The Death Knell

Chapter 4400 Double Layer Strategy

"First of all, one thing must be made clear, a premise, that is, Rao does not exist."

Su Ming's first words surprised his teammates. The orangutan frowned and took two steps on the flying carpet, but he couldn't figure out how Deathstroke made such a judgment.

"Why do you say that? Slade."

"It's very simple. We have known before that Van Zee is a cousin of the Al family, and the Al family is a famous family of magic sticks on Krypton. Almost all generations have respected Rao extremely. They always speak Rao when they open or close their mouths. above."

Putting down the soda and taking a puff of cigarette, Su Ming silently gave the order to the adjutant through strangulation, asking him to send bionic people over to maintain order. The red sun has caused the people of Krypton to lose their superpowers:

"Knowing this, then Van Ze, as the supreme leader of New Krypton, is also equivalent to serving as Rao's high priest. His disappearance case can be explained. If Rao really exists and has joined our Lord, As a powerful Kryptonian god, would he allow a human like Deathstroke to use Fanze as a pawn?"

Su Ming began to quickly explain his findings, judgments, and calculations with Lao Liu Deathstroke.

There is indeed a possibility that Fan Ze will be lent to humans as a pawn by Rao, but it is very slim, because God will not listen to other people's plans, he will only 'have already arranged everything.

Then there is another explanation for Lao Liu kidnapping Fan Ze in the office.

That is, in the past few days, someone has been impersonating Rao and using this method to maintain order on New Krypton. Fanze is aware of this matter, and it is most likely that he acted it out.

I have also learned before that there is a no-fly order in Kandor City.

If it was really Rao who brought the Yellow Sun, then he must also know the effect of the Yellow Sun, which would allow every Nitrogen to fly.

This means that he wants everyone to fly, because it is obviously more efficient, no matter what.

However, Fanze, as a contemporary magician, issued a no-fly order in the city. This is to confront Rao. What benefits can it bring?

There is no benefit other than keeping everyone on the ground for easier management.

It was this point that gave Su Ming a bold idea, that is, Bald Rao was dead long ago, and Fanze used his name in order to confirm his authority in both politics and religion.

Don't forget that the people of Kandor City originally wanted Kal-El to be the consul. Fanze was just a spare tire. Now that the spare tire is in the position, his heart is still filled with a sense of crisis and feels that he is not worthy.

The better Superman does and the more upright he is, the more frightened Fanze becomes.

At this time, one of the best methods is to bring out the god Rao and play the theocracy with the divine right of kings.

But perhaps by chance, Deathstroke Lao Liu discovered this. He realized that there was no such person as Rao. The bald Rao might have been killed by the Devastator and the Dark Knights half a year ago.

But he didn't expose it, because he also planned to use this as a layout and use New Krypton as a trap to target Su Ming's other self.

Because he knew that the threat of the Nitrogens was well known, and he also expected that if Su Ming found out that Rao was among them, he would definitely come to New Krypton to investigate, and then he would have the opportunity to implement his plan.

Perhaps the total annihilation of the Yongjia tribe is also part of Lao Liu's plan. Those pink-skinned aliens are actually messengers who need to donate their brains.

So the real situation should be like this.

Among our lords, the sixth death knell occupies a quota. After he captured and imprisoned Fan Ze, he used magic to create the real Rao, came here, applied for another quota, and then performed the double act there every day.

This feeling is a bit like Six Path Payne using the corpse of his friend to pretend to be a multi-person group.

What happened next was just like what Lao Liu had planned. Su Ming met "my lord" and followed the clues to New Krypton, and also walked into the bait trap in Fanze's office.

Everyone saw blood in the office and found the residue of kryptonite radiation. Together with the testimony of the security guard downstairs, they assumed that Fen Ze had just disappeared not long ago.

But in fact, Su Ming estimated that Lao Liu should have captured Fan Ze and locked him up for a few days. Today, he just drained some blood and threw it in the office as bait. During this time, Krypton (this chapter is not finished yet!)

Chapter 4399 Double Layer Plan

The consuls people saw were all Lao Liu in disguise.

