The Death Knell

Chapter 4401 Dead memory suddenly attacks

"It's too complicated. Even if you explain it, I still can't understand everything."

Donna showed an expression of admiration. She pursed her lips, looked at Wally and Shazam who also didn't understand clearly, and blinked her big eyes again and asked:

"Where is the real Fanze? And when was he replaced?"

"I can't say for sure. It's possible that he was impersonated by Lao Liu a month ago. It was Lao Liu who brought Huang Taiyang, and he also started playing Rao. He planned to play tricks on the people of Krypton."

Su Ming, who finished drinking the soda while talking, put away the bottle. He watched the adjutant teleporting the troops into New Krypton and said with a smile:

"But it's also possible that Fanze created Huang Taiyang, and he pretended to be Rao, and Lao Liu just came here a few days ago and picked up a ready-made one."

"Create a yellow sun? How did you do it?"

Donna put away her sword and shield and asked in a low voice. Even though she knew that all Kryptonians were now bathed in the red sun and lost their superpowers, she still kept her voice low.

"It's not difficult to say, at least the theory is not complicated. A star is a plasma nuclear reactor. When the fuel is almost exhausted and the chain reaction enters the final stage, causing the temperature and radiation to decrease, you only need to add fuel."

Damian, who was inspecting the headless corpse, interrupted at this time. He was searching for props on the corpse like a little adult, but his mood could not be said to be that good.

"For example, injecting nuclear materials into the red sun. Have you seen the movie "Solar Catastrophe"? That is to use a nuclear bomb to re-ignite the red sun and turn it into a yellow sun."

He came here to help his father, Deathstroke, but he couldn't do anything. He still relied on this dark man to turn the tide.

In fact, he didn't even notice anything unusual when the actual battle took place.

But he won't regret after the battle like Shazam. He just keeps today's mistakes in mind to ensure that he won't make the same mistakes next time, so it seems that the boy still has the same poker face as always.

"What will happen to these Kryptonians below?" Wally was more concerned about the future.

It was okay when they had superpowers, but now these people are exposed to the red sun and have all turned into ordinary people. They are all shivering in the black ocean. It is estimated that before long, some people will sink due to exhaustion of physical strength.

The adjutant sent a cannon fodder army of bionic humans. At this time, these expressionless tools were fishing for people everywhere in assault boats. However, it was obvious that the rescued people were not very willing to cooperate, and they were even somewhat hostile to outsiders.

"It's okay. The Kryptonians hate us because they regard us as the murderers of Fanze." Su Ming took a puff of cigarette calmly and smiled slightly: "I just give them a living Fanze."

As soon as he said this, the adjutant knew what to do, but since no one present had ever seen Fanze, he needed at least a look before she could take the mold.

Su Ming also knew this, so he took out the "treasure box", which was Lao Liu's head.

A black and yellow half helmet covered his head, with a blood-stained spine attached to it. It looked pretty good.

But his fondness for the enemy's corpse was soon diluted, because Su Ming opened the opponent's visor and saw the true face of Lao Liu.

Although this person looks like a tuberculosis ghost at first glance, with deep-set and black eye sockets, cheeks that are so thin that they are out of shape, and most of his hair has fallen out, it can still be seen that the sixth child's appearance when healthy should be similar to that of Su Ming They looked exactly the same in their previous lives.


Strangler was a little hesitant. Others didn't know what the host looked like in his previous life, but he knew it. Now the host asked him to eat the head and explore the memory about Fanze, but he couldn't stop talking.

"I see, no wonder he got mixed up with "my lord." "

Su Ming nodded, looked at the head in his hand, and sighed.

"How do you say this?" *** also took a look at the crowd of people who were looking at each other, and finally saw an ordinary Asian face, so he asked doubtfully, "Do you know this person before?"

"Oh, that's right." Su Ming did not answer directly. He laughed: "This death knell joined my master, but he is actually using those people. His goals are different from those of the gang. He wants my body. Used to borrow corpses to bring back souls.”

Lao Liu is a mage, and the magic he uses is unknown (this chapter is not finished yet!)

Chapter 4400 Dead memory suddenly attacks

Which sect Tao belongs to, but it is most likely related to the ancients. I have seen it before. The space magic he attacked unexpectedly had teeth. It was so evil.

The spells of the Old Ones are known for their unpredictable costs.

Even if Lao Liu didn't come to fight against Su Ming, he himself wouldn't live much longer. The comprehensive decay of his internal organs was to the point where even the self-healing ability couldn't be saved. He came here to do his best.

"Is it another dark magic skill?" The orangutan was a little numb, and he understood it instantly after hearing this statement.

"Who knows, I'm not a spell caster. I strangled and ate this head." Su Ming shrugged, looking completely unconcerned, and let the symbiote move its mouth.

Douya twisted and looked at the host with its crescent eyes. He sighed, but finally bit it, and then a lot of memories poured into the host's mind.

Those memories were so huge and so similar, only darker and more painful. Su Ming couldn't help but frown. This Lao Liu who looked exactly like his previous life was really another version of himself.

It’s just that he was hit by Barry and landed on Earth minus 11, while Lao Liu was another time body that was knocked out of the time stream. He was Su Ming on another timeline and landed on another dark single. In the body universe.

Compared to his luckier self, he had nothing. In order to survive until today, he simply gave up everything he could sacrifice.

The ancient ones lurking in the nightmare gave him strength, but he went to the other extreme and was contaminated with too many unspeakable things, which ultimately destroyed his own foundation.

His goal was indeed to seize Su Ming's body. He wanted to replace himself as a hero, and he wanted to replace Su Ming, who was living a good life.

Lao Liu also wants to act with the Justice League and play with Batman and Damian. He has even thought about how to seamlessly connect Su Ming's scene next.

It's a pity that in the end it was still a bad move.

As expected, the most interesting thing is fighting against oneself, because they are the same person, and their memories have many similarities, and there is nothing interesting about them. It's just that the sixth child used Su Ming's time for business and leisure to suffer all kinds of torture.

Well, in this way, he seemed to be suffering from the beginning to the end. Su Ming even wondered if having him in this other timeline took away all the bad luck.

"Okay, I already know what Fanze looks like. Adjutant, you can let the production line start the mold."

Death Knell, who suddenly laughed, knocked on his temple and uploaded part of his memory. He had no feelings at all about the other-time fellow who killed him:

"As for the real Fanze, he was sent to the Sunless Sea by Lao Liu. He may have become friends with the giant murderer? Anyway, whoever wants to go to him can go, and I won't go."

*** also spread his paws, shrugged, and scanned the faces of his teammates with his sneaky black eyes:

"I think the Kryptonians should solve their own problems, what do you think?"

If Clark wants to look for it then, just tell him the place. The orangutan will definitely not go there anyway. Giant ferocious beasts and the like are too scary...

That's it for today, the mission on New Krypton is over, find the next starting point, and then have a drink of wine on the way to relieve fatigue.

Chapter 4400 Dead memory suddenly attacks

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