The Death Knell

Chapter 4394 Hacker’s Ambition

"Clark is fine, just wait until the kryptonite radiation in his body dissipates." Batman stuffed a few iodine tablets into Superman's mouth and stood up: "Guy's injuries are a bit serious and he is missing an arm, but the bleeding has stopped. Now, don’t wake him up.”

The representative of the chronically ill doctor is talking about Batman. He himself is often injured, so he also has top first aid skills.

"Ron En doesn't know what the situation is. Why is it a Kryptonian who is all on fire?" Green Arrow sat next to a small round table, still holding a tea cup in his hand, and sighed: "I don't know how long Constantine can hold it. .”

Black Canary didn't say anything. They almost died before because Constantine transferred the big guy to Limbo, so they are still calming down now.

The Mystery House is still the same, as deserted as a haunted old house. The clock next to it makes a dull pendulum swing, as if someone is walking barefoot in the corridor.

The expressionless Batman didn't answer, because how long Constantine could withstand the Doomsday was a false proposition.

That guy should be thinking about how to escape now.

Although the illusion is good, it is difficult to keep it hidden from the crazy Superman. The real Constantine actually appears in different places by constantly entering and leaving Limbo to arrange magical phantoms, and then transmits the sound from a long distance to attract Judgment Day to fight.

Once he is given a scapegoat, Constantine will definitely stop playing. After all, the consumption is not small.

So Batman set his sights on another stranger at the round table. He suddenly leaned down, as if lying on the table, and pressed the nose of his mask against the Mexican's nose, exerting fearful pressure. :

"Tell me about your relationship with 'my lord'!"

"Well, it doesn't matter. Actually, Batman, I'm just an ordinary person. Wait, what are you going to do? Ah!


This answer obviously did not satisfy Batman. He grabbed Ulysses' hand and simply dislocated one of his fingers, inflicting further pain:

"answer me!"

"Ah, my hand! My most precious hand! The superhero hit someone! Damn it!" The Mexican covered his hand and rolled on the table. He was in so much pain that he couldn't help himself, but when he saw the bat reaching out to him again, and the green arrow After both he and Canary deliberately averted their eyes, he finally gave in and screamed: "I sold them software, just one piece of software!"

As a hacker, he needs fingers to type on the keyboard. If he can't work anymore, the only outcome in Gotham is to starve to death.

Batman is different from other superheroes. It is rumored that he has an abnormal preference for torturing others, as if he wants to transfer the darkness and fear in his heart to others.

This answer sounded okay. Batman withdrew his hand and temporarily placed the remaining fingers on the original owner's joints:

"go on."

The Mexican, who had been conquered by fear, cried and confessed his crime.

He is a hacker, but actually not a very strong one, because his hobby is fitness. But one day, when he was wandering around the dark web, trying to find some exciting videos, he accidentally found a 'digital drawer' where things were stored, and he guessed the password.

It was a coincidence that he had tried many passwords, but none of them were correct. He even tried the decoder but couldn't find anything. As if out of anger, Ulysses filled in his mother's name in the password column.


Who knew it would pass like this? Finding data stored by others on the dark web is a matter of luck. It is more difficult than finding a needle in a haystack, and it is also like trying to decrypt a website without knowing the URL.

It was a miracle to bump into it once. Guessing the correct password was more like divine help. For a moment, the hacker from Mexico even thought it was God's arrangement.

So Ulysses expanded. He discovered that this encrypted cyberspace space belonged to Batman, but he did not immediately contact the Justice League to solve it. Instead, he began to rummage through the treasures as if he had discovered a treasure.

He found the source code of 'Brother Eye', which was closed by layers of logic locks and was in a state of endless self-examination.

Ulysses was curious about what this was, so he manually stopped the program's futile attempt to detect the hardware, entered commands to experiment, and found that this was a powerful AI system.

If normal people got this kind of thing, they would probably use it to do some things for the nouveau riche, because Brother Eye knows Gotham well, and it's easy to get rich.

But Ulysses took a different approach. What he wanted was not to make a large sum of money at one time, but to gain both fame and fortune over a long period of time.

He smuggled himself from Mexico to the United States and narrowly escaped death on the way. He survived to live a long and good life.

So Smart came up with a way, which is to separate some basic functions of Brother Eye, change it into a voice assistant similar to SIRI, and release a trial version for others to try for free online.

If you have a boss you like, you can discuss with him whether you want to purchase a complete AI program.

He can help buyers port this program to various terminals, such as mobile phones, computers, tablets, etc.

And he can invest in this technological achievement, obtain the stock of this manufacturer, join the board of directors, serve as a technology officer, marry Bai Fumei, and reach the pinnacle of life.

"I just want to marry a beautiful white wife, what's wrong with me?! Oooh, my hands." Ulysses cried while not forgetting to look at the black canary across the table. Apparently Dinah... Lance was the kind of woman he dreamed of.

Caucasian, beautiful, with a good figure, and well-dressed.

What Mexican smuggler comes to the United States and doesn’t have the American dream? Isn’t the American dream about having countless money and countless women?

No one really thinks career and love are the same thing, right?

Green Arrow was amused by this stupid hacker. He touched his mustache:

"Do you know what kind of trouble that brother-eye version caused in the future? Oh, you definitely don't know, you don't even know why I use 'future past tense', so guess why Batman gave up on it and went into isolation ? It’s already God’s blessing that you are still alive.”



The hacker was just about to answer that he didn't care about the danger at all. He was not afraid of death even if he was poor. But Batman broke off one of his fingers again.

Ulysses, with two fingers hanging down from his palm like noodles, screamed and rolled on the carpet, tears streaming down his face, it was too miserable to look at.

But the dark Batman stood aside expressionlessly, seemingly watching him scream and struggle, until the victim calmed down again with difficulty, and then threatened again with a demonic voice:

"Tell me about your relationship with 'my lord'!"

"I say! Stay away from me, you monster! God! Please!"

The hacker squirmed like maggots on the carpet and backed away with his feet on the ground. He huddled up in a ball in the corner before feeling at ease:

"It's like this. 'My Lord' is a buyer who saw my advertisement and took the initiative to contact me. I sold the Brother Eye program to them on the Internet, but these people are not particular at all. Not only did they not give me positions and shares, and wanted to kill me and cut off all possibilities of investigating them. So I ran away, I really didn’t make any money from them, I swear!”

Oliver sighed, slapped his bow on the table, thought about it and said a cold joke:

"Man, congratulations. You are simply a male version of Pandora. You released an electronic demon that is destined to cause an omnic crisis and kill all of us humans."

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