The Death Knell

Chapter 4403 Locked the door

The red strange boxes are floating in the sky like stars, connected with each other by dark red light. These energy are supplied by the fire pit not far away, and above the fire pit is suspended the familiar sum, which seems to have two faint The figure beats the golden outer wall in it.

Since no one had much appetite, the adjutant just used a drone to deliver some tea. The faint scent of tea floated in this dim and technological space, but it was difficult to get into the mood for tea.

"The name Kyle Mossa always feels a bit familiar to me." Wally frowned and thought, but couldn't remember when he had heard of it. He scratched the back of his head hard: "Slade, can you give me some?" Any hints?"

"My information comes from the mind of Lao Liu. It is not comprehensive and may not be correct. It is the story that the survivors once told other members of "our lord"."

Su Ming first said that he could not guarantee the accuracy of the information, and then briefly told everyone about the survivors.

Kellssa is not a person from Multiverse 1. He lives in another unknown multiverse, an ordinary single world.

There, he was a superhero and a respected scientist, until one day his world was destroyed.

"that's all?"

Wally was still waiting to hear what was going on, but after Deathstroke said that the survivors' hometown was gone, he lit a cigarette and smoked it, and also looked back with his one eye.



After the two looked at each other for a while, the second generation suddenly realized that this was the information Deathstroke had read from the mind of another Deathstroke!

Fortunately, I was not running now, otherwise I would have fallen down.

"Please understand me, the symbiote's memory reading is not omnipotent. "My lord, those people inside are still crazy and intrigues among each other. How can they tell others their origin story clearly?"

Faced with this situation, Su Ming laughed to himself. Among a group of super villains, don't expect them to dig into each other's hearts when interacting with each other, except for the physical side.

"How about we go check Zeus?" Donna put forward her own point of view, playing with her lasso in her hand: "After all, we all know Zeus's past deeds. There is no intelligence blind spot. As long as we find him, we can kill him. If he is dead, maybe we can also seek help from the Titans."

As a weapon made by the Titans, Donna was obviously very interested in killing Zeus, and she kept rubbing her fingers.

It is currently uncertain whether Zeus took the initiative to join "My Lord", or whether he was impersonated by the clay-faced plasma robot and joined "My Lord", but it is similar. He must be on the earth, and relatively speaking, it is relatively easy to find.

He kidnapped Queen Hippolyta, but Diana is still there. Now he just needs to get some of his sister's blood and find a reliable magician. It is very possible to find the queen's location through blood connections.

Of course, it might be a trap, but with Deathstroke around, Donna was confident that she could follow him and eliminate any trap.

“I think we should still investigate the ‘blank’ because we don’t know anything about it, which is cool. "Shazam lowered his head and played with his mobile phone, but he also gave his own opinions. The fluorescence of the screen slightly illuminated his face in the dark Sepurk environment.

The face of an adult strong man showed the innocence of a child, and he really looked mentally retarded.

But it's good. Having Shazam in the team has this advantage that most people don't notice, that is - he can always help you eliminate a wrong answer first.

The Dark Supreme Mage silently gave thirty-two likes to "Locked Wisdom" and then made a decision:

"Let's get rid of that Zeus first, or the impostor wearing Zeus's face, whatever."

"I understand, this is the reason why you don't take Xiao Dai with you. She should really stay away from family disputes." *** squatted on Deathstroke's shoulder, took out the pipe and took a puff: "Well, Donna's plan sounds like It’s quite feasible, how about we go find Madam Xanadu?”

Mrs. Xanadu is the best fortune teller on earth, and she is also very good at searching for people. As long as she is given Xiao Dai's blood, there is a high probability that she will be able to find clues.

(This chapter is not finished yet!)

Chapter 4402 Locked the door

"Don't ask for Muni, she is a riddler." Su Ming gestured to the adjutant who was busy not far away, asking her to get some of Diana's blood: "The last time I asked Madam Xanadu for divination, she gave me a bunch of Riddle, the answer is all guesswork, let’s go find Morgan Le Fay.”

