trajectory to launch effective attacks.”

Yes, although Donna holds a shield like Diana, her fighting style is more aggressive, which means exchanging injuries with the opponent.

But Colonel Sanders did not stop at all. He was still moving forward resolutely. Before the death knell gave the order to stop, he, the vanguard, only needed to keep moving forward.

"Hello, KFC Home Delivery!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a huge gate weighing perhaps millions of tons slowly opened in front of him.

Inside the door was a group of heavily armed aliens, and the armor they wore seemed to be thicker. Through the cracks in the door that opened up and down, these aliens looked at the intruders with cold eyes.

They may want to make some fierce or hateful expression, but due to the degeneration of facial muscles, they each have dead faces.

The gate is opening wider and wider, and people from the other side are arriving one after another. They haven't moved yet, but you don't need to think about it, they are waiting for the gate to be fully opened, which is the time to take action.

Seeing this scene, Colonel Sanders sighed. He slowly took off his thick-rimmed glasses and shook his head as if talking to himself:

“Why do people keep trying to stop me from spreading the benefits of fried chicken?”

After that, he clenched his fist violently, his glasses were shattered in his hands, and his body lit up with red energy.

This light was like a flame, accompanied by the sizzling sound of fried chicken being put into a pan. It enveloped the colonel's body. The old man's white hair swayed rapidly like seaweed, and stood upright.





! "

After a loud shout, the upper body of Colonel Sanders' white suit was instantly shattered, revealing his strong body, ready for a fight.

When everyone saw the old man's back, they found that the muscle bumps on it were like the face of an evil ghost, with clear ravines.

When the colonel became serious, his aura was so powerful that Donna couldn't help but take a few steps back, because as long as she was close to him, she felt as if she could feel the powerful heat like an oven!

"Here comes the KFC Super Simulation Reality APP." The final death knell of the team did not even mean to intervene, but explained to the other team members: "In order to convey the spiritual emotions of the KFC brand to the world, the colonel specially developed a new Form, he can display food and himself through projection, setting himself up as anyone according to his imagination, and at the same time inducing hunger in customers."

The colonel's old rival Lan Lanlu also does this trick, but he often plays the role of a painter, wearing a melon cap on his head and just holding a drawing board.

Not as dedicated as the colonel at all.

"Uh... So it's still "Dragon Ball", right?" Bobo was speechless. He supported his head with his arms: "Just because the Yongjia people dress up like characters in Dragon Ball, the colonel Have you thought of this?"

Not to mention, the old man's white hair was rising into the sky and growing like crazy. He seemed to have entered the 'Super 3' state.

This is the abbreviation for the 30% discount in the super sale event.

"Don't underestimate it! In this state, you only need to pair it with any of the classic menus such as finger-licking original chicken, bacon and potato beef patties, tender beef five-way, etc. to participate in the discount, and then the colonel will launch his nirvana. One can escape from his gaze..."

Deathstroke made a serious conclusion. Colonel Sanders is a high-dimensional character, and whatever he plays can be reasonable.

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