Lao Liu, who was hiding in the dark, detonated the bomb and launched the first attack, attracting Haer to distract Su Ming.

Haer was defeated, but all his clones should be trapped in the timeline. He appeared here. There was already a problem. Maybe his so-called brother, Tai Aier? was pretended by Lao Liu, or was pretended to be by Lao Liu. Control the brainwashed puppet.

In short, before the battle between Dong Lu and Haier, Lao Liu first used magic to block the former's communication channels with the outside world. Then during the battle, he used magic to shoot a black gun, and then dispelled these means.

In this way, Dong Lu and his party will be misled, making them think that Lao Liu escaped with one blow because he failed in the assassination.

Because after entering Krypton, he must avoid the super hearing of all Kryptonians, Su Ming will communicate by strangulating and linking everyone's hearing. He has used this trick before, and it is considered to be encrypted communication.

But this is the opportunity Lao Liu needs.

Su Ming had very strict mental protection, but when he took the initiative to use physical connections to connect to other people's brains and thoughts, that was when his defense was at its weakest.

Lao Liu is a mage. In addition to space magic, he is also good at spiritual attacks. He should have ambushed his spiritual power in Shazam's mind. When Su Ming communicated with Shazam through strangulation, he suddenly took action.

Therefore, Su Ming fell under the illusion and saw the sun turning into a human being, Rao attacked everyone, and then acted mentally retarded in the battle.

But before starting this second battle, Su Ming had actually noticed something was wrong, because everyone in the team was urging him to find a solution.

You know, *** and Damian would not talk like that.

Fortunately, ever since he entered New Krypton and used Rao as his imaginary enemy, he had been prepared to deal with narrative-level peeping.

The method is very simple, which is to use the cells of the symbiote to replace your own brain thinking, because the host and the symbiote are always one.

What Strangler is thinking is actually what the host is thinking. It is also equivalent to a second personality that coexists with the body.

On the one hand, Su Ming was playing a script against Rao in his own mind, staying on the first floor step by step to guard against possible story peeping, such as a blind man opening the Book of Destiny or something.

On the other hand, in Strangler, an organism that has no brain at all but uses body cells to think, he made a lot of backup plans and went directly to the fifth level of thinking, just waiting to adapt to changes.

Needless to say, the process of the battle, but because of the battle with Rao, there was a problem with the plan of the illusion that Lao Liu sent into Su Ming's mind.

The problem is that Su Ming's teammates were not under the illusion. Donna was wearing a Titan crown, Damian and the orangutan had X metal patches on the backs of their heads, and Wally's brain was spinning too fast after sitting in the Mobius chair.

Therefore, Lao Liu's time is very limited. Although Su Ming is trapped in the illusion of psychic magic, he may be awakened by his teammates at any time. Don't doubt whether Robin King has such a prop in his belt.

Therefore, in the illusion, Lao Liu must speed up the drama so that Rao will die quickly. Even if the situation becomes too clever, he must seize the time.

The so-called return to zero plan is true, but it should not be Rao's plan, but another member of "My Lord," who was mentioned just to make the illusion more believable.

There should be some clues here, and they still need to be studied and judged.

In short, after Rao inhaled and committed suicide in the illusion, Lao Liu pretended to be Su Ming's teammate and approached him immediately, intending to kill Su Ming when Su Ming was confused by the serious discrepancy between Rao's reputation and combat effectiveness and fell into doubt. He suddenly completed teleportation in the material world and launched a fatal blow at close range.

But he didn't expect that Su Ming was a level higher than him. From the beginning, he was acting and hiding from the observation of the narrative level. He was paralyzed.

At the critical moment, he used strangulation to bite off his own tongue, used pain to drive himself out of mind control, and successfully completed the counterattack.

As for being hit by the Tears of Destruction, Lao Liu, who was half-dead, still wanted an answer. Su Ming never gave others a chance to fight back. How many villains died from talking too much, but they were not dead. What was there to say?

Wouldn't it be nice to just pull out the head, arrange a soul-crushing package with Death, and then slowly explain it to your teammates?

Chapter 4399 Double Layer Plan

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