The Death Knell

Chapter 4402 Spreading both hands

Su Ming had often wandered around the universe before and had seen many stars of various colors, but this seemed to be his first time acting on a planet illuminated by red stars.

It has to be said that the red sun coats everything in the world with a dull red film. It seems that everyone is bathed in blood, which looks quite touching.

"Wade is very discerning. Red and black are really a perfect match." Looking at the black sea with red flashes, Su Ming rubbed ***'s head, walked to the side and started to pick off Lao Liu's equipment: "Okay, after I finish opening the treasure box, we will go to the next stop, and you guys have something to eat first.

Just as he was talking, the headless corpse of Lao Liu made a clicking sound under Su Ming's hands.

The Tears of Death caused the mummy to lose moisture and become as crispy as fried fish. While peeling off his armor, I accidentally crushed the sternum.

Some internal organ fragments and powder were squeezed by the airflow and sprayed out from the port on the neck, a bit like paper fireworks commonly used at weddings.

"Uh, forget it, I'll wait for you over there. I don't have much appetite now."

The orangutan pointed to the side with its furry paw, then kept patting its clothes, and walked away quickly, shrinking its neck and shivering, as if there were bugs crawling on its body.

There is no way, after all, bar owners are in the catering industry. Not to mention being very clean, but at least the hygiene level is better than that of Asan's catering industry.


Seeing the host constantly groping for his other self, taking away all the small props that he read in his memory, Strangler couldn't help but sigh.

It felt that Lao Liu was not an absolute bad guy, but bad luck drove him into a lunatic.

But Strangler has a question. Since Lao Liu has been secretly paying attention to the host's existence, hasn't he ever thought of asking the host for help?

He and the host were originally the same person, so logically they were the closest to each other. If he could be found, his illness might still be cured.

"I don't know when he discovered me, at least I just discovered him. It seems that Dr. Manhattan only merged the personality in my body, but the different-time homotopic was regarded by him as an independent individual. Am I right? Knowing that Lan Da Diao's logic is different from ordinary people's, it is simply not credible.

Su Ming, who smiled bitterly, took out a magic book from the dead body's carrying equipment. Just after looking at the cover, he stuffed it into his pocket with a bit of disgust and continued:

"Similarly, it's the same with Lao Liu. You know it's "reasonable", but I can't even say what kind of train of thought I would have if I went crazy."


Strangler said that the current situation is similar, and the host looks like a mental illness to many people.

Moreover, there may be another self on the timeline. Isn't this a possibility that the host has already planned? So after killing the other self today, the host is still calm.

"Ah, because I don't want to be 'shocked' or 'shocked' all the time. Don't you think that's too exaggerated? So I can only prepare more plans and make sure I'm mentally prepared to face any situation. "

Su Ming, who was communicating silently, tapped the bean sprouts with his knuckles, stood up with his knees up, and took out a few white phosphorus incendiary bombs from his pocket:

"Speaking of which, no one really believes in this sixth man. You see, he has taken a completely different path, blindly pursuing the idea of ​​'bringing great power to himself.' The result is that after his body collapses, he doesn't even have any tools to make a comeback." . In addition, if he had been healthier, he might have performed better if he had increased the intensity of his illusion and affected all of us, instead of using his remaining strength to deal with just me. "


The little black bean sprouts swayed as if they were dancing with water plants. It meant that other props didn't matter. The key was that Lao Liu didn't have a symbiote.

To be precise, a symbiote who is as cute and smart as himself.

"Those things he has experienced in the past, I feel sick to my stomach when I think about it. It cannot be compensated by any props or abilities. It doesn't matter if it is unfair fate or bad luck, but the super time flow is so weird and unpredictable. , the result is that he is dead and I am alive. I obtained his memory through you, and now I just feel, how should I put it, in fantasy terms, like I have lived another life."

"嘤嘤嘤(This chapter is not finished yet!)

Chapter 4401 Spreading both hands


The symbiote laughed, and it also learned something from Lao Liu.

But it also pointed out that if Rao did not exist, then who made the layout of heaven and the body of God? Anyway, it was not Lao Liu.

"Who knows, it's most likely the remnant's method." My lord, "This group of people are fighting on their own, and the alliance is looser than a gorilla's belt. Don't expect them to know the specific actions of their teammates."

In this way, while communicating silently with Strangler, Su Ming used the Force to work, and a huge rock rose up from the black sea. It was an isolated peak with a flat footing on the top.

He grabbed Lao Liu's headless body and threw it on the platform. Su Ming threw an incendiary bomb again and watched the body burn like firewood with a bang. He patted the non-existent dust on his hands and greeted with a smile. Teammate said:

"Guys, the air humidity in New Nitrogen Star is a bit high now. Come over and warm yourself by the fire. Do you want to roast marshmallows? There is still some residual energy in Lao Liu's body, which is quite resistant to burning."

He said this sincerely. After all, he had to watch Lao Liu disappear into ashes before he could rest assured. Although it was a headless mummy, what if someone used it to make clones?

So, while you are waiting for the sixth child to burn, you are just idle. Why not let your other self shine for the last time?

But obviously, the anti-hero level of his teammates was not as high as his, and they declined with various excuses, not wanting to eat something roasted with mummified corpses.

The Van Zee bionic man arrived, and he was loaded with programs by the adjutant such as colonial management, a cooking encyclopedia of eight major cuisines, a sunshine smile mode, and Trump's speech classes, etc.

With his intervention, the people of Nitrogen quickly realized that they and the Zod family had just misunderstood, and they could finally cooperate with outsiders to save themselves after the flood.

As for when the flood will recede, the yellow sun will turn into a red sun again, this year's food will be wiped out, and other chores on the planet, Su Ming doesn't care, leaving them all to the advanced androids.

Besides, if New Nitrogen Star lacks everything, how can Wilson Enterprises engage in free trade with them?

"Okay, friends, don't think about the way the body curled up in the flames and the smell like grilled sausage pizza."

After saying a cold joke, he clapped his hands and asked the adjutant to teleport everyone back to Sepurk. Deathstroke was going to ask for the opinions of his teammates:

"Now there are four forces left among our masters. Among them, the Justice League and my cousin are the last 52 coalition forces to deal with. We have three targets left to choose from. I will tell you about them next. You can choose which one. good."

"How strange, why did you suddenly become democratic?"

The orangutan looked at Deathstroke with suspicious eyes. Crouching on his shoulder, he even reached out to grab Su Ming's chin, as if to check whether he was disguised.

Su Ming patted off the black fur paws and patted ***'s butt wordlessly:

"I have not been replaced. Don't tempt me. Listen honestly. The three remaining ones are "M", "O" and "Blank". They are the remnant Kellssa (kellssa) in the green robe respectively. Among the Old GODS represented by Zeus, Blank is the most mysterious, with no relevant information at all.

"Didn't Strangler get any information about 'Blank' from the mind of the previous Deathstroke?"

Damian crossed his arms, but his eyes fell on the adjutant floating not far away. It was obvious that he was somewhat interested in the adjutant who had now completely transformed into a human state.

The silver-haired girl is currently playing with the unconscious Hale, seemingly collecting body cells. It seems that she wants to imitate Luther and clone nitrogen planets?

"No, there were several meetings in my memory, but the force representing 'Blank' never appeared. There was only a voice, which sounded neither male nor female. Standard London English came from nowhere. , it may be in their ears, or it may be in their hearts.”

Su Ming, who was asked by the child, spread his hands and told all the information he knew about Blank in one sentence. It was that simple.

Chapter 4401 Spreading both hands

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