The Death Knell

Chapter 4372 Reinforcement Deployment


The sunlight came in through the window and fell on his face like a big hand. Barry fell asleep in a daze. He only felt a warm body lying in his arms. He closed his eyes and touched it. He touched a long hair.

He thought it was Patty, so he smiled happily, while stroking her long hair, he also planned to take a sip on his girlfriend's little mouth.

Fortunately, at this moment, when he was about to lift his girlfriend's chin, he suddenly felt a pricking sensation.

After struggling to open his eyes, he realized that the person sleeping in his arms was not Patty, but Arthur. At this time, Aquaman's long hair covered his face, but the saliva at the corner of his mouth stained a large area of ​​Flash's clothes.

The contrast was so great that Barry's brain was short-circuited for a moment. He was stunned for a moment before he remembered to check whether his clothes and pants were intact.

Fortunately, besides himself and Arthur, there were also Cyborg and Green Lantern Stelter in the room. The smell of alcohol was everywhere, but as a forensic officer, Barry immediately confirmed that no one had been arrested. Violate.

That's good. If a story like Brokeback Mountain happens, how will everyone get along with each other within Zhenglian in the future?

However, this seems to be Deathstroke’s mountain villa? What happened last night? What time is it now? Why do you have so much cat hair on your body?

He tried his best to remember, but his head was in severe pain due to the hangover. He just opened his eyes and looked out the window, all relying on his willpower to persevere.

"you're awake?"

At this time, the door suddenly opened, and the expressionless Diana leaned against the door frame with her arms folded. Today she was wearing a rare white dress instead of her usual armor, but her tone was still stiff:

"You actually stole a tiger last night. I don't even know what to say to you. You just brought disgrace to the Justice League."

Barry sat up from the crowd, showing a black question mark face. He couldn't understand what Wonder Woman was saying, and he had no memory at all.

"...Huh? I, can't, vomit..."

The Flash's reaction speed has become extremely slow, and his brain cannot function at all. Whenever he thinks about things, he has a headache and a stomachache.

Seeing his appearance, Diana shook her head, turned around and left, and said to Gin who was smiling at the door: "No, Misty, we have to tell Slade that Barry and the others can't go out at all now, at least It still takes a few hours to sober up.”

"That's it, it's easy to handle. The problem can be solved by adjusting the relative time flow rate between the two universes." Gin clapped his hands, and the adjutant delivered the lunch to the drunken people, which can be paired with the leftovers from last night. Let’s eat barbecue together: “Of course, we are on 40K Earth, so we still have to wait, but if you are not willing to wait, can I help you find another team?”

"Another team? The mages of Slade?" Diana was a little moved. She learned about the current situation on Earth 0 from her adjutant and was eager to go back to help, but several men in the team slept like dead pigs. Same, can't wake him up even if he calls.

Even Barry, who had drunk the least, had just woken up and seemed to be in pieces. How could he dare to run away?

"The vast majority of mages cannot borrow power from you, and all their strength is lost, so they cannot be mages." Gin held Xiao Dai's arm, and the two good sisters walked towards the door: "What I said They're mercenaries."

With that said, she opened the door because the personnel were already in place.

As a Valkyrie, she understood the mood of another female warrior very well. If she were replaced by Diana, she would definitely not be able to sit still after knowing the changes in her hometown.

So when Deathstroke asked if half of the Justice League here could be used, Gin realized that the Hangover Four were out of luck, and she immediately contacted other helpers.

The moment the door opened, Diana retched because the guy appeared again.

At this time, the bitch was still holding a purple-skinned and charming beauty, followed by several people with strong auras.

"Hello, sisters-in-law, we are ready. My wife and several brothers want to go to Earth 0 for a honeymoon trip, right? Anyway, I think they are trustworthy. I trust them more than I trust myself, ah, When I say this, I want to compose a poem. This trust is like the air in Wilson's potato chip bag, so much and so true."

"There is a flaw!"

Just when Gin was about to reply, Xia Kaila, who had been cuddling like a little bird in Deadpool's arms, suddenly stood up, grabbed Deadpool's arm and threw him from behind, watching her husband hit the concrete floor in front of the door. Leaving a big hole, she ran away laughing, wagging her head as if waiting for Deadpool to chase her.


Both Gin and Diana were full of questions. Neither of them knew what kind of plot this was, but they were sure that Deadpool was sick and his wife didn't seem to be normal either.

"Ahem, the spine and occipital bone should be broken, and there may be arachnoid hemorrhage." Deadpool lay in the human-shaped pit, struggling to move his fingers: "But it's okay, sister-in-law, I lied to Xia Kaila about each other before Falling on the back is a hobby between human couples, she took it seriously, I was fine, and after getting used to it, it was pretty cool, ahem."

After saying that, he lifted half of his mask and spit out a few pieces of internal organs.

"You... had a lot of fun." Gin's eyes lit up. She raised her hand to cast a spell, condensing some water to wash the floor: "When I was in Asgard, the soldiers often performed Wrestling games, it’s really a way to bond.”

Diana thought about it, and it seemed to be right, so she nodded in the same way. Paradise Island also has the custom of women's wrestling. The sisters fight and train with each other to better enhance their relationship.

"Huh? Is there really such a custom? The gods are really perverted..."

Deadpool turned his head sideways and whispered to the non-existent camera. Then he cleared his throat and introduced the other people traveling with him:

"These are the new brothers I met at TVA headquarters recently. They are also going out to open their eyes. From left to right, uh, starting from my left hand, they are Jason, Mike, Leatherface, Ghostface, and Nailhead. , they are all buddies with true character, I guarantee them that they will not talk nonsense when they come back."


The six people who were introduced did not speak, but each raised their hands and flashed their weapons, including blood-stained fire axes, kitchen knives, chain saws, etc. This pragmatic attitude also satisfied Gin.

And these people are absolutely reliable. Deadpool may not know it, but she knows that these murderers are the first batch of evil thoughts aggregates created by Slade using dark concepts, or they are the initial embodiments of concepts.

They are only good at killing, and their reward is blood and the screams of the enemy, so it is not wrong to say that they are mercenaries.

Murderous maniacs may be a threat in normal society, but if they are thrown into Gotham, they can be used to deal with another group of madmen in the final 52nd Alliance Army.

"Adjutant, prepare to teleport and prepare another wheelchair for Wade. Diana, then this team will be left to you. Maybe their methods will be a bit cruel, but you have to believe in their loyalty to Slade."

"I understand, yuck."

Wonder Woman answered a little reluctantly, because she found that Deadpool, who had a damaged spine, started to pick his nose again after sitting in the wheelchair, and also dragged out a long piece of snot, and played with it like a twisting rope. It's so explosive.

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