The Death Knell

Chapter 4393 Villain

Under normal circumstances, a Kryptonian is caught by an opponent covered in kryptonite powder and fed a piece of kryptonite into his mouth. That is the rhythm that will lead him to the street.

However, Hail is indeed the strongest Kryptonian warrior. His physical fitness can be said to crush any of his kind under normal conditions. Even though Su Ming is both mentally and physically aggressive, he still doesn't fall. He even turned green in the face. And trying to spit out the kryptonite.

"You vomited after eating it? You thought you were talking about cross talk, swallow it!"

Seeing that Haile, whose hands were being held by him, looked like he was about to gag, Su Ming immediately asked Zhuo Sha to take out a two-liter bottle of carbonated drink from his pocket. He twisted the bottle cap with force so that the cap flew out, and then the mouth of the bottle flew out. Put it directly into the other person's mouth.

After shaking the bottle, the bubbling orange soda was sent into Haile's esophagus by air pressure. The latter made a swallowing sound like a giant throat in the abyss, and two streams of yellow soup flowed out of his nostrils.

One of the weaknesses of Kryptonians is their lack of control over the details of their bodies.

Let's look at the Martians. They can transform, turn their heads into triangles, and make their nostrils and mouths disappear. If they want, they can even change their gender.

On the frontal battlefield, the Kryptonians are more powerful, but they cannot transform.

Well, according to the information from his past life, Haier also has a unique skill in space, which is similar to high-speed vibrations that change the molecular arrangement of the body, thereby blurring himself into different phases and achieving the effects of invisibility and space transfer. This trick is hard to guard against. , very shameless.

But Su Ming targeted this from the beginning. He grabbed the opponent's hands with his hands embedded with kryptonite, just to prevent Haer from turning into a void and running away.

If he doesn't defeat Haier in one go, as a warrior, his toughness can last him a whole day.

Well, Haier still has the ability to time, but that requires a time machine and a solar energy charge. It seems that he does not have the hardware conditions at the moment, so there is no need to come up with a counter plan immediately.

He had a pretty good grasp of his intelligence, but he obviously didn't know much about Su Ming himself.

But at this moment, the cloak suddenly pulled the Supreme Mage and retreated violently, and also knocked Haile away. The next second, a wildly rotating black hole appeared where they were originally standing.

The edge of the black hole was covered with sharp teeth, and the layers formed a large mouth like a cavity. After tearing the surrounding space into pieces, it seemed to be very dissatisfied and disappeared without eating anything.

"A different-dimensional space magic?"

Su Ming, whose attack was interrupted, looked for the direction of the magic attack, but all he could see was black. Water columns were like huge tornadoes, injecting seawater towards the planet. He waved his hands regretfully:

"There's something about the other version of me in the sixth version. Is this planning to teleport me and Hale into the Twisting Nether?"

"Uh-huh, uh-huh!"

Strangulation means that it doesn't smell anything, either the death knell is deliberately concealing it, or it smells exactly like the host.

In addition, the Twisting Nether is what Azeroth calls it. DC’s version is not that fancy, it’s just an endless darkness.

"No matter what, I can't let this guy continue to plot against me and ruin my business." Su Ming threw his cloak towards the people watching the battle in the ruins of the parliament building, motioning to bring them closer and take care of Haile together first.

Why not let them deal with the magical death knell?

That's because Su Ming guessed that the other death knell might have been prepared for a long time and had prepared a trap. Once Su Ming's team members divided their forces to arrest people, they would most likely fall into the trap.

Of course, the opponent may also have considered the opposite of someone's thinking and used the trick without laying a trap at all, but Su Ming didn't want to gamble. He would not gamble with his teammates on these odds, especially when his own situation was clearly in a good situation.

Let your teammates come over to provide support, and everyone will work together to take down Haile, step by step.

The cloak picked up the teammates like a dustpan and sent them to Deathstroke. About twenty meters away, there was Hal floating in the air.

At this time, the Kryptonian warrior's face turned green, and the blood vessels in his body burst out. It was obvious from his expression that he was in extreme pain.

But even so, with the kryptonite in his belly, he remained silent and his will was terrifyingly strong.

In the flood below, some Kryptonians were already eager to fly. If it weren't for the smoke of kryptonite on the battlefield, which prevented them from getting close at all, I'm afraid everyone would have been besieged by now.

Su Ming once again took out a large amount of kryptonite from his pocket, crushed his hands into powder, sprinkled it around a few times like a gymnast, clapped his hands, and said to Haier:

"Stop struggling. It's best if you faint now. I'll find you a place where you can bask in the sun. You can slowly think about your so-called brother."

"Don't even think about it!" Haier simply did not accept the conditions of the members of the Zuo De family in front of him. He even cheered up again and raised his head hard. You could see that his face at this time was no different from that of an evil ghost: "I won't Let go of those of you who endanger Krypton! Ah!


After saying that, he clawed at his belly like a madman, and the palm of his hand sank into his abdominal cavity like a sharp blade, and he spit out a mouthful of green blood on the spot.

But then, he grabbed the kryptonite out of his stomach with his backhand. His hands were full of blood and mucus, but Keer seemed to feel no pain. He even smiled.

He then threw away the Kryptonite and attacked again, this time with heat vision.

It seems that he knows that he can't take advantage in close combat.

"Oh, really, how much money did the Al family give you? It's not even a penny. Is it worth it for you to work so hard?" A weapon popped out of Su Ming's palm. When facing the ray, he even had time to complain: "In the future When you regret it, I will stop you."

If it is another attack method, such as cold breath or something, then you may have to use other means to defend.

But energy rays? Then it's time to use Jedi sword skills again.

The heat vision fired was directly reflected by the lightsaber, hitting Haier himself. Moreover, Su Ming hit harder. This time, he aimed at the belly hole that Haier had taken out before.

Just at this moment, there was a light inside Hail's belly, which made Deathstroke maliciously guess whether it had ignited the methane in the intestines?

But now is not the time to tell jokes. When the counterattack hit Haer, he tilted his head to signal that Cloak and Strangler would come up together, and led his teammates to surround Haer.

Su Ming has never been a hero, but he likes the way superheroes bully the minority.

He was beaten in the air until his abdomen exploded, and his body spun out of control. Before he could fall into the sea, he was intercepted in mid-air by a group of people from the Zuo De family. Their legs were pulled, their eyes were poked, and there was also an orangutan. This is the meanest kind of pet. When other villains caught a Kryptonian, he stretched out his paws and stuffed coal into their mouths.

Su Ming didn't know where the coal came from. He guessed it might be a Christmas gift, but the scene in the sky looked like a group of hyenas sharing their prey, or a group of flies eating.

The people of Krypton floating in the sea below saw the heroes who stood up were so ruthlessly suppressed by the Zuo De family, and many of them shed painful tears.

They also want to fly into the sky to fight, but on the one hand they cannot violate the no-fly order issued by God Rao. On the other hand, they are not warriors to begin with. All the real warriors died when they fought against Brainiac. The sky is now full of kryptonite dust, and they have no ability to fight against it.

As a result, many Kryptonians began to call out a name, whether aloud or silently in their hearts, it was Kal-El!

The savior of New Krypton, where is he?

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