The Death Knell

Chapter 4373 Space Restaurant

At this time, Deathstroke led his team to an ordinary space fast food restaurant.

There is a land mass suspended in the universe, which was originally part of a certain planet.

A small fast food restaurant covering an area of ​​about 300 square meters, with a parking lot and some green plants at the entrance. It floats strangely in space, and its business is not bad. There are many spacecrafts stopping here, and all kinds of aliens. People were coming in and out of the store.

This is Al's (AI) fast food restaurant, the favorite place of the Wolf. In order to make this restaurant prosperous, he destroyed other restaurants on AI's planet and killed all the other chefs so that people could come here. Eat at home.

But there was a logical problem in this matter.

From Baolang's perspective, anyone who can cook is a chef. There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with that, right?

After he killed all the original group of people, he also killed those who cooked at home. He would kill anyone who learned to cook.

The most important thing is that he didn't tell the people on that planet his rules because he wanted to give Al a surprise.

So in the end, he killed most of the people on the planet, and the few that remained starved to death, because those poor aliens only knew that there was a powerful monster that wouldn't allow them to eat. Whoever uses kitchen utensils will die.

As a result, everyone on the planet died, and Al's store naturally couldn't open anymore. The waitress Linda discovered what Wolf was doing and pointed out the problem to him.

Baolang suddenly realized that in order to make up for the losses he caused, he dug out the Al Hotel and the nearby parking lot, dragged it with his space motorcycle, and placed it at a transportation hub in the universe.

This is near a natural wormhole from the solar system to other galaxies. There are always many aliens coming and going here, including businessmen and explorers, but the majority are mercenaries.

Marvel has a group of space mercenaries like the Marauders, not to mention the already chaotic and dark DC?

Wherever there is a need to kill, there are mercenaries.

At the same time, mercenaries are one of the professions that rely most on intelligence, so many intelligence dealers have come here. Su Ming brought everyone here today to collect information about Rao.

Su Ming didn't know where the target was specifically, but someone must know it. After all, the Kryptonians were so conspicuous, especially Rao, who was the only bald man among the Kryptonians.

"I didn't come here much in the past, because this is the territory of the violent wolf, and he is a psychopath... What are you looking at?"

Su Ming jumped off the flying carpet and glanced at the alien in the parking space next to him. Because the other's spaceship was shining with gold, and the flying carpet turned into a cloak looked a bit shabby, there was something strange in the alien's eyes. Such a sentiment should be discriminatory to the people on earth.


The fat alien answered in a language that Deathstroke couldn't understand. He was dancing, looking very excited, and spitting everywhere.

So Su Ming felt that he should be saying, 'What are you looking at?'


With a command, the black symbiote tentacles stretched out from his shoulders and bit off the alien's head in one bite. It also spat out the sarcoma-covered scalp very meticulously.

Just like the host does not eat the lymphatic parts when eating chicken, it also pays attention to strangulation. Maybe there are symbionts in the same race who lack food and drink, but they have already achieved a prosperous life and can now be picky eaters.

Seeing this scene, most of the nearby aliens just smiled and continued walking to the fast food restaurant, while a few gathered around to watch the fun.

This is daily life in the universe. There is no order in the vast space. Whoever has a bigger fist will count on his words and die? You deserve to die.

However, I don’t know how this Val Frog man provoked such a monster? This monster looks like a human, and he also brings a group of human-looking creatures, but he is definitely not human. How can any human have tentacles on his body?

"Hmm, have you started killing aliens?" Bobo looked at the headless corpse not far away and raised his eyebrows. He knew it would be like this: "There is a lawless zone in the universe. It's so cruel."

"Actually, it was the same in the previous Age of Discovery." Donna took off the shield on her back but did not hold the sword: "Maybe all you see in the port are merchant ships, but on the vast sea, they are all pirates. After all, as long as Kill all the victims so that no one will know what they have done, and rules are worthless in the face of human nature."

"You see more clearly than Diana. She hasn't killed many people recently, as if she was influenced by Zhenglian." The orangutan took a puff of his pipe and scratched Deathstroke's ears: "By the way, Slade , what did the alien you just killed say?"

"He said that my flying carpet can be brought into the store instead of taking up a seat on the plane. This can save a lot of parking fees."

Answering Bobo's question, Su Ming glanced at the surrounding alien spectators who were watching the excitement, and they consciously made a way out.

"Uh, so I actually mean well?"

Wally felt uncomfortable after hearing Deathstroke's explanation. He felt that it was really unfair for an innocent alien to die tragically like this.

An enthusiastic alien driver met the humans who came here to dine for the first time. Out of good intentions, he helped the ignorant people, but due to the language barrier, a tragic misunderstanding occurred.

"No, maybe there is a language barrier, but the eyes can't deceive. He is discriminating against us and asking me to bring transportation into the store. He is just mocking us for being paupers." Su Ming kept walking, responding to Wally's statement In response, he rarely explained why he killed the aliens: "Although I am a good and soft-hearted person, I cannot allow him to look down on humans. He must die."

In fact, there is another consideration.

This is a fast food restaurant, but it is also one of the intelligence stations for the space mercenaries. Many people come here to take orders and inquire about news.

In a place like this, the rules are similar to those in prison. If a person is not ruthless, he will not be able to stand firm. When he first comes to a treasured place, he must kill people first to establish his prestige.

Regardless of whether the alien was innocent or not, Su Ming wanted to kill him to at least prove a little bit of his own strength, and also prove that he had mental problems, so that he would not be targeted as a fat sheep.

If you buy information yourself, you don't have time to verify the authenticity of the trafficker's information, so you have to show your ruthlessness and madness to prevent people from selling false information to you.

Look now, aren’t the aliens all honest? The symbiote's deterrent effect on the beasts is still as strong as ever.


Strangler smiled, yes, these alien creatures were like mice seeing cats in front of it, they could only tremble.

"Come on, let's go in and chat with Linda. I actually like the waiter in the fast food restaurant."

After touching the bean sprout head of the symbiote, Su Ming walked away, as if he didn't notice the behavior of a group of aliens behind him who were searching for corpses and property on the spacecraft.

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