"The eldest of the three sisters, the Demon Queen of Camelot, is fine too."

The old chain-smoking orangutan thought for a while and decided that it was okay, so he started moving his monkey head up and down.

The queen is not an easy person to talk to, but it depends on who goes to talk to her. Deathstroke is obviously no problem.

At this time, the deputy also brought the heroine's blood that the Sheriff asked for, and it was still warm. Diana was knocked down by Wade with a smelly sock, and she is still having nightmares.

Before the blood clots, it's best to find everyone's favorite mage.

After pinching the cigarette butt and putting it away, Su Ming put away the test tube containing blood. He patted the orangutan on the back: "Then let's set off. Open the door. Let's go to the kingdom of Maya and ask the fairy in the lake first. Vivian, she should know where her eldest sister is."

"Hey, how's it going? Is it fun?"

Harley smiled coquettishly, holding Xia Kaila in her arms, holding a wine bottle and blowing on each other.

She was leading her cousin's team of killers to play street bowling in Gotham. To put it simply, she first bought a heavy truck and then used it to hit her target. In this case, it was the final one. Members of the 52nd Coalition Army.

This is a common long-distance container truck in the United States. The container is useless and thrown away. Only the front end of the truck with a long nose was stolen.

Ghostface was driving, Deadpool was sitting in the middle of the front seat, next to his wife Queen Xia Kela, and Harley was leaning against the passenger door window.

The other five murderers were all crowded on the driver's bed in the back seat. The owner of this car didn't know how long it had been since he changed the sheets, and there were patches of black oil stains on them.

With big guys like Mike and Jason, the back row was a bit crowded, and everyone was hunching their necks and shrugging their shoulders.

But that's not important. As long as someone kills someone, the murderers don't have any other needs. Even if they are allowed to ride in a dung cart pulled by a donkey, they will be just as happy.

The acid rain was still falling, and even the rain became heavier. The huge car didn't even turn on its headlights, and drifted like a ghost across the water-filled road, leaving behind black waves.

Compared to Diana, Harley is undoubtedly more suitable as a guide. Although she has been away from Gotham for a while, after all, her connections in old Gotham will not be lost. If she wants to hunt down foreign invaders, she does not need nails. To cast a spell, all it takes is a few phone calls from her.

Ask the person on the other end of the phone if they've ever seen someone they know act strangely, like growing a few extra arms or having a completely different personality.

She quickly led Wade to kill several targets. The gang's crime was accompanied by a car crash, leaving puddles of meat on the streets of Gotham on a rainy night, which made her feel better and better.

"Well, it's just that PG-13 might be a bit difficult, in my opinion, for this episode."

Deadpool, who said the reverse sentence, was sitting in the cab. He was not driving, so he had time to chat with his sister-in-law:

"But I thought about it. Instead of pursuing the unlikely PG13 rating, it might be better to relax my standards and win the love of NC17-level audiences. Maybe it will be more conducive to my popularity. What do you think? Ah, having said that, using a dump truck Killing people, Oye~~~~ It is indeed a good weapon. I was so moved that my insoles were wet.

"Hehe! Let me tell you, I often hit Batman with my car back then, so this must have increased my fans."

With eyes wide open, Harley stretched her head out of the car window, looked at the burning figure in the sky, and then retracted smoothly:

"Well, it's not a big problem. Judgment Day has no plan to blow up the earth for the time being. He just wants to kill Constantine. We have plenty of buddies who have time to drive. Please turn on the wipers and open your eyes. , You can’t do it without looking at the road, hee hee.”

Ghost Face let out a string of laughter and pointed at his skull mask. The two black lumps were just sunglasses, but they actually had their eyes open.

It’s just that the road is a bit dark at night, but the darker, the better! It’s fun and exciting!

Chapter 4402 Locked the door

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