The Death Knell

Chapter 4404 Clouds move in all directions


A group of people were sitting in the car, shaking their heads like in the show "Looking for Miss Tonight", when they heard a low and powerful engine sound coming from the side.

Harry turned around and saw another dark car without its headlights on, driving side by side next to the front of the truck.

"Hi, good evening, little bat." Little Sugar Bean leaned her upper body out of the window. She greeted the other party with a smile: "Where are you going? Well, are you going to deal with the Judgment Day? Do you want to drink? Drinks? We have beer and fried chicken here.”

But the Batmobile only briefly moved side by side. Bat didn't even intend to open the window and chat. The booster behind the butt of the car sprayed out a long blue tail flame, and it instantly got rid of the Killer Squad and disappeared. In the night rain.

Harley tilted her mouth, feeling like she was asking for trouble, and she retracted:

"Stinky bat, bad bat, how dare you ignore me, huh." She held her Dorothy sledgehammer, grabbed the blood scab on it, and complained to Xia Kaila: "Sisters, did you see that? I will definitely find a man. You can’t find something like this, this is cold violence.”

"Yeah! I understand, but my husband is not like him. Wade talks a lot, and I am very happy.

Xia Kaela nodded repeatedly. She felt that the trip to Gotham was very informative. It was much more lively than New York in Earth 40K:

"However, I heard Deathstroke say that Gotham is Batman's city. That was Batman just now, right? Did he come to warn us because we killed a bunch of people before?"

"What is his Gotham? Gotham belongs to all of us."

Harley shook her head indifferently, raised her hand and threw a piece of bubble gum into her mouth, chewing it happily and said:

"Gotham has a population of 8 million. How could there be one night in which 1,800 people didn't die? Don't worry, I still have a lot of face here. The maximum fine for traffic accidents is no jail time. This is the law of Gotham."

"Great place. If I had known earlier, we should have used a road roller or a ground-effect aircraft. I heard that those things can crush cars into flying pancakes. I don't know if that's true.

Deadpool blinked in the direction of no one. He held a can of beer and was about to drink it, but suddenly he started to wave his hands and said quickly:

"The veterans who have just entered the live broadcast room may not know what we are doing. We have locked the location of a crazy Green Lantern and are now driving there, preparing to kill him with the front of the car. Huh? No, no haha Jordan, don't worry. It's a crazy John Stewart. The informant said he is a color-blocking lamp, and his uniform is half green and half yellow. He sounds like a half-assed person, and he's done! Please pay attention and be careful, thank you all! "

"." Audiences who do not exist initiate interaction.

"Ah, I don't know how many people there are in the final 52nd coalition, but I know that they will all become my commission, my green dollar bills. You know, hey, kill a person and get 500 yuan. I wish they would be more The better.”

Deadpool lifted half of the mask on his face, poured a sip of wine into his rotten chrysanthemum-like mouth, burped with satisfaction, and exhaled a sour smell that could cover the acid rain:

"As for your question about my cousin? He is in Maia now, watching the fairy in the lake taking a bath with the orangutans."


At this time, Harley on the side made a warning sound.

"Stop looking, Vivian, if you can't find the mirror, just use the lake." The orangutan covered his face with a headache, as if he looked away to avoid suspicion: "I'm not telling you, you should also switch to a mobile phone. Get a waterproof one.”

Yes, just like what Deadpool said, Su Ming and his team were currently making a deal with the fairy Vivian by the Mirror Lake.

Maia has recovered well now. After eliminating the past noble class, it is more like a paradise.

*** is the nominal leader here, but his character is not that of a bully, so if you ask the residents here to help, you still have to be paid.

The legendary Lake Fairy Vivian is different from other little fairies. She has a special hobby, which is blacksmithing.

Su Ming promised her that if there was a chance, he could introduce her to Vulcan to exchange experiences, in exchange for her help (this chapter is not finished yet!)

Chapter 4403 Clouds move in all directions


But when she was preparing to do something, she said that the mirror she usually used to communicate with her elder sister, a magic mirror, had been lost somewhere.

So with her upper body exposed from the lake and her lower body still soaked in the water, she started groping around herself, as if she was taking a bath. This made *** couldn't bear to look at it, let alone Wally, and even Shazam. Blushing a little.

Only Deathstroke and Damian stared at each other without changing their expressions, but their eyes seemed to be thinking about how to kill a fairy.

"Oh, well, let's wait and find it slowly when we have time. I'll just use lake water. It's a waste of my fairy energy."

The thick-lined Vivian flattened her mouth with a disappointed expression, but she still started to cast the spell. Soon, the lake surface began to reflect like a mirror, and then flashed a few more times like the earliest video calls with poor quality. Only then did the picture appear.

Queen Morgan's huge head appeared on the lake, like a giant, and Vivian appeared exactly at her mouth, like a cigar in her mouth.

"My sister, the last time you contacted me was 112 years ago." Morgan spoke like a queen, her voice sounded mature and charming: "So, don't think there is any friendship between us. If If you want my help, it’s best to avoid talking, ohhhhhh.”

After saying that, she covered her mouth with the back of her hand and laughed.

Even though she said that, she still felt comfortable when her second sister asked her for help. This could be seen from the fact that the communication magic was never cut off.

"It's not me asking for your help, but this Deathstroke." Vivian shifted her body a little so that Morgan, who had to face up to the sky using the lake as a medium, could move his pupils to the lowest point of his eye sockets and see the people on the lake shore. The group of people: "He wants you to help find someone. Queen Hippolyta disappeared before. She needs to use a relatively advanced blood magic, the kind of magic that can penetrate the protection of the old gods.

"Well, the requirements are quite high. By the way, which death knell are you talking about?"

Elegantly picking up the long cigarette rod and taking a puff, the charming Morgan asked his sister, but the answer seemed to be inappropriate.

“The one who defeated and imprisoned the Upside Down.

The answer of the Lake Fairy is also very simple, directly indicating the powerful relationship.

The queen wearing the golden mask leaned back slightly. Her expression could not be seen, but her voice seemed to have become gentler:

"A powerful warrior. I love powerful warriors the most. Please invite them to come over. I am traveling in Ethiopia now. I will give you the coordinates. We will talk when we meet."

After saying that, the queen gave the coordinates very simply, then took a deep look towards the lake and cut off the communication.

"Be careful, Slade. Queen Morgan was the second mage under Merlin during the Camelot era. Dealing with her may not be a pleasant process." The orangutan's furry mouth pressed against Deathstroke's ear, and he whispered quickly and quietly. The ground warned again.

Su Ming memorized the coordinates condensed by the fairy using lake water, and nodded:

"Don't worry, Morgan likes Ron. To translate, he is a green-skinned and capable man. I know it well. Let's go."

To be continued

Chapter 4403 Clouds move in all directions

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