The Death Knell

Chapter 4369 Next Target

I was in a hurry when I came here, but it didn't matter when I went back. Su Ming carried Bobo on his back and flew back slowly along the way he came.

Soon, he met his teammates at the gate. At this time, everyone had obviously experienced a battle. Except for the colonel, everyone had traces of being hanged. Even Wally had a small scratch on his leg. Kouzi.

The Yongjia people actually have some strength, especially their extremely fast speed. Fighting against them head-on would be very stressful.

However, the aliens present now stood still like models in a display window. They were fully armed and had become prisoners and slaves of humans. When they saw the death knell, they seemed to have a neurological reflex and spoke in unison. The ground shouted:

"Dak is always here!"

"Dak is always here!"

"Dak is always here!"

To be honest, when encountering this situation, Su Ming only felt very embarrassed, as if he had a second grade illness and was discovered again.

Especially Donna and the others looked weird. It must have been that in the middle of the battle, the enemy suddenly changed sides and became one of their own. This feeling made everyone feel confused.

"A very good solution, Deathstroke." At this time, Colonel Sanders looked like fried shrimps just out of the pot, with wisps of heat exuding from his body. It was obvious that he was the main force in blocking the enemy just now: "If you don't want these foreigners, Starman, how about you just sell it to me?"

Many people know that Deathstroke hates aliens. In the eyes of this dark man, aliens are not even as good as cattle and horses, but are disgusting things like cockroaches or flies.

But Colonel Sanders does not hate aliens. As a qualified capitalist, he only sees a group of cheap labor.

As long as they can peel potatoes, feed chickens, and drive delivery trucks, he doesn't care what race the workforce is.

"I am indeed planning to let them take off their equipment, and then collectively go to space to jump among the stars." Su Ming simply replied, and then asked the adjutant to gather the controlled slaves: "But since the colonel wants to buy it, I will sell them all to you. , you can talk to my adjutant about this, and just give me whatever you want."

The Yongjia people are tall and their armor cannot be worn by ordinary people on earth, but it doesn't matter. Just ask the adjutant to make some larger androids.

In the past, when androids were only used to pick up clients in Contrasia, there were clients who were specifically looking for oversized companions.

Anyway, Su Ming has no intention of using Yongjia people to participate in the next action, because there is also a death knell among 'my lords'. At present, I don't know how much that guy knows about him, but the other party is likely to have something to counter the anti-life equation. Therefore, these new slaves cannot go to the battlefield.

Either destroy it or go somewhere else to shine.

If the colonel wants to buy it, sell the death knell to him. The slave trade in the universe has always been a pillar industry.

In order to thank the colonel for the help he provided today, Su Ming was also willing to give him a discount. It didn't matter how much money he made. Anyway, these millions of Yongjia slaves were picked up for free.

"Very good. Now that you have the situation under control, it's time for me to say goodbye." The colonel took out a white suit from behind like magic, twirled it on elegantly, and returned to his original gentle and kind look. Appearance: "You should be dealing with mental patients next, right? That's not my cup of tea, old man."

"Haha, you're right. Deal with the Yongjia people first. They are the soft persimmons among the seven forces." Su Ming smiled and shook hands with the colonel. The two said goodbye reluctantly: "The next enemies will only be crazier than the last. , so crazy that I’m not even sure the Anti-Life Equation will have any effect on them.”

For example, will people infected with the Laughter Virus be controlled by the anti-life equation?

Past experience told Su Ming that it seemed impossible, because there was nothing Darkseid could do against the Laughing Bat.

"Oh, that sounds really interesting." The colonel also smiled, and after hugging Deathstroke, he turned around and waved his hand: "But unfortunately, I can't go with you. If there are so many alien employees in the factory, I have to Go back and make arrangements, don’t be careless when doing business.”

"I understand, business comes first, I am also a businessman, haha." The Supreme Master nodded and said that he also understood that making money is not about making excuses: "Thank you for your help today, I wrote a song for KFC , called 'Chicken, you are so delicious', the adjutant will send it to you later as a small token of my gratitude."

Sanders was a little surprised. He didn't know that a mercenary like Deathstroke could write songs, but after all, it was a kind intention, so he accepted it.

Just like that, the old man walked towards a corridor with his little crutch and the basketball that Deathstroke had forced on him for some reason when he was leaving. Then he turned a corner and the person disappeared.

Soon, the adjutant began to order the Yongjia slaves to take off their high-tech equipment, then lined up and teleported away one by one. This must have been a negotiated price, and it was time for them to work in the factory.

In a few breaths, only Deathstroke and his teammates were left on the originally lively street. Everyone was bandaging their wounds while looking at him, waiting for the next order.

Are you going back to Earth to deal with the last 52 coalition forces?

"Now that we have killed the Yongjia tribe representing Y, we also know that the old man in green robe is M, the death knell who can use magic is D, and the last fifty-two legion is L..." Wally held a hand in his hand. Holding a tender beef five squares, which should be bought freshly from the colonel, he needs to eat to replenish his strength: "Who is our next target?"

The smell of fried chicken is still lingering in the air, but after watching the scene of the colonel feeding the aliens, others must not want to eat fried chicken in a short time.

Regarding the Flash's question, Su Ming called everyone closer and ordered the adjutant to send someone to take over the fleet. At the same time, he took off the cloak behind him and prepared to lead the team away:

"The strategy is to let the heroes on Earth take the lead first. With Kang and Green Arrow here, it won't be a problem for them to hold up for ten days and a half. We need to eliminate external threats first, so the next goal is to pull the pull that represents R. Rao, have any of you heard of this name?"

"I've heard it." Donna was rubbing the bruises on her face, and there was a little blood oozing from the corners of her mouth: "Just like the Amazons would shout the name of Hera when they are excited, and ordinary people would shout my God. , Clark would say this name in some situations, such as 'Rao is on top' and so on."

"It seems that Kryptonian culture has not brought any positive effects to him." Su Ming smiled, and he led everyone back to the universe: "The life code in his rescue cabin records the existence of Kryptonian God Rao. But this kind of superstition is really not advisable.”

"So, what do you mean?" Bobo smoked a cigarette and urged Deathstroke not to lie.

Deathstroke touched the comedian badge on his chest, lowering his head so that no one could see his expression. Only the cigarette butt in his mouth could be seen glowing slightly, and his voice followed:

"Let's find this alien god that Superman believes in and kill him."